Vicious dog and idiot owner

A squirt gun filled with ammo is is Ye Olde Standby for vicious dogs. A cane or walking stick jammed down the throat is also very effective.
Cattle Prod/Stun gun?

I know the small stun guns are legal. Are cattle prods? I've experimented a couple of times with a stun gun when dogs would run up on me. Just hitting it a time or 2 when they get within 30 yards usually makes them run home. I don't know why. Those particular dogs now avoid me like the plague. But a cattle prod would give you more jolt at a greater distance from the teeth.
I have a Malinois--she hates pitbulls and dobermans, we were once attacked by two pits that were off-leash and ON MY property and my girl hit one of the pits so hard knocked it over and locked her jaw around its neck, I feared for the other dog's life--I called her off and was very thankful she released it. They've never been on my property since.

The pits were illegally off leash and "trespassing" on my property. Even so, killing other people's dog(s) is a tricky thing. My dogs I feel the same way about them as if they were my children or family. I always fear if my dog got away into the woods somebody would simply shoot her--most humans have a natural fear reaction to Malinois. I've been attacked many times by other people's dogs while walking mine (on leash, of course) but have always managed to stop an attack with non-lethal means. Might be different with a huge killer type dog but killing a dog would be--just like with a human--an absolute last resort for me.
Dogs running at large are legal to shoot in my state, let alone attacking my dog or my livestock, if doing so on my property.

Just chute the frickin’ dog!

If you’re goosey about “consequences,” :rolleyes: ... bury the carcass in your backyard and pop the top on a cold one.

You can thank me later. :cool:
Train to draw with gloves on and with heavy winter clothing on. We did as popo people.

Might want to carry pepper spray too.

Finally, an old woman taught me this. If the aggressor dog has a collar, grab the collar, twist 180 and lift off the ground such that the forepaws don't touch terra firma. It chokes the dog and it'll release the victim dog. She did this to get a pitt bull off another dog.
I recently heard someone argue that a dog attacking your dog was one of many reasons to carry OC spray. I’m inclined to agree. We had a similar case in my area a few years ago. The man was charged with endangering those around him because of his decision to shoot, and it wasn’t as if the other party was particularly close. In the end I believe he was cleared of the charges, but he was charged and had to go through the legal process of defending himself in court. For myself, I’ve had many dogs run up on me and my dogs. Only one actually attacked my dogs. The problem for me becomes at what point do I shoot the other dog. I can’t really argue imminent threat of life or serious bodily injury until the other dog actually attacks, at which point I’m discharging a round at a target that is very much moving and practically on top of what I’m trying to defend.

When I walk a dog while carrying a firearm I either use no gloves or thin gloves that I don’t have to take off and can still get in a trigger guard. I also have my coat unzipped and use a layer tucked into my pants. I generally have easy access to the firearm as I don’t pocket carry and the pistol is holstered on my belt. It’s usually as fast as if I wasn’t wearing a coat.

Edit: a few years ago I took a class where an instructor showed us that if you do have to wear layers and need to peel them up to get to the pistol (I think Moonglum makes good points below about choosing your layers) that one tip is to extend your thumb, hook your thumb under the hem of your shirt(s), and move your thumb up your torso like a zipper. It worked surprisingly well.

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I shot the neighbors $6k Belgian Malawa. He was in my chicken coop killing chickens. 00 Buck works wonders. They called Sheriff. Sheriff showed up and told them "Shut up. Only civil claim here is that you owe him for the chickens your dog killed." I tried to run him out of coup and that thing charged me. All I know is a shotgun sure works good.
I shot the neighbors $6k Belgian Malawa. He was in my chicken coop killing chickens. 00 Buck works wonders. They called Sheriff. Sheriff showed up and told them "Shut up. Only civil claim here is that you owe him for the chickens your dog killed." I tried to run him out of coup and that thing charged me. All I know is a shotgun sure works good.

I’m not entirely sure how that relates to my story as no one in my story was defending livestock nor are they in the hypothetical presented here by the OP. But yes, most states allow for the protection of livestock. There’s also a difference in being attacked on your own property versus being attacked on a public way. On a public way there may be other individuals walking, or depending on the distance to houses other people sitting/living.

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I did not have to shoot, but did yell at the dog owner that he had less than 2 seconds to get his dog or the dog would be dead. My gun was drawn and I assumed a shooting stance that was obvious I meant business.

My point of aim was at his dog's head and had no problem pulling the trigger twice.

Instead of carrying my Sig 9, I now carry a Colt 1911 45.
I was 13 years old had an early morning paper delivery route. One particular mutt gave me problems and I solved them using a squirt gun filled with lemon juice. Any attack ends when a little juice gets in their eyes. And it is quite refreshing to consume at the end of the route.
I've got a bit of a soft spot for dogs so unless me, my dog or my daughter are directly threatened I will do my best to de-escalate (I also apprentice for a local dog trainer). 99% of the time it is the fault of the owner-lack of training, improper leash, allowing the dog to get away with anything it wants to with no corrections. Most of the "dog training" we do is actually training owners how to be responsible with their dogs.

If de-escalation does not work, when I went through the Basic Reconnaissance Course back in my younger days it was taught "if its a tracking dog you shoot the handler, if its an attack dog you shoot the dog". But that likely won't apply to situations here in the continental US. During another course we worked with the military police K9s, basically you have to offer the dog your non-dominant arm and accept that you are going to get bit. From there you can lift it off the ground (this hurts a LOT even with the bite suit on) shoot it from the retention position. Knowing how I feel about my dog and the time and effort I put in to training her (while I typed this my 8 y/o daughter used all of the correct commands for "sit", "return" "up", "off" and "down" and the dog did it all instantly), I am going to attempt to de-escalate, have some words with the owner and pass on a business card.
Train to draw with gloves on and with heavy winter clothing on. We did as popo people.

Might want to carry pepper spray too.

Finally, an old woman taught me this. If the aggressor dog has a collar, grab the collar, twist 180 and lift off the ground such that the forepaws don't touch terra firma. It chokes the dog and it'll release the victim dog. She did this to get a pitt bull off another dog.
I choked a bull mastiff off my boxer once like that. Bull mastiff was wobbling when it finally let go and left.
I carry the same Glock on belt walking the dog as everywhere else; gloves are not part of the equation in FL heat and humidity.