Vote for Change

I'll gladly point out that my three young ones, 20, 22 and 24 are all decidely against Senator Obama. The oldest is in the Army (MP) and has served in Iraq and Afghanistan. #2 is graduating with a bs in Microbiology, #3 is two years into the system, with no idea...

But, when we have our talks, they are all against the "Change" spin. In sequence, they ask about funding these ideas, defending our country (pull out) and reducing the size of government (kids don't see much use in GOVT).

I'm not a McCain fan, but...

Jeff B.
globemaster3- how decided un-PC that was. :eek: Don't you know we have to speak in ways that are kind and gentle.

You're right though. ;) Personal responsibility is all but gone. Let me add the disclaimer that not everyone is lacking that trait, but I sure seem to deal with a lot of people that don't have it.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix it. If I did I'd be running for President. I could use "It's time for a change" as my slogan. That's a catchy slogan; maybe I should copyright it! :D
Come one, people's baseline views aren't going to change between 18 and 21, or 18 and 40 - they are still the same person and will still "think" the same way they did before.

If you still think at 40 as you did at 18 something went very wrong.:D
I told him, The dictator in Iran."
He said, "We shouldn't have our troops there in the first place!"

That's great.

I think it's interesting that Obama has sold so many on "change" but no one can actually describe what he'll actually "change."

Bush used 9/11 and the threat of gay marriages to get elected, Obama is going to use the promise of "Change" to do the same.

Said state of affairs my friends.
209, Your right... I'll go take my "time out" in the corner, pitch my fit, and if I am annoying enough, you'll come over and show me some love, which will just reinforce that if I am loud enough, mom and dad will come and molify me.

Whoops, did I just say you're my dad? HAHA:D
had the same college students been pro McCain

the thread would be about how wonderful it is to see college kids comprehending the American values of McCain. So I'll call this OP another simple case of disliking anything that might indicate voters don't support McCain. Politics, just plain politics in action. No different that seeing McCain banners on a bulletin board some place.
This kid reminded me of Belushi in Animal House when he asked, "Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" LOL!
just about everybody in my age bracket is voting for change except I get the same answers as the OP, either they don't know or are completely misinformed.

The sick, lame and lazy can be counted on to vote for a change where they can be "victims" all day at the expense of the rest of us.

Somebody has to pedal the bicycle, Obie-wanna-bama.
Vote third party or write in and you're liable to get more change than you bargained for.

had the same college students been pro McCain the thread would be about how wonderful it is to see college kids comprehending the American values of McCain.

No, I would rank them as stupid too. There are no good choices in this election.

It is interesting that the media reports explaining the landslide victory of Hillary in the election yesterday classify the majority of those voting for Hillary were "white and did not attend college" while those voting for Obama were "educated whites." That tends to support the topic of this thread, those brainwashed in college support Obama while those brainwashed by years of democratic propaganda support Hillary.
The "Vote for Change" from the Dems means that after they are done with you through their higher taxes, what you have left in your pockets is change.
the only good thing about the dem's is Hillary, she is tearing her party apart. She is the best thing to happen for the republican party. Alot of her supporters said they would rather vote for McCain than Obama.:D
This is where the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot. The more liberal the candidate the harder they support him. Look at Kerry in '04. Consider Bush's approval ratings at the time. It never looked better for a Democrat. They supported a liberal and threw away the race.

Now 2008. Even worse for the Republicans. Hillary tried to act moderate so they threw her out of the race and supported Obama instead. The Democrats want him, but he's almost unelectable.
I've tried debating with the Obama-worshipers. For me, its been an uphill battle. I cant speak for all of his suporters, but all the ones I've spoke to personally openly support communism or socialism. Every one that I've spoken to want more goverment control, socialised medicine, socialised wages, and no guns in sight.

What convinces people to think that any of these things are good things?
Vote for change

With you 100% ...... if a person thinks the same at age forty as he/she did at age 18, then something is VERY wrong. I think he's
:confused:..........I don't know.....LOST. ;) :D
They do think the same way, they may not hold the same "opinion" but the process for which they got to that opinion has stayed the same.