W trying his best to loose my vote. (but has not yet)

Nestor Rivera

New member
I sent this message to G.W.Bush due to his commments in Georgia.

Dear, Gov Bush, I would like to inform you that it is not the governments place
to agree to as you said allow a CITIZEN to own a gun as was reported in the
Washington Post.

To quote you said,

"I believe innocent people, law-abiding citizens, ought to be allowed to own a gun,''

Sir care not what you believe should be allowed, but would hope that you would
uphold the highest law of the land the US Constitution which states ..'the right of the
people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

If it is you believe that it is a 'gift' from the government that we may have in our possession
firearms and not a RIGHT then please say so and I and MANY others will be happy
to cast our votes accordingly.

Nestor A. Rivera III
Life Long Conservative

I still have hope that this is just politcal cover and he does understand the THE People are THE PEOPLE.
Attaboy, Nestor!
Junior has run on smiles long enough. Let's find out if he is the Texan he claims to be or just another Son of a Bush from Kennebunkport.
So in terms of November, 2000, which would you rather have? Somebody who stumbles around trying not to arouse the HCI and media idiots, but who did sign the Right to Carry Bill and the No Lawsuit Bill; or somebody who is eager to disarm you?

We can easily get into a bunch of nitpicking and infighting, and wind up with one of the anti-gun, front-running Democrats. You want that?

Pardon my cynicism, but I'm becoming a single-issue voter, much as I dislike that. I'll take Bush in the primaries, regardless, because I think he's the only one who can win a national vote. There are others whom I might prefer, but if they can't win, they're losers. Second place is a no-pay deal.

I revered Gov. Bush for his implementation of the CCW in Texas. It appears that issue was just his gambit to outmaneuver Ann Richards.

Bush's true colors are now coming to light. He is a gun control advocate. Sweet and simple.
Junior hasn't lost my vote, because he is the only guy who has a chance to win who isn't algore. Until I see George W personally punch the button turning an M1 into scrap I'm gonna believe that he is pro-gun, mostly. After all, he has to mislead the public on his true stand, or how would he get elected? It's not like he'd back down once in office. He is simply using clever Republican electoral tactics to make everyone think he isn't pro-gun; he's so good at it, the pro-gun folks believe it more than the anti-gun folks. Don't be duped!

Georgie and the rest of the Republican party have proven to be staunch advocates of the right to keep and bear arms and deserve our support. Just look at all the pro-gun issues that have flown through congress since '94, and they way they have courageously stood by their principles and constituencies.

We don't have a choice, the Democrats are really much worse than the Republicans, so we have to vote Republican.

George W. Bush--he isn't perfect, but he's a lot more perfect than Gore. Really.
Oh, Ipecac.
"We don't have a choice, the Democrats are really much worse than the Republicans, so we have to vote Republican."

You can't mean that.
The Glock is much better than the Lorcin, therefore we all have to buy Glock?

What about HK, Sig, and all the other options?

You also have options with your vote.

1) The Democrats are NOT much worse than the Republicans. Trent Lott and George W. Bush both have PROMISED us more gun control and MORE "COMPROMISE" with the Democrats.
2) If there are 80,000,000 gun owners in America, if just 60% (48,000,000) voted against gun control, that's more votes than ANY candidate has had in 12 years! We could wipe out all the offensive gun laws on the books!

More realistically, if only 30% of the gun owners voted against gun control, we'd win because it would reduce the votes for both corrupt, major parties.

Please, gun owners of America, don't vote your fears, vote your conscience!

Wipe out gun laws and the I.R.S. in ONE election!
I vote the party of principle- the Libertarian Party of the United States-since 1976.

Richard Nixon educated me about Republicans and I have never voted for another.

Jimmy Carter educated me about Democrats and I have never voted for another.

Really, people, how many times do you have to be kicked in the teeth by Republicans and Democrats before you learn?

I only had to be kicked once by each.
It's still a long time until November '00, but it looks as if Georgie is saying whatever he must to steal a few moderate votes away from the other frontrunners. I already don't trust him because he's not willing to take a stand for the 2nd Amendment--he's trying to please everyone simply to advance himself. How dishonorable can it get?

At one time I was willing to go the "lesser of two evils" route but not this time. Too much ground has been lost in the last 8 years. It's time for some serious change.
Guys, if GW Bush is not the man, then who is? I need a name. I think most of the potential candidates are now known and I think Bush is the only one I can back. Sure, some of his comments have bothered me, but for the time, he is the one. If not, remember, I need a name.
dont bother asking the libertarians for a name, they dont have one, its eaiser to go after your political opponents that way. and if they could win on their merits they would have been winning locally by now. I dont like bush either, I despise gore, and the libertarian party att is a dream.....fubsy.
last time the name was Harry Brown. I find it a wee bit early myself to start worrying about picking a candidate now for elections that won't occur for another year and two months, however, if names are necessary this prematurally try this one: L. Neil Smith. He is unabashedly pro-gun, and has enough spine to call them as he sees them. Tell me with a straight face you can say either of those things about your boy George Jr. BTW, my earlier post in this thread was supposed to be ironic. I guess I'm just too subtle, tho that usually isn't an adjective that folks apply to me ;).

And, fubsy, Libertarians are winning at the local level; heck, we even have a Libertarian on the city council here in my town. Rep. Ron Paul was the Libertarian presidential candidate in 80, I believe, now he is ostensibly a Republican, yet the Republican Party does not support his re-election efforts. Hmmm, now why can that be?

Remember, when you believe the old saw that only the Republican or Democrat can win, you're believing Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings and the rest of their ilk. What was that you were saying about media bias?

"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." Henry St. George Tucker
Okay, fubsy. I'll bite. Ready?

The Republicans don't have a name either! They have about ten!

The Republican convention will determine what the Republican name will be.

And I'll bet we agree it will be George Bush. :D

More seriously, who do you think Bush's running mate will be?
((No "ambush" here, just a question.))
:)Ipeac, Dennis ;),
LOLOLOL, I couldnt resist.
Ipeac, you are the first libertarian that Ive posed that question to who has acknowledged that they know of someone other than ron paul, and its always seemed to me that if your gonna promote something ya least need to know more than the rhetoric. Im always told that we "stellar wins", and its always well who are they...and then its silence...lol....and ive know idea why they wont support him, unless he considered a radical and wont support them---not something I would agree with, but he there were he can make a difference, now hes needs a supporting cast...As far me falling for anything,lol.....youve gotta be kidding, I rarely watch news cast, I rarely watch tv, although on occasion--I generally get so pissed I turn it off or turn the channel...personally if you think the lps can do anything this election your fooling yourself, You cannot think that the press will be positive for the republicans do you?, although I could see them pushing the libertarian position to help the libertarian party at the detriment of the republicans, and then when they can they'll chew em up...

Yea we have about 10, and about 8 of them suck, including the front runner and your states contribution dub ya. I checked my republican decoder ring for secret msgs and found that dub ya is considering another texan for the vp, (although the vp might be a true texan, not by way of keenebunkport, the eastern wing of the texas republican party), After decoding the msg sent to all LOYAL republicans I must confess some distress---dub ya is gonna pick Ron Paul, shhhhhh, its a secret. :)....actually Id kinda like it......fubsy.

If Junior selected Ron Paul as his veep, he'd get my vote in a heartbeat. ;)

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
I've been telling people for over a year that our next president will be George W. Bush, without a single doubt. My personal feelings aside, GWB will win in November 2000 for one and only one reason, he has already been CHOSEN by the establishment elite for the presidency. All this campaigning and horse trading going on right now is nothing but a show, to make the election look legitimate. Your vote one way or the other won't make a bit of difference, not one.

GWB's resume gives this fact away, irregardless of what he's done in Texas with CCW, etc. He's the establishment's poster child, not to mention the son of another NWO idealist. GWB went to prep school, Yale University (member of The Order of Skull and Bones), member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and a member of the Trilateral Commission. He's most likely involved with the Bilderbergers as well. This resume is a dead give away for the establishment's choice.

So get on the party train if you will, join in and root for Georgie, help make this election look real legitimate for the cameras. It's all a farce, a fraud, a fake!

Do you all really think that all that this great country has to offer us for president is George W. Bush or Al Gore? Come now. You say you're a libertarian? When a libertarian fits the above profile (of Bush), he will become our next president, if he doesn't, just look for the guy who does.

Any bets? This horse is a SURE thing!

In a front-page article in the local newspaper last Saturday, Bush Jr. is described as favoring background checks on private sales at gun shows as well as some kind of ban on hi-caps. Obviously, these positions are unacceptable to people who recognize the importance of gun-rights. In fact, I consider banning hi-caps to be either demagogic or just plain stupid.

Meanwhile, I gather from the same newspaper article that the DNC, the anti-gun crusaders, and the anti-self-defense zealots are foaming at the mouth in fury and hysteria over what they consider Bush Jr.'s "soft" position on gun control. IOW, while we pro-gunners are riled at Bush Jr. for his position on gun shows, hi-caps, etc., the anti-gunners are calling him "fanatically pro-gun" and claiming that he's "deep in the pocket of the NRA!"

So is he anti-gun or pro-gun? I don't know. Maybe he's neither: it's typical of Bush Jr. on practically any issue, not just guns, that he'll pick and choose his position almost on a case-by-case basis.

One other thing I think Bush Jr. is *not*: an anti-gun extremist with a hidden gun-banning agenda like Gore and Bradley. So, if Bush Jr. can beat Gore or Bradley, I'll vote for him. If not, I'll vote for whoever can beat them (except I won't vote for Elizabeth Dole). In sum, I guess I'd rather vote for the lesser of the evils than for the greater of the evils!


[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited August 30, 1999).]
Paul Revere,
That perception of being annointed bothers me as well--I wonder if it could be a annointment by consensus instead of a behind the scenes dirty deal. I mean everyone in the media/power structure looks at the canidates and says this guys got a chance, look at his opponents, his fathers contacts for cash, his record etc....and its from that type of knowledge not a nwo move. I agree a lot of what's goin on right now is designed to eliminate competition within the party system and leave the party canidate still viable and with funds to wage a campaign.

I know nothing except the rumors Ive heard over the years of the bildebegers, rothchilds,nwo conspiracys............now that being said, I do believe that the wealthest people in the world do work together and in a somewhat elementary way so do my friends and I, we have our own order--we call ours the redneck riot brigade, and none of us have any money or influence over anyone..........I suppose when you run in rarified circles of wealth those would be the people that you associate with and do things with---the difference is that with wealth you could do grand things that could have huge influences on people. I dont know if thats a conspiracy. Maybe Ive my head in the sand I dont know.

So who is your canidate of choice? What affiliations does he/she have? Can he/she be elected? How will they lead when they get there?
If the nwo has such power and influence how could they let there nwo spokesperson bush sr., lose to clinton-----there must be something Im missing here.....
As far as the next president being like clinton/bush, I think that as to do more with the american people and their propensity to vote for the moderate type of leader,,,,the centrist, the middle of the roader, the safe vote, the one most likely not to effect great and sweeping changes,,,,remember bush sr., was to the left of reagan, and clinton moved to the center of the political spectrum, to get elected, exactly what bush jr. is doing except he is centered.
how's that nwo stuff work?, if ya feel like it explain it to me will ya......tks fubsy.

From about the time of FDR, the "establishment" has had a MAJOR influence on who gets to become president. Clinton got the nod after a secret meeting with the Bilderbergers, alledgedly promising them that he would deliver to them a "socialist state", during his term. You see it isn't necessarily a man's credentials that gets him the nod (although that seems to be the trend), it also has to do with being an errand boy for the NWO clan.

Richard Nixon used to compare himself to Barry Goldwater (a staunch republican) until he won the election. Then he used the office of president as a central point to usurp and corrupt our system for the NWO, the rest is history. But nearing the end of Nixon's 2nd term (before Watergate), his NWO leaders worked together to attempt a change to the 22nd amendment (which limits the president's term to 2 terms), since Nixon was doing such a great job for their cause.

Regardless of how corrupt and sinister all of this seems, all political officials take an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. It is probably true that 99% of these officials fail in that oath on a daily basis. However, until these folks are swearing on something other than a bible, and saying they will protect and defend something other than our Constitution, we still have hope.

I don't have a candidate for president. I thought Bob Smith looked good of those running, but he has as much chance to win as Jesse Jackson. I see our choices as none. Hasn't it become obvious that without the backing of multi-millions of Federal Reserve notes, AND a nod or promisory note from the NWO clan, one doesn't have much of a choice at the presidency.

We can expect George W. Bush to be nothing less than "typical" for that office. Clinton is just a corrupt traitor who cushioned himself with appointed protectors and covered his trail with speechless dead bodies. Bush has a job to do, and it isn't for the American people. Expect your rights to further dwindle, as a stronger "socialist" state evolves, hidden by the acts of a "republican".