Walking for exercise - safely


New member
Having retired I'm doing daily walks. When I still had a dog I used to carry a walking stick with me on our walks to fend off the neighborhood dogs that came out to dispute our passage.

I don't have a dog now but still use the walking stick out of habit. A 5ft stick is a nice thing to keep argumentative people & dogs away. Cheap, legal almost anywhere, and it gives me another option than just my CCW. Unlike pepper spray, I don't have to think about which way the wind is blowing, and since the stick is in my hand reaction time is very quick.

Another thread made me think about defence against cars. I “think” that stepping out of the roadway and holding the stick out horizontal with their windshield is very quick and “may” cause them to not drive into the stick with their windshield. Also a lot easier to justify to any PD that respond asking questions.
Do you really want to get into an argument with a two ton car?
Doubt if that stick will make much of an impression.
The true meaning of "knock down power" would become very clear.
How about just waiting out of harms way until the cars have all passed?
"Gee dear, was that a pothole we just hit?"
"I was busy texting and didn't notice."

As for the stick and neighborhood dogs, the dogs around here would figure you were going to throw it so they could chase it.
Not every mutt that comes running at you is full of malice.
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Holding the stick out horizontal with their windshield will be very, very painful if it hits that moving ton plus vehicle while connected to your hand. Worse that you'd be less than 5 feet from said moving ton plus vehicle with an assumed loonie controlling it. Said loonie can change direction far more easily and faster than you can get out of the way. In a peeing contest between you and a moving ton plus vehicle, you'll lose every time.
You cannot tangle with a vehicle with a stick. Any more than you can stop one with ANY firearm.
"...fend off the neighborhood dogs..." Dog biscuits work way better than anything else.
OP, I'm not being sarcastic but please seek professional help before your stick vs. car mentality gets you killed or imprisoned.

there are simply too many places to walk for exercise where cars and dogs are not a general issue.
If you poke a moving vehicle with a wooden stick its not only going to hurt, but you may think your stick exploded and impaled you with wooden shrapnel. Personally when I walk or run I yield to heavy moving objects that will splat me like a bug on a windshield.
There is nothing wrong with carrying a walking stick; it will be good for dogs, snakes, other small animals, and it may conceivably be a deterrent against misbehavior by two-leggers.

There just is no defense against cars except awareness, avoidance, and safe practices, though.
Another thread made me think about defence against cars. I “think” that stepping out of the roadway and holding the stick out horizontal with their windshield is very quick and “may” cause them to not drive into the stick with their windshield. Also a lot easier to justify to any PD that respond asking questions.

Another thread made me think about defence against cars. I “think” that stepping out of the roadway and holding the stick out horizontal with their windshield is very quick and “may” cause them to not drive into the stick with their windshield. Also a lot easier to justify to any PD that respond asking questions.

Sorry but why are you going to attack a car again?
For the Nay Sayers...

... I think you might be missing the OP's idea. Get the mental picture of walking toward on coming traffic and some situation develops such that one feels the need to protect oneself from oncoming vehicle. A horizontally held stick just might cause the driver to swerve away...I know I try to "dodge" stuff which approaches my face at a rapid rate... instinctively.

Problem 1. I can't imagine a situation where all these stars and planets align in such a way that this scenario would occur. If someone is attacking you with a car, you don't want to be in stick distance. Throw the stick? Maybe? Hold the stick? Not a good idea.

Problem 2. You cause the driver to swerve...and they wreck or run over someone or something. That's when YOU might have problems talking with the PD.

Not bashing stick carry, just saying you need to consider what you bash with the stick.
OP, what were you thinking? Everyone knows this is a "gun board", and the only possible solution to ALL problems, is a gun. ;)

We wont even go near the exercise thing. :p :D
I think carrying a walking stick while hiking is a good idea. You can move a snake out of the way or kill it, if needed. You can ward off aggressive dogs. You can use it as an emergency crutch and as a general walking aid.

I've been running five miles twice weekly up hills for 14 years and always carry a five foot rattan stick held horizontally in my right hand. When held this way the stick extends about a foot out to my right side. I have been forced off the road-shoulder six times by drivers who were texting or phoning and not paying attention to their driving. One was a Homeland Security truck. In most of these cases my stick has made hard contact with their car and scraped the side of the car. None of these drivers has stopped to apologize or complain about their car being scraped as they were being negligent while driving. I don't intentionally whack their car with my stick. Most of the time drivers will give me a reasonably wide clearance only because they do not want to scrape their car. I usually wave a "thanks" for those who make the extra effort to give me clearance. Usually they wave back. Without the stick many drivers have no problem in brushing as close to you as possible.

I've also been attacked by street dogs 26 times (not barking but actual rushes at my ankles) and the stick has done well in fending them off. Now they bark at a distance but give me a wide clearance.

So yes a stick with a good reach is helpful in dog and car defense if you are forced to exercise in areas where they are a danger.

best wishes- oldandslow
I can tell by the tone of several responses that my “neighborhood” is not their neighborhood.

Mine: suburban residential – no sidewalks. Max car speed observed probably a bit above 30 mph. Do they stop for stop signs? Well they slow to 5-20 mph. City data says this village has the lowest unemployment in the state – solid middle class.

As some have said, taking on a 2000 lb vehicle that is intending serious harm cannot be defended except by crew served weapons. I'm talking stupid kids that don't want their car scratched.

Hiking sticks work for several things, it gives another option than just reaching for a gun. But I really do like the idea of dog biscuits, never thought of them since my dog died.
I am retired and now live in El Paso. I walk 5.5 miles with my two rescue dogs 5 times each week. I do carry my Glock 27 and pepper spray with me. The G27 is my EDC when I walk with my dogs. The pepper spray is mostly for dogs or other animals that may want to attack my dogs (it has happened at least six times in the past 5 years).

Before I retired, I hiked 5-10 miles 4-5 times each week in So Cal where I cannot carry. I still had my pepper spray (actually bear spray) and trekking poles. I used the trekking poles not only for hills but also several times to remove rattlesnakes off the trails. Although I never had to use it, I envision use my trekking poles with steel points to create distance for coyotes and even mountain lions.
If confronted with a problem person in a state such as Ca. and you use your stick, you could still be charged with aggravated assault, with the burden of defending yourself in court hanging on your shoulders. No common sense left in their legal systems.
I recently carved me a nice stick out of a very tough local wood and use it occasionally when I'm walking, but just be aware it could be just as easily considered a weapon as a baseball bat, firearm, etc....
Interesting to me.

In college 1978, I had a part time job as a flagman. It was a busy intersection traffic was backed up out of Canton NY both directions due to construction. A car would not stop, so I started whacking the roof of the car with the flag wooden stick. The driver jumped out of the car and offered to put the stick where the sun does not shine. We had a discussion, and finally I said please get back in your car and drive on. When he did everybody watching cheered.



An hour. Later a police officer asked me for ID. I was arrested for damaging the car. The driver was a teacher at t he tech school I attended. I told the police what happened. They charged the driver with failure to comply with an appointed (I do not remember the exact word).

All charges were dropped in both sides.

My stick story.

I ride a bicycle every day weather permitting. I carry a gun for dogs and pepper spray for the owners.

Pepper spray does not always work on dogs. I have drawn on dogs twice. I fired at the dirt in front of a pit bull that was charging me once in my yard. I reported that incident to the dog warden. He never came out for me to sign a report. The dog will not come in my yard any more.


I was just thinking. The gun I used was a Charter Arms Bulldog 44 Special. It left a good furrow right in front of where the dog was.