Walmart Ammo

Walmart ammo is fine. -- so is Cabela's ammo. For years I've bought the least expensive gasoline and least expensive ammo. With few excepions it all burns just fine. Booooom ! No biggie !
.02. David. :D
I don't believe I've eve bought ammo at Cabelas. I've never found their prices to be competitive to what I can pay at a number of other outlets.
I have purchased many flats of their Herter's shotgun ammo when it was:
A) on sale,
B) had a free shipping code,
C) I had points to use

I still do not have a cabela's in my state, but I DO have a BASS Pro, and as a result, now I get charged sales tax upfront. There are just too many better alternatives unless they are running a great sale.
ow I have noticed the same brand is sold at both stores but Walmart is $5-$6 less.
Cabela's has 82 stores....Walmart has 11,718. Walmart has enormous buying power and is able to leverage volume discounts that smaller stores and chains just can't touch.
Go to Walmart when you're not picky about the ammo you shoot and it's a common caliber. Go to Cabela's when you're looking for a specific brand and bullet and you need it today, or it's a less common caliber. Or it's on sale, they do have good sales every now and then.
I don’t buy online because I don’t believe in Credit cards.

the nearest Cabela’s is 90 miles, Walmart is 20 miles and cheaper than anything local so that’s where I get my practice ammo.

The 2 LGS I used to shop at have closed.

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I'm no fan of Walmart, but somehow they manage to get $100+ a week of my money. :o Anyhow, I buy ammo there on occasion. Most of my shooting is done with my reloads, or rimfire bought by the case over the internet. As far as I know, and I'd bet money I'm right, there is no difference between the box you'd buy at Walmart, the box you pay double for at a big box store, or the box you pay triple for from your local Mom and Pop gun shop. The reason Walmart's is less expensive is because they buy it by the truck load, not by the case as your local gun shop does. Walmart does not sell "seconds" of ammo. Same for the Walmart stores that sell guns. They don't sell "seconds". They buy thousands of guns at a clip, literally a truck load of say, Ruger 10/22 rifles, then distribute the guns themselves between their own stores. Your local gun shop may order 3 maybe 4 Ruger 10/22s at a time, and have to pay more per gun than Walmart does.
Buying online during a sale and getting free shipping means you won't have to wait around for 15 mins for someone to open the case and you won't have to pay a 7% sales tax.

I'll buy ammo at Walmart or any other store for that matter if it's something I haven't been able to get online or if I cannot wait more than a few days to get the ammo in because last minute made plans make that hard to do.

BTW, what part of NW Indiana?
Respected brands like Winchester, Remington, etc., are not going to put their name on a sub-standard product. If it was a house brand like "Great Value", then I might be leery, but even then, Wally Worlds house brands are okay.
East Chicago.

There is a mom and pop shop but more for what I need. So don't buy there. Bass Pro near me but same, still have some driving compared to Walmart/Cabelas. Usually stop at Bass Pro when near that area.

Do agree as if need it now, one has no choice but to pay for it. I have learned the hard way to where now I have a couple of boxes in handy to try and avoid this.
.22 rimfire ammo

My local Walmart carries ammunition and firearms. Finding .22 rimfire is a hit or miss (mostly miss) situation with limited selection. The Cabela's store is 60 miles away, 10 times the distance to Walmart, and always has a good assortment of .22 rimfire in stock at prices similar to Walmart. Greatest drawback to Cabela's is driving time and distance but that is offset by price and selection.

During the .22 buying panic a few years ago there were very few shops that had .22 ammo at normal prices. Worst offenders were sellers at gun shows selling .22 ammo at greater than 100% markup.
As others have said, nothing wrong with wal mart ammo. I do not believe that they do this with ammo, but I know there are some specific items that are made cheaper by companies just to fulfill Walmart's very large order. For example, widget X is sold at Walmart, Kohls, and dozens of other stores. Walmart order 200,000 units of widget X, but only wants to pay a price well below wholesale. The manufacturer of widget X wants that contract, but wants a profit margin more than 2%. A cheaper material/method of manufacture is created for the Wal Mart order. In other words, corners are cut. Sometimes this has no real effect on the quality of widget X... sometimes it does. This cheaper model usually is the norm for all retailers in the future, but stores that do less volume than Wal Mart may have the older (more expensive to make and maybe better quality) widget X in stock for quite some time.

And I am not a fan of some of Wal-Mart's practices either. I shop there, but I try to limit the money I give them. I prefer to go outside the "big box" retailers if I can help it.