Veteran's Day...Give thanks


Moderator Emeritus
My Dad...Sgt. USMC WW2 Pacific Theater, squad leader....My Uncle...Capt USAAC WW2 European Theater, B-17 pilot
Rest in peace with my lifelong appreciation, bottomless respect and love.

My other relatives who served in WW2, Korea and Vietnam are still living....I've made and am making phone calls to honor them. Have you?

Thank you all you Veterans of all the services

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Heartfelt thanks to all of those who have sacrificed and do sacrfice for our liberty. Thank you for standing in the gap even when the fear was seemingly unsurmountable. Thank you for leaving your families,careers and friends to fight for people you did'nt even know. Thank you for not giving up when surrender seemed eminent or conditions were less than perfect. Thank you for your efforts in preserving the freedom all of us have prospered from. Lest we forget.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

The sacrifices our ALL our service men and women should be on the minds of ALL AMERICANS tomorrow.

God Bless everyone who has ever put on a uniform and uttered: "I do solemly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America"

Again God Bless them all.

I KNOW we've got one or two vets on TFL. ;)
Maybe three or four. Thanks guys.
Tried to impress the kiddies with the reason WHY they get a day off tomorrow, guess we'll see if it sank in.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Today (November 11) was Remembrance Day in Australia. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month -- the signing of the armistice in WWI, but extended to include other vets.

At 11.00 they had a minute's silence on all the radio stations and played the Last Post.

One of the young kids in the office started crying. It is, she said, one of the saddest most haunting tunes I've ever heard.

May it always have that effect.

Thanks to all vets. Those with us and those that are gone but not forgotten. I miss you Dad! US Infantry, Korea.
My dad gets a double with the Marines in WWII Pacific theater-Iwo, Guam, Bougainville- (entered at age 15 in August of '41) then Army Reserves, Special Special Forces in the 60's and 70's, retired as a Lt. Colonel.

And a note of thanks to Mom too, she worked at the Portsmouth Naval Yard in N.H. during WWII.

Thanks Mom and Dad, and it's great to still have you here! Thanks to all you Vets.

To all vets, my extreme and undyng gratitude for your unselfish serivce, in war and in peace, so that we might remain free.

Most especially, to my grandfather.
Thomas Martin Braddock, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class, USN (Ret)
Sept. 1929- July 1999

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
My thoughts today are with my father, a lifelong warrior-started with the 4th Marines in WWll- finally retired for good this spring- I miss him a lot, my uncles-who served in every branch of the service in WWll-they're gone,too- my high school friends Bob Leska and Gerry Bourdeaux- visit them at the Wall when you're there, my friend Mike- he has to walk with two canes- they promised to promote him to Captain if he'd sign up for another tour- and my neighbor Ed- three Purple Hearts, 100% disabled, totally FUBARed. They'd all tell you that it's no big thing, it's what a man does. Nick Jones, USAF 66-68, Life member DAV.
My thanks goes out to all the Veterans today. You put yourself in the line of fire to protect what we have and live for. I'm thinking of the vets like my grandfather who was a transport skipper in the pacific and the gentlemen of the USMC who, when I was 16 saved my family and brought us into safety in Guatemala during one of the numerous, bloody coups when we were having to escape with our lives and just the clothes on our back down the side of a mountain.

You men deserve our respect and honor.
Salute to all those who served. We are standing in your shoulders and I will not forget, nor will I let my kids forget. Thanx.
I watched "SAVING PRIVATE RYAN" the other night on t.v. and brought tears to my eyes for the second time. What a debt of gratitude we own the men and women of this country for the sacrifices they have made so that we can enjoy our simple freedoms. To those who gave thier lives for our country, words just don't cut it here for me. I know that they are with GOD in his splendid kingdom, peace abounds them and everlasting joy to them. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
For my Dad...US Army Air Corps, China-Burma Theater; My Uncles Tommy, Wall and Hugh...all US Navy in WW2; My Uncle Buddy also US Navy, Korean War. For my Father-in-Law and good friend, Thomas R. Jennaway, US Army Field Artillery, the Pacific, WW2, retired from USAR, Corp of Engineers as a LTC. Thanks to you all and thanks to all Americans, Australians and others who remember those who made the sacrifices and paid the price.


Thank you veterans for serving our country. We owe you and others like you a debt of gratitude, and we salute you.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." Daniel Webster

Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127:1
If you can, take your kids or grandchildren to a National cemetery or any place where a vet is buried. Have them put a small flag
on the grave and have them salute. Made one helluva impression on mine years ago. They remember it to this day.

Got any old magazines? Drop them off at the nearest VA hospital. Notice the ratio of handicap parking to the rest -- pretty grim.
Volunteer some time if you can, even if it's only once a month. There are guys there from WWII that have no family or friends left. Remember, wars keep on killing long after the cease fire.

No signature this time -- seems inappropriate.
my great-grandfather - corpsman, Philippines, Spanish-American war,KIA, Japanese POW camp, 1943
My granfather Leo - KIA 1944, Philippine Scouts/Philippine Guerrillas
My grandfather John - gassed and tuberculosis, Western Front, medic, WWI (sorry I never knew ya)
my dad - Philippine guerrillas 1941-1944, Japanese POW camp 1944
My grandmother - firearms instructor, Philippine Guerrillas, 1941-1944, POW camp 1944
My great uncle Frank, US Army, WWII Pacific Theater, who rescued his sister and nephews from the POW camp
Ron, U.S. Army, Korea (who lied about his age - he was 16)
my wife's family, for having served in every war from the Revolutionary to Vietnam
and to my buddies in the USMC from Beirut to Panama,
and to you guys and gals who were there in Peshawar and Islamabad when the Muj sent the Ruskies packin'- and later when Najibullah, their puppet, went too -
thanks - I won't forget - it's been a good ride so far.

Semper Fi

[This message has been edited by Alex (edited November 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Alex (edited November 11, 1999).]