Venison storage question.

A lot of how long your jerky will keep depends on salt and/or water content. The more salt you add the longer the jerky will last and the more water you can keep in it. Soy sauce tastes good and has a lot of salt. Ammonium nitrites and Nitrates will reallycure your jerky and make it shelf stable without freezing. This is also known as Tinted Curing Mix(TCM) or "pink salt". It I vacuum sealed and froze my jerky with no TCM at all I would give it 1-2 years if the seal held. The FDA would tell you 6 months.
I guess I should of been more detailed. Made with venison fine ground with good beef fat. seasoned and cured with store bought kit stuff. Dehydrated to just perfect, then vacuum sealed the same day after chilling for 1 hour.
With beef fat added, the shelf life will be shorter than just straight venison.
The potential nitrite content of your commercial jerky mixes will have a significant impact on shelf life. With nitrites, you can hold/freeze/refrigerate quite a bit longer than a product that's just salted/brined.

For mixes without nitrites...
Some people say you've got about 3 months in the freezer. Others say you've got up to a year.
In the fridge, you're looking at 5-7 days (ideally).
Without refrigeration, it should be in your mouth.

With nitrites, you can easily triple or quadruple those figures.
I just wipe away the weeds and dust and snack, as I hunt.

Yep, the weeds and such do no get into the sausage :) lol

Is tastey but do not put the jacket down while the dogs are out, cause you will lose the snack, BTDT
Originally posted byFrankenMauser:

With beef fat added, the shelf life will be shorter than just straight venison.

I agree. All the Jerky recipes I have ever used, including beef, say to use only lean cuts of meat with all fat trimmed away as fat will make jerky spoil faster. Even when I add beef tallow to my venison hamburger, I do it at the time I cook it. Otherwise it seems to accelerate the degrading of the taste over time, even when properly wrapped and frozen.
Buck, you just beat met to the post. I also just noticed the beef fat comment.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER add fat of any kind to jerky. Fat doesn't jerk - only lean meat jerks. Fat just goes rancid.