VZ-52... any owner / shooters out there ???

seen them listed as 7.5 or 7.62 X 45...

BTW... not my pics, but this is what my rifle looks like...

I had my tool & die buddy build me a jig to make 7.62 X 45 cases out of 220 swift brass... anyone know an easier / cheaper way ???





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I've got a webpage devoted to them.


I sell the reloadable 7.62x45 brass, since you aren't going to find much in the way of original ammo these days. As stated above, .220 Swift parent brass will work, but isn't the easiest to modify. You have to turn off the rim and deepen the extractor groove, plus resize and trim. I use 6.5x54 Mannlicher Schonauer brass, or 6.5 Carcano brass. ;)

WOW... GEW... Dude, I'm impressed... ( now do I sound like a kid ??? )


& yes LEIF... I have a penchant for the "unique"... Honestly, this ones been stored in the vault for a long time... I did have it out just after my father in law's death, & after my buddy told me how to make the cases... shot it just a little bit with new brass cartridges & non corrosive ammo

mines in "good" milsurp condition, no paint,but have no idea how much work my father in law did on the rifle before hand

give me a day or two todigest the website, & see if I have any other questions...
Totally off-topic, but where can these be found? I've seen/read of VZ-52s, they've always piqued my interest simply because of their "oddball" cartridge. I think it'd be a fun rifle. More interesting than a pedestrian 308. :rolleyes:
mines been put away for quite a while..., but I used to see them come up for sale on the big "on line" Milsurp dealers, but I haven't seen one for sale for a long time now...
A gaggle of them got imported in the mid-late 1990s...

Along with cases of the surplus steel-cased 7.62x45 ammo. The guns and ammo have long since dried up.

Some importers saw fit to slather the guns with black texture paint in an effort to hide ugly wood.

Finding a good specimen these days is one of those "being in the right place at the right time" things. If you find one, see if it has the black crinkle paint, and CHECK THE BORE! Corrosive ammo was the norm, and it wreaked havoc on the barrels.

There was also a VZ-52/57 variant that came out just prior to the Czech VZ-58 rifle, and it's chambered in the Soviet 7.62x39 M43 round - obviously a lot easier to keep fed.

Hi, the easiest way I found to eliminate the ammo problem, is to have several thousand rounds of the 7.62X45 safely tucked away. These are really pretty neat weapons, I actually have 3 of them, all in excellent condition. One of them has that brownish-black splatter coating on the stock, but the other two are the original wood finish. I even have a spare, complete barreled receiver/action, that I converted it to 7.62X39, in order to not use up my stash of the 7.62X45 ammo. The rifle is very cool in its original condition, with the built in bayonet, hooded front sight, etc., and not being too heavy to lug around. I just wish I had a source for higher capacity magazines.
I used to have three of them. Two good shooters and one that I rebuilt from a box of junk from Hunters Lodge.

The one I built came with a stock that was in 3 pieces, so I made a new stock for it using an SKS stock that I radically modified. I installed a AK-47 pistol grip and attached the forend and VZ52 bayonet to the SKS stock. I then made a handguard for it from a shotgun handguard. It shot fine, despite the bore being completely corroded. I sold it along with 2000 rounds of ammo a few years ago.

I still have a bunch of magazines for it. I was thinking about cutting a few up and welding them together to make some high caps, but forgot about it. I have 10 VZ 52 mags and a new in the white 762x39 barrel that I would love to sell or trade if anyone's interested.
Totally off-topic, but where can these be found? I've seen/read of VZ-52s, they've always piqued my interest simply because of their "oddball" cartridge.

I see them from time to time at gun shows, along with the occasional boxes of ammo for them. Definitely not out there in abundance, though.
OH I love those guns!! NEver shot one, but handled a couple and they are neat... SOmehow I just get a kick out of them..If it wasn't so difficult to get ammo(Or make your own) I think I would hafta get one ;) Still might.
You can get a chamber adapter that basicall installs with locktite, and that would be OK for range use I guess.
I bought a new barrel chambered for 7.62x39 but never installed it on my rifle before I sold them. I still have the barrel if anyone is interestedin getting it. Installation would involve complete disassembly of the rifle (including gas sleeve and bushing) pressing out the barrel pin, pressing out the old barrel, pressing in the new barrel, headspacing, pressing in the barrel pin, and reassembling the rifle. Nothing an amatuer with the right tools ( a 20 ton press, vise, and some wrenches) couldn't do iin an afternoon.
here are those pictures. I sold all this stuff in the picture for $450 about a year and a half ago

The first picture is the completeded rifle with some spare parts, about 2000 rounds of ammo, and extra mags including a 30 round AK mag that I tried to modify. The 30 round mag locked in place, but I could only load 12 rounds into it because the mag curved too much for the 7.62x45 round.

The second pic shows the ventilated handguard I made, how I shortened the barrel to 16 1/4", and what it looked like when I mated the forend of the VZ52 stock and bayonet to the SKs stock.

The last pic shows how I inlet the VZ 52 forend into the SKS bayonet groove, and then filled the empty spot in the mag well.


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another picture. The rifle handled and shot really well when I was done with it, but I put way too much work into it. I never should have sold it.

This picture shows how I removed the pistol grip portion of the SKS stockand then installed the AK pistol grip in the SKS stock mag opening, to the rear of the VZ 52 receiver. That effectively added about 1 1/2 inch to the the buttstock.

I attached the pistol grip by cutting the head off the 6mm bolt that held the VZ receiver locking lug in place. I then threaded the 6mm headless bolt with a 1/4-20 die and screwed it into a coupling. I screwed the other end onto a 1/4 -20 bolt that I inserted through the AK grip. This securely sandwiched the SKS stock between the locking lug and pistol grip.

I had to make another small filler block on top of the stock behind the receiver to fill the void created by moving the reciever forward. All the wood pieces were joined with marine epoxy and then small brass machine bolts were crFinally, I screwed into predilled holes and their heads were cut off.

Finally I stained it and put on about 5 coats of boiled linseed oil. I had to wait several days between each coat so it would dry.


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Regarding the chamber adapter, I've heard repeated accounts of those going flying on ejection eventually. Good luck finding it when it does!
I just looked at the pictures of the rifle I am trying to find a way to take the black stuff off mine.. and see if I can have the barrel resleeved.. is there a way to make the Ak mag take more rounds then 12.. or make another mag work for it?/
I've never heard of these before.... What kind of price do they go for if ya can find one... And wouldn't it just be too cool to show up at the range with one... They look pretty cool... Do they feed reliably? What does the cartridge compare to power wise?