Waist pack for the bike?

not necessarily my typical loadout(demonstration purposes).







you can see the pocket on the front in the first pic(didnt take a seperate pic of it with contents).
btw-apparently ive been using the velcro straps that hold the pistol in place incorrectly.i thought they were sewn in horizontally,but it looks like you can remove the entire thing and position it vertically to wrap arround the entire pistol and protect the trigger...like a holster inside the pack.
If you're ordering Bagmaster stuff, give my website a try. I discount much of their product, and I only charge actual shipping charges.


Does this thing from the bagmaster website actually work? Any experience with it? Hell of an interesting idea if it would safely contain a ND.

The Safe Direction system is a multi-layered ballistic containment system, designed to be the focus of the muzzle during administrate firearm operations. Safe Direction's unique system completely absorbs and contains an errant bullet, practically eliminating the concerns of liability, injury or property damage should an unintentional discharge occur.