Virginia updates


New member
As of 17 Dec, there are now 95 Second Amendment Sanctuary counties, towns, and cities! More county and city board meeting to come thus, the list will likely grow. Reminder, lobby day is in Richmond on 20 Jan 2020 and there are buses and car pools available (see link). They are filling up fast and some are already full.
Well and good...

But where were you all at the election???!!!

inquiring minds want to know...
Many of us voted. On my end of the state, 85-90% of the votes went to the Republican candidate and some were unopposed. The problem was on the other end of the state where most of the population lives 25% of the Democrat candidates ran unopposed so even if the Republican voters showed up, they had nobody to vote for other than a useless write-in. The 2.5 million that Bloomberg spent in the state didn't help either.
My somewhat over-wrought question comes about because I can see the SAME THING happening in my state of Minnesota.

Good luck in your efforts
elections have consequences, just like uncontested seats.
This is all over this forum as well as others, even some youtube's like the VA GOP is YUGELY surprised that this is happening...As I've mentioned, the only accurate 'poll' comes from the ballot box. Blaming the 'east' and Bloomberg is eyewash..Pretty simple, run un-opposed, get what you voted for. Some poster mentioned that of the 8 million some odd voters, 6 million were in counties/towns that are 'declaring' to be 2A 'sanctuaries'...huh?? Where were you all at the election??
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I think the courts involvement in overturning the gerrymandered districts is what flipped several counties and cities and/or increased representation seats. Whether you agree or not, the winner gets to adjust district lines and it’s often in their favor. When the other party can’t win at the ballot boxes, they cry to the courts and this past election, the courts intervened on behalf of the democrats; I don’t think they’ll do it for a conservative party in the future. Populations drive up congressional/house seats and dense urban areas are typically blue in nature due to an increased nature of government dependence (and promises); also they’re likely just more dense and ignorant of basic civics and easier to sway to an anti-2A party ideology.

People voted, but not enough to overcome the more dense blue districts after court-manipulation of those districts.

I attended one of the counties board of supervisors meeting last night (one of the wealthier counties) and they voted for the 2nd Amendment sanctuary by unanimous vote. Though it was very cold and windy, there had to be close to 2,000+/- supporters there! We must keep up the pressure to prevent many of these proposed laws from making it to the books. The state's senators, delegates, AG, and governor are starting to take notice. Also, don't forget about the rally in Richmond on 20 Jan 2020. See for details.
The Virginia election is a good illustration of why I have frequently expressed my desire for a "NO" or a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" option on the ballot.


The issue described by osbornk and DaleA is not uncommon. In states where there are large urban/suburban centers, yet still slices of rural populations as well, folks in the rural areas feel largely unrepresented and inconsequential at election time. PA is one such state, DaleA mentioned MN, TN another, and clearly VA has the same issue. MI would be another, and I suspect many of the Rocky Mtn states are faced with the same problem. Consider MagPul leaving CO over the mag capacity legislation, as the large Denver urban played against the vote from the mountains.

Guns, shooting and hunting are typically synonymous with rural lifestyles. As populations become more and more urban/suburban ( and they have for years) , and suburbanites flee the madness of the populated areas where they are employed, or establish second homes in less populated rural areas, their is a clash of lifestyles and beliefs with the country folk. I see it routinely in the mountain resort areas of the south and along the big lakes in my area.
Yes, it definitely happens here in PA also. Large cities like Philidelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, definitely don't agree with the wants of the rest of the state.

Alas, too many politicians see it as a carreer. Thus, looking out for their own advancement, instead of serving the will of the people.
When was the last time any of us was asked by their representatives how you wanted them to vote on an issue?

As for the current state of VA.
The 2nd is to protect the people from the government.
At a time when our own federal government is calling itself tyrannical, the newly elected (not yet in office) are pre-empting bills that do just that.
Then to top it off with claims that local laws do not trump state laws, while forgetting that federal laws trump state laws seems a course of madness.

And lest we forget, there are threats from the newly elected (not yet in office) to call out the VA National Guard to put down their own populace.
Here's a clue.. The VA National Guard is made up of Virginians themselves. It's not like your gonna man it with people from CA.
Voting we have the same problem here in Oregon. Portland area and Springfield/Eugene run the whole state. Say's a lot for the electoral collage method!
I see Loudoun County says up yours to the 2nd amendment while Prince William County is at least sympathetic with it. That was unexpected in my view.
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The incoming BoS for Prince William stated they will overturn the sanctuary vote...will have to see. Loudon, Fairfax, and Arlington is the Mecca of the current problems Virginia is facing.
Washington state is just as bad. East side is Left and West and Central are mostly Right. If the East gets any more Left, it will be in the Pacific Ocean. Just look at some of the laws they passed regarding 2A.
People voted, but not enough to overcome the more dense blue districts after court-manipulation of those districts.

Exactly. Both parties fielded uncontested candidates in Virginia, and elsewhere. Why waste campaign funds in districts where you know you have no chance of winning?

Here in southwest Virginia the Democrats typically lose big, with Republicans consistently gathering 65-90% of the vote every election. I love to see the Democrats waste their money with expensive campaigns here, and I certainly don't blame Republicans for not running in pure blue districts. Campaign funds should be focused on purple districts where voting may be close and you have a chance of winning. Fielding a Republican candidate in an ultra pure blue district is nice in principle, but is like punching a brick wall - you may not like it being there but you are just going to get bloody knuckles. Funnel the money to where it will do the most good.

Also you have the option of voting "None of the above" by voting but leaving a specific race blank.
We cant let our votes set home on Nov 3, 2020..... Get ut the vote against Hiliary of Joe.
Hilliary may come along and save the party cause none of the present are electable..
Now 114 sanctuary counties and cities! Excellent work for just over a month! Although much attention has been drawn to Christmas, next month things are going to pick up especially when the legislative session meets again. Don't forget about the big rally in Richmond on 20 Jan 2020. There maybe some seats left on some buses if you wish to use them. See VCDL.ORG for details.