Vehicular Escape Routes

Well, we have like one "carjack" a year in Norway, but i understand you guys in the US. I guess we walk around thinkin that i wont happen to me or over here no matter what the statistics say about our country.
Regarding the article posted by pamick:

It seems we're more often searching for what "provolked" a BG to do something horrible... evident by the following quotes from the article. It's just part of that mentallity that we need to "understand why" when more often than not, there's no good "reason" for such acts of violence. Maybe I'm interrpreting this wrong..... I dunno.

Demitras wasn't driving a flashy car -- it was a 15-year-old Honda Civic with 140,000 miles and radiator problems, Firetto said. He wore a modest gold necklace with a St. Christopher medallion and two other pendants.

"There was absolutely no provocation. There was no verbal, no gestures."

His mother, Jackie Demitras-Essel of the West End, laughed when asked if he might have been carrying a wad of cash out in the open. He had five $1 bills in his wallet, she said.

Obviously they're looking for motive as well... but sometimes it seems the tone of such comments are looking for a reason why the BG did what he did, so when found they can slap themselves on the forehead and say "Ah, now it all makes sense!"

What this idiot did was sick, I don't want to understand why per se. I just want the facts, and swift justice based on those facts. Whether or not the victim was wearing an entire suit made from $100 bills is irrelevent.