Vertical Fore Grips

Didn't have metal rail forends before.. as I stated, with the regular M4 or M16A2 handgrips heat was usually a non-issue, plus the regular forend isn't painful to hang onto like the rail system. Yes, they make covers for them.. no, not every M-4 ends up with those on it, and if they do they get dirty/damaged/lost easily. Try carrying around an AR with a front rail and nothing to hang onto up there but a bare rail, and imagine doing that for 10 hours or more a day for a year.

FWIW myself and an awful lot of other current and former combat arms Soldiers shake our heads at "tactical" and "tacticool" crap. Most of the time it's just garbage to hang off a rifle somewhere, or an otherwise pedestrian bag that has MOLLE loops on it for no reason, or anything in ACU digital camo (the worst camo ever btw). I see a lot of AR-15 type rifles with 15 pounds of garbage hanging off of them, miles of rails that are pretty much useless, etc. I'm not a promoter of all that crap. My ArmaLite has a set of normal midlength forends on it, a Bushnell optic that was 1/5 the price of an Aimpoint and I can't tell the difference in performance for my purposes, and the same CAA pistol grip and Mamba Geronimo 3-point sling that I carried on my last trip to Baghdad. It actually does not have a vertical foregrip in it.. there is no need. I will probably not shoot as many rounds out of it in its entire life as I would in a couple days of CQB live fire training back at Bragg.
MultiCam; ACU digital....

As a veteran; active duty, lower enlisted, 1989-1993, I never really cared for the "new" ACU digital camo format.

FWIW; the US Army is now going back to the original plan of buying(procurement :rolleyes:) of MultiCam, .

The brass & CSMs were impressed with the MultiCam format in SW Asia.

You need to be able to move, quickly, flop down on the deck, stuff like that!

A forward piece, sticking down, it is in the way. Fix bayonets! Yes it could still happen, think that bit would not be in the way.

You hump a rifle, sling on your shoulder? Sling it off, bits sticking down? Good luck.
foregrip allows me to rest my hand on it and not higher up on the barrel. I like it, steadier aim. My arm can hang lower and not higher to tire out.

No it does not get in the way, magazine sticks out much longer than the grip. Plus the grip has a quick button to fold it up.
You need to be able to move, quickly, flop down on the deck, stuff like that!

A forward piece, sticking down, it is in the way. Fix bayonets! Yes it could still happen, think that bit would not be in the way.

You hump a rifle, sling on your shoulder? Sling it off, bits sticking down? Good luck.

Man it's an ar-15/m16 variant if your looking for a gun with nothing vertical I think you've got the wrong rifle. Even without the vertical foregrip you've still got the pistol grip and standard capacity magazines. Not exactly a slim and sleek design.
You can coduct IMT no problem with the foregrip.. like someone else stated, it sticks out less than the magazine anyway.

I carried via a 3 point sling that held the rifle at the low ready on my front, not the back. Getting "unslung" was a non issue. When I had to sling it over the back (Chow hall) it hung with the left side of the rifle against my back, not the bottom, so it was again a non-issue.

Funny thing.. I was never issued a bayonet except for ceremonies. But.. if I had to fix bayonets and stab someone, the vertical foregrip would only help.
I think what most people fail to understand, is that you have to use what works for you depending on your purpose and rifle setup.

Its funny when some guys make fun of those that use VFG's, or swear by AFG's only. Use what works for you depending on your application.

If you want a lightweight rifle with as little accesories hanging out, stick with your standard handguards with no grip whatsoever. If you need a VFG for sustained shooting, that put one on there. I've tried different configurations and they all work fine--its all about training. Personally I prefer Magpul's VFG, but also use their AFG. For me VFG works on my AR's because it helps when the rails/handguards get too hot during extended shooting.

Another observation is that I see many shooters that don't use VFG's in competition setting only. But why do you see the Military and LEO's use them?
My 2 bits...

As I posted, Im not a specwar super commando or Boba Fett but one good use for a VFG could be to control full auto or bursts in a CQB environment with a short barrel AR or patrol rifle. I'm sure that muzzle would bounce all over or kick like a ticked off mule with powerful loads.

More SWAT & spec ops are moving toward the larger battle rifle calibers; 6.8x40mm, .300 AAC Blackout, 7.62mmNATO, .458SOCOM.
Muzzle blast & control would be needed + the extra wt would help too.
POPS1085 said:
Look at what soldiers and cops do with their rifles compared to civilians who use them in classes or staged competitions.
Soldiers maybe, cops not so much. My experience with cops is that about 2/3 of them don't squat about firearms, much less tactics.
VG for rapid lateral target acquisition. It's more of a CQB tool. I know a VG would be more comfortable on my AR pistol but laws prevent that without paying the toll.
Well, in the Army my standard issue M-16 seemed to work OK without a verticle grip. We didn't have M-4's and all the fancy tactical stuff in those days. After the Army I worked for awhile in close protection overseas. At the time we had some Mac-10's primarily for supressive fire from automobiles. You just grabbed hold of the silencer and blew out a magazine in like 3 seconds. I never fired more than two mags, I don't know what would happen if the silencer really heated up.

These days I carry a modified SBR AK47 Draco as my "car gun" if you will (7.62 vs .45). I use a flashlight "grip" similar to the one "BR" posted on his thread. Even with the heavier recoil I find griping the flashlight to be more accurate than a verticle grip, plus I get a flashlight if I want one. Wish we'd had those back in the day of the M-16. :) :)