Vanilla Extract?

Okay I finally got UN-LAZY (that a word?) and went into the wifey section of the spices/seasonings/flavorings cabinet and before me I hold a bottle of "FISCHER'S IMITATION VANILLA EXTRACT" And as I thought I remembered from the days as a wee lad of pre teen age watchin momma baking (I always waited to lick off them beaters)... The second ingredient in the fake stuff is alcohol so either you choose if it don't work you can't blame alcohol...
Think she is gonna miss it? I am gonna test it out in the yard near my Bait... ERRRR Bird feed...
As I recall from my Paramedic days, both the real and imitation vanilla extract have about the same amount of alcohol.
Go on a call on a Sunday, can't buy booze in Georgia, an old wino is laying there with 4 or 5 empty bottles of imitation vanilla extract on the floor.
Disgusting, but at least it was a pleasant masking scent to make up for the fact that he hadn't had a bath in 3 weeks.
how i like to use such things as that is to find old film canisters,clean the smell out,tap a small hole in the top,fill with cotten balls,fill canisters til they are all most full with whatever scent you want,take twine/cotten string and tie and knot in one end and a loop in the other,take the knotted end and push it through the hole in the top of the canister till all you see is the loop, submerging string in scent.When you are ready to use just pull on the loop till it stops,then take the loop and hang from a tree or bush are a nail in a tree.When you are done just pull on knot and resubmerge string.It's cheap or even free if you already have everything.


ok, after reading this I thought I'd give it a try over the weekend. I dumped about 1 oz on a bush about 15 yds from my stand (bow hunting). it smells very strong, and I'm in a high traffic area for deer around here. We'll see if any come by and start having breathing issues here too. ;-)
Well, coming in from down wind, came a doe, and a button buck. They did hang around for a couple minutes, the doe sniffed around, but never ate at the bush I put the vanilla on, but did eat off of some leaves next to it. Again, I'm where about 6 deer trails intersect and the cross from the public to the private land. They could have been traveling the fence line anyway. I WILL try again tomorrow, I have no idea why I didn't shoot, that will be another thread.
I've held to the belief that vanilla flavored tobacco smoke attracts deer.

The second ingredient in the fake stuff is alcohol so either you choose if it don't work you can't blame alcohol...

That's funny. I used to hunt with an older gentleman who smoked cigarettes and drank beer in his ground blind. He has killed more deer than anyone I know.

So a product containing alcohol probably wouldn't matter.
Activ... My grampa took us grandkids and taught us to hunt deer. He also taught us to drive! He drank peppermint schnapps and smoked Benson & Hedges menthol all day and yet did pretty well fillin' the freezer.
Exactly! We should quit worrying so much about what we look or smell like and JUST HUNT!!!

As for baiting with scents, I think anything that smells sweet would attract deer. Just use a little sense. :D
nah, ill use scents.

im going hunting in the morning with my buddy on property that borders a park. you do see deer there, but believe it or not its seldom. its like they know the park is safe. i will try the vanilla trick to see if i can pull some out. its immitation for the record.

will report back.
nothin, had some does and year olds come in, but none were interested in the vanilla. lifted their heads to smell it from downwind, but never made a mad dash to munch on the leaves. On the other end, it did not spook them or drive them off. you decide.:confused:
Spread some extract on leaves and trunks under my stand this weekend. Nothing came in, but that's not all that unusual right now as we are having a pretty warm fall. Nothing is really moving all that much, yet. I will give it another go later this week.
hogdogs, I bet it was the aroma of the peppermint schnapps:D. I think I`ll fill my scent dripper with some and hang it above me in the treestand ;)
I Tried It Today

Got in my treestand at about 9:00am after using a 50/50 mix of vanila extract and water out of a spray bottle around a trail junction. Had a high racked 6 point come in from 100 yards downwind at 11:30. When he got a wiff of that stuff he went on alert. It must have taken him twenty minutes to close the distance to about 40 yards. Another ten yards and I was going to release a Muzzy broadhead on him........but he just turned slowly and walked back the way he came. I don't think that I'm going to spray that stuff again. I don't think that it spooked him, just a strange odor. Well, better luck to me in the morning.;)