Vote for Change


New member
Today was the primaries in West Virginia. I had to make a few stops on the way to the polls. We had about 6 college kids out on the corner with 'Vote for Change - Obama' signs. I had to stop across the street, and decided to talk to them after finishing my visit.
I walked up to them and asked, "Are you getting paid to do this?"
A young guy, seemingly, their spokesman, said, "No, we believe in him."
I said, "Oh, your professors must've told you to do it."
He replied, "Well, yeh. A few mentioned it would be a good idea."
I asked him, "One of my big concerns is a rogue state with nukies. What do you think he'll do about Ahmadinejad?"
He said, Who?"
I told him, The dictator in Iran."
He said, "We shouldn't have our troops there in the first place!"
Hiding a grin, I asked, "What's his stance on guns?"
He told me, "No one should have guns."
My reply was, "Well, you got that one right! But, I want you to think about this. No answer needed. What will criminals do with their guns if Obama succeeds in banning them?"
He looked thoughtful for a second or two, and I said, "You know, a couple really smart guys named Marx and Lenin tried socialism in Russia awhile back and failed. Do you think Obama can succeed here?
He said, "Well, I really don't know what all he wants to do. I just know he wants to give us more money for college so I support him."
I didn't have the heart to ask him if he was a political science major.
I thanked him for his time and wished him luck in life and moved on.
So sad! I'm 56 and am so glad I will not be around when it gets real bad, which it will, because of ignorant egg heads like this.
lol idiots, the same thing happened to me - I walked by a couple Obama supporters at my university and asked why I should vote for him - not one person could give me an answer,

Change sounds good, until people actually find out what he wants the change to be,
Boy does this remind me of what I saw when I was in college. What kind of parents do these kids have? I feel blessed that I had parents that told me not to believe everything the teachers union told me about politics.

I have noticed that you dont have to be able to make change, but you can vote for it. :)
Does anyone else also think it was a mistake when President Nixon lowered the voting age to 18? I wish they would change it back to 21.
And these kids are the future leaders of America?

lol, don't group all college students together

The thing that really bothered me is that they were supporting somone without understanding what that person actually represents.

Does anyone else also think it was a mistake when President Nixon lowered the voting age to 18? I wish they would change it back to 21.

It needs to stay at 18,
I am 23 and think it should change to 21. At 18 most kids are still in the "whatever is cool" mentallity. I know why people say it should be 18 cause after all you can serve your country at age 18. I grew up a whole lot between the ages of 18 and 21, and most kids are growing up or maturing a lot slower than used to be. But I am not adament about it. Actually, I am not really sure I care, whether or not it is 18 or 21, but if you vote you should be responsible enough to know what you are voting for whatever your age is.
Take this as you may but you older folks have it lucky. By the time the sh** hits the fan you'll be gone. And me and the others will be stuck dealing with it. But on the bright. side maybe by then I'll be living in my cabin in the woods. Making my own (black) powder and reloading my own brass. There's always the option of stock piling now. Appearently though I'm not the first to think of it. Priced any 7.62X39 lately?

That's an easy appeal, young and old alike all have some things they want changed in the way our gov't has been working. Obama comes forth with his powerful, charismatic fluff talk and the public swoons. He dances around the tough questions and manages to portray substance.

I don't the candidates, and it's kinda fun to pick on the frontrunner.
Vote for change.......

Remember when "N.Kruchev"(hope I spelled it right)was pounding his shoe on the table at the UN back in the late '50's- early
'60's and he said to the U.S. "We will bury you from the inside"???? ..... Well quess what, they started with our Education System and our Media Establishment !! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!! THIS ELECTION IS OUR FINAL CHANCE. COMMUNISM/
brainwashing our college "kids" for years to hate thier own country. !!!! I TELL YA... "IT'S SCARY FOLKS" :( :eek:
Agreed. Funny thing is, a couple of years ago I would have no idea what you were talking about, but after spending enough time in this forum, I too am somewhat scared of the threat of modern day communism right here. I think the left has a good shot at the oval office this year, and neither of their lead candidates are very moderate.

I'm not against commies, creeds, or colors; this is America and we have room for us all. The scary thing is seing our individual rights (what makes Americans unique) secede to some collective regime because of a desire for "change", or percieved safety, or what have you.

I think the Bush2 years have made us "off-balance" in a way, and the pendulum is about to go left...very left. I can't describe it any other way.
I have a friend from CA whom I met in the midwest. She's in Berkely (spelling:confused:) and complains about the far lefties. She considers herself a liberal and tells me of people who so try hard to fit into a trendy liberal mindset b/c it's "cool" and acceptable. To them she says "you are so far left you are right," meaning they are rigidly liberal, adhering to some agreed upon philosophy (communism?:confused:) and projecting it upon others.
Does anyone else also think it was a mistake when President Nixon lowered the voting age to 18? I wish they would change it back to 21.

Yes. In a lot of ways, it seems it was a bad move.

They dropped the drinking age to 18. Then they decided 18yos are too immature to drink, so they raised it back up to 21.

Most states (maybe all of them) don't allow 18yos to carry handguns. They obviously believe 18yos are too immature.

But, they believe 18yos are still mature enough to vote. It's an interesting exception to the rule.

And don't start with the 18yo who is mature enough to volunteer to die for their country because then the waters get very muddy.

I remember reading an article recently written by some type of "behavior" group of doctors who made the claim people don't actually mature until they are 23- 24 yos. Let's wait until that concept becomes gospel. :eek:
Yes. In a lot of ways, it seems it was a bad move.

They dropped the drinking age to 18. Then they decided 18yos are too immature to drink, so they raised it back up to 21.

Most states (maybe all of them) don't allow 18yos to carry handguns. They obviously believe 18yos are too immature.

But, they believe 18yos are still mature enough to vote. It's an interesting exception to the rule.

And don't start with the 18yo who is mature enough to volunteer to die for their country because then the waters get very muddy.

I remember reading an article recently written by some type of "behavior" group of doctors who made the claim people don't actually mature until they are 23- 24 yos. Let's wait until that concept becomes gospel.

Well since <insert any group> is not <insert any qualification> we should not allow them to <insert any action>,

Come one, people's baseline views aren't going to change between 18 and 21, or 18 and 40 - they are still the same person and will still "think" the same way they did before.

Age has no effect when it comes to this.
Voters 18-21 aren't really a significant enough demographic to really worry about. Sure, some are idiots. But some are intelligent. And when you get down to it, the chances that the idiots (18-21) will actually swing an election (because I've met plenty of knee-jerk right-wing 18-21-year-olds too, generally just parroting what their parents told them) are pretty slim.

Also, regarding "college kids:" remember that something like 50% of kids that start college at 18 will not have gotten a bachelor's within 6 years. There are plenty of kids who go to college because it's "what you do" after high school, and plenty of those never graduate. Those aren't necessarily the future leaders of this country, many of them are just the future manager of your local video store.
Well, some of us knew this was coming. I've got some extended family members in state universities and stories like above are not only hilarious, but common. Its kinda like having just enough info to be dangerous, but not enough to know what you are doing.

Now, this might get taken the wrong way, but I think it needs to be said. The generation coming through the colleges and about to hit our streets were raised with both parents working, the schools or daycares providing the parenting, and liberal amounts of video games and electronic stimulation to babysit. Yes, I agree there are exceptions and this is in no way a condemnation of all (sounds like LostOne is an exception).

Those of us who were raised when spanking was common and accepted, even in public (now it will get you put in jail in some places) know a real type of discipline and understanding of consequences that I fear these folks don't know. If Obama winds up being Pres (let's hope not) and stinks it up, they'll just shrug their shoulders, say oh well, and still sleep on a clear conscience not realizing the negative impact they had.

Am I too far right? Maybe, but the liberal direction our schools, media, and to a certain extent, politics, is headed, I think could do well to be offset by some real conservative direction for a short preiod of time.
Obama will give us change. After raised taxes and reperations, and after Iran controls the oil in the Middle East, that's all we'll have left in our pockets.:cool: