Virginia updates

I came here, too, to encourage people to rally on the 20th. What is happening in VA is a glimpse of things to come if we don't stand our ground.

I voted and fortunately for my district, we won. But the same can't be said for other jurisdictions.
Voter turnout in the 2019 Virginia elections was under 40%. Even in the most contested seats turnout was under 60%. They are taking your rights because people didn't bother to vote.
Voter turnout in the 2019 Virginia elections was under 40%. Even in the most contested seats turnout was under 60%. They are taking your rights because people didn't bother to vote.
What he said. I think voting should be required to vote, and not on a Tuesday. If it IS on a Tuesday, it's a holiday..

More don't vote than vote for any candidate, generally.
I hear a lot of talk about voter turnout being extremely low and because of that we're in the situation we're in. That may be the case. However, it could be just as likely that the majority of people that didn't vote are the leftists/communists/socialists. If that's the case, we'd be worse off if voter turnout was higher.

I voted. Everyone I know voted.

I'm not sure what the answer is, but things are rough.
Something else I was thinking about: doesn't the Virginia constitution protect our right to keep and bear arms. So how is the governor getting around that?
The Virginia constitution provides protection similar to the second amendment (“Shall not be infringed”) ... but Northam seems to believe that as long as you are still allowed to have your revolver or double-barrel shotgun that this requirement has been met. We will see what happens, hopefully things will not go his way.
^ I believe that’ll be the ultimate RKBA battle, what type of firearm one can own and at what cost.

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It’s now time to repeatedly contact your legislators’ and let them know you will not accept any surrendering of your rights. Below are good instructions from VCDL.

The General Assembly's 2020 session started on Wednesday. It seems the Democrats are in a bit of disarray, as they did not even set the rules for the General Assembly, which is traditionally done on the first day! So we still don't know if there will be any changes to the rules on concealed handgun permit holders being able to carry in the General Assembly Building. You will be advised as soon as we learn if there are to be any changes.

This year we need everyone to email their legislators once every day from Monday through Thursday each week until we say to stop.

Soon we will also have you calling your legislators every day with a message, too. We want their phones to melt down.

We have a new system that makes all of that a snap and provides different messages automatically!


Click the link below to send a pre-written email that you can customize as you see fit. The system will automatically figure out who your legislators are by your home address and will send the email to the correct people. This literally will take less than a minute for the very first email and about 30 seconds or less for each of the others, as the system will automatically remember your name, address, phone number, etc.

The system rotates through several different pre-written messages, so your message should change each day.

We will be doing other email and phone-call campaigns as the weeks goes on. This first campaign is to get the ball rolling quickly. It does not mention bill numbers, only the type of bills that the legislators are expected to support or oppose.

We need to make sure our voices are heard and we need to stay in constant contact with our legislators, ESPECIALLY DEMOCRAT LEGISLATORS!

If you live in a Democrat district, it is particularly critical that you send an email to your legislators each day. STARTING NOW! Time is short.

(NOTE: To send a new message each day, scroll down on the main page until you will see a box on the right side labeled "Take Action Now." Clicking on "Next" button starts the same email procedure as clicking on the link above.)
For those who planned on carrying, VA General Assembly just banned firearms at the capitol buildings and grounds! Just received the NRA-ILA email excerpt below:

Virginia: General Assembly Passes Capitol Gun Ban

Days before law-abiding citizens are set to go to Richmond to urge lawmakers to defend their rights, the new anti-gun majority of the Virginia General Assembly has passed an immediate gun ban for the Pocahontas Building, the Capitol, and Capitol Grounds through the duration of the 2020 General Assembly Legislative Session. Citizens will not be permitted to carry firearms into these locations, even if they have a Concealed Handgun Permit.

This majority, bought and paid for by Michael Bloomberg, will stop at nothing to cast your right of self-defense aside. This is just the first step as they make their way down Bloomberg’s wish-list. This is why it’s critical that law-abiding gun owners make themselves heard on January 13th during the first hearing of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee where lawmakers could hear the first slate of bills to restrict our freedom into oblivion. Waiting even one week to make our voices heard, whether individually or at an organized event, will simply be too late.

Anti-gun zealot Gov. Northam wants the entire package of gun control bills fast-tracked for passage in the early days of this brief session. We must defend freedom at the very first hearing on the 13th and show that our rights are not for sale – to Bloomberg or anyone else. Join us!
Latest VA Legislation Info.

Here are the gun-control bills that are coming up on Monday, January 13, at 8 am in the Senate Judiciary:

S.B. 12 (Universal Background Checks)
Patron: Saslaw
Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks; penalty. Requires a background check for any firearm transfer and requires the Department of State Police to establish a process for transferors of firearms to obtain such a check from licensed firearms dealers. A transferor who fails to obtain a required background check and sells the firearm to another person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill exempts transfers (i) between immediate family members; (ii) that occur by operation of law; (iii) by the executor or administrator of an estate or by the trustee of a testamentary trust; (iv) at firearms shows in accordance with law; (v) that are part of a buyback or give-back program; (vi) of antique firearms; (vii) that occur at a shooting range, shooting gallery, or any other area designed for the purpose of target shooting or for use during target practice, a firearms safety or training course or class, a shooting competition, or any similar lawful activity; or (viii) that are temporary transfers that (a) occur within the continuous presence of the owner of the firearm or (b) are necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. The bill removes the provision that makes background checks of prospective purchasers or transferees at firearms shows voluntary.

S.B. 22
Patron: Saslaw (One handgun a month)
Purchase of handguns; limitation on handgun purchases; penalty. Prohibits any person who is not a licensed firearms dealer from purchasing more than one handgun in a 30-day period and establishes such an offense as a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill exempts from this provision (i) persons who have been issued a certificate by the Department of State Police under certain circumstances and with an enhanced background check, (ii) law-enforcement agencies and officers, (iii) state and local correctional facilities, (iv) licensed private security companies, (v) persons who hold a valid Virginia concealed handgun permit, (vi) persons whose handgun has been stolen or irretrievably lost or who are trading in a handgun, (vii) purchases of handguns in a private sale, and (viii) purchases of antique firearms.

S.B. 35
Patron: Surovell (bans guns for parades, marches, etc.)
Control of firearms by localities; permitted events. Authorizes any locality by ordinance to prohibit the possession or carrying of firearms, ammunition, or components or any combination thereof in a public space during a permitted event or an event that would otherwise require a permit. The bill contains technical amendments.

S.B. 69
Patron: Locke (One handgun a month)
Purchase of handguns; limitation on handgun purchases; penalty. Prohibits any person who is not a licensed firearms dealer from purchasing more than one handgun in a 30-day period and establishes such an offense as a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill exempts from this provision (i) persons who have been issued a certificate by the Department of State Police under certain circumstances and with an enhanced background check, (ii) law-enforcement agencies and officers, (iii) state and local correctional facilities, (iv) licensed private security companies, (v) persons who hold a valid Virginia concealed handgun permit, (vi) persons whose handgun has been stolen or irretrievably lost or who are trading in a handgun, (vii) purchases of handguns in a private sale, and (viii) purchases of antique firearms.

S.B. 70
Patron: Lucas (Universal Background Checks)

Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks; penalty. Requires a background check for any firearm transfer and directs the Department of State Police (the Department) to establish a process for transferors to obtain such a check from licensed firearms dealers. A transferor who sells a firearm to another person without obtaining the required background check is guilty of a Class 6 felony. The bill also provides that a transferee who receives a firearm from another person without obtaining the required background check is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill exempts transfers (i) between immediate family members; (ii) that occur by operation of law; (iii) by the executor or administrator of an estate or by the trustee of a testamentary trust; (iv) at firearms shows in accordance with law; (v) that are part of a buy-back or give-back program; (vi) of antique firearms; (vii) that occur at a shooting range, shooting gallery, or any other area designed for the purpose of target shooting or for use during target practice, a firearms safety or training course or class, a shooting competition, or any similar lawful activity; or (viii) that are temporary transfers that (a) occur within the continuous presence of the owner of the firearm or (b) are necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. The bill removes the provision that makes background checks of prospective purchasers or transferees at firearms shows voluntary. The bill also provides that the Department shall have three business days to complete a criminal history record information check before a firearm may be transferred.

S.B. 240 (Red Flag law)
Patron: Barker

Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk; penalties. Creates a procedure by which any attorney for the Commonwealth or any law-enforcement officer may apply to a general district court, circuit court, or juvenile and domestic relations district court judge or magistrate for an emergency substantial risk order to prohibit a person who poses a substantial risk of injury to himself or others from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm. If an emergency substantial risk order is issued, a judge or magistrate may issue a search warrant to remove firearms from such person. An emergency substantial risk order shall expire on the fourteenth day following issuance of the order. The bill requires a court hearing in the circuit court for the jurisdiction where the order was issued within 14 days from issuance of an emergency substantial risk order to determine whether a substantial risk order should be issued. Seized firearms shall be retained by a law-enforcement agency for the duration of an emergency substantial risk order or a substantial risk order or, for a substantial risk order and with court approval, may be transferred to a third party 21 years of age or older chosen by the person from whom they were seized. The bill allows the complainant of the original warrant to file a motion for a hearing to extend the substantial risk order prior to its expiration. The court may extend the substantial risk order for a period not longer than 180 days. The bill provides that persons who are subject to a substantial risk order, until such order has been dissolved by a court, are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor for purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm; are disqualified from having a concealed handgun permit; and may not be employed by a licensed firearms dealer. The bill also provides that a person who transfers a firearm to a person he knows has been served with a warrant or who is the subject of a substantial risk order is guilty of a Class 4 felony. The bill creates a computerized substantial risk order registry for the entry of orders issued pursuant to provisions in the bill.

S.B. 450
Patron: Edwards (bans guns at Board of Supervisor meetings or City Council meetings)
Control of firearms; chambers of local governing bodies. Allows a locality to adopt an ordinance that prohibits firearms, ammunition, or components or a combination thereof at any regular or special meeting of its local governing body, provided that notice of such prohibition is publicly posted and the meeting room is owned, operated or used by the locality.

S.B. 505
Patron: Edwards (Bans guns in local government buildings)
Control of firearms by localities; local government buildings. Authorizes a locality to adopt an ordinance prohibiting firearms, ammunition, or components or combination thereof in any building owned or used by such locality for governmental purposes. The bill requires such ordinance to include a provision for security measures designed to reasonably prevent unauthorized access of such buildings by a person with a firearm, ammunition, or components or combination thereof. The bill requires a locality to post notice of any such prohibition at all entrances of buildings used for governmental purposes.

S.B. 543
Patron: Edwards (Closes non-existent "Gun show loophole")
Firearms shows; mandatory background check. Requires the Department of State Police to perform a criminal history record information check on the prospective purchaser or transferee prior to the completion of any firearms transaction at a firearms show held in the Commonwealth. Current law requires the Department of State Police to be available at every firearms show held in the Commonwealth to perform criminal history record information checks but does not require such checks to be performed unless requested by a party involved in the transaction.

S.B. 615
Patron: Deeds (bans guns in local government buildings and in parks)
Control of firearms by localities; local government buildings and parks. Authorizes a locality to adopt an ordinance prohibiting firearms, ammunition, or components or combination thereof in any building owned or used by such locality for governmental purposes and in public parks owned by the locality. The bill requires such ordinance to include a provision for security measures designed to reasonably prevent unauthorized access of such buildings or parks by a person with a firearm, ammunition, or components or combination thereof. The bill requires a locality to post notice of any such prohibition at all entrances of buildings used for governmental purposes and at the main entrances to public parks owned by this locality.
Lots of good information. Do NOT forget to contact Senator Warner. He would have a lot to lose as he is the next person up for general election by a population that is now educated about and more unified in their resolve to resist the Democrats plan for gun confiscation. He has some pull and can be motivated to talk to his fellow Democrats.
From VCDL:
As we warned a few days ago, HB 961, which bans "assault weapons", larger-capacity magazines, suppressors, and more, is up for a committee vote on Friday, February 7, at 8 am.


HB 264, removes getting CHP training from an NRA certified instructor! This will make finding training to get a CHP almost impossible and it will be expensive! It also bans online classes.

HB 600, requires those running family day-homes to lock up their guns, unloaded, with the ammunition locked up separately. Not even a CHP holder can have a loaded, concealed handgun on their person! Another "gun-free zone" that endangers everyone in that home.

HB 1288, takes away gun rights for various MISDEMEANORS.

HB 1499, creates the Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund. Apparently the only violence that matters is violence that deals with guns.

ACTION ITEM: This is in a big meeting room - let's fill it up!


General Assembly Building
House Committee Room
900 E Main St.
Richmond, VA 23219

(After passing through the metal detections, make an immediate left and go straight back, past the guard desk and through the glass doors. The meeting room will be on your right. Look for someone handing out GSL stickers.)

Firearms and other weapons are currently prohibited in the General Assembly Building. Folding knives with a metal blade that is less than 3-inches long are allowed.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. If good people of the 2A do nothing then the evil antigunners will succeed.
I went to the Nations gun show in Chantilly,VA this past weekend - largest crowd I’ve seen there since the last run up to 2016 presidential election.
There was a man there collecting signatures in order to run against Senator Mark Warner. I hope he can get the win.
The Virginia senate voted, yesterday 17 FEB 20, to reject HB961. This is the bill that I believe created the large gun show crowd as it would have banned high capacity firearms and magazines in VA.
Guess a couple of judiciary members (4) listened to their constituents.
And the Gov Northam continues to lay low (scandalous yearbook photo avoidance).
I went to the Nations gun show in Chantilly,VA this past weekend - largest crowd I’ve seen there since the last run up to 2016 presidential election.
There was a man there collecting signatures in order to run against Senator Mark Warner. I hope he can get the win.
The Virginia senate voted, yesterday 17 FEB 20, to reject HB961. This is the bill that I believe created the large gun show crowd as it would have banned high capacity firearms and magazines in VA.
Guess a couple of judiciary members (4) listened to their constituents.
And the Gov Northam continues to lay low (scandalous yearbook photo avoidance).
Virginia's Democratic governor seemed poised to make broad changes to his state's gun control laws, but was dealt a stinging blow by his own party Monday when a state Senate committee blocked a bill that would have, among other things, banned sales of assault weapons.

Four Democrats on Virginia's Senate Judiciary Committee broke ranks with their party handing the Republican minority a victory in tabling the bill for the remainder of the year. It also sent the measure to the state's Crime Commission for further review.
