Valvoline oil

the way I see it is gun oil is for guns and motor oil is for auto's.

I do not wonder but there is something in oil that restricts foaming and there is something that allows the oil to float particles through the pump to the filter. Yes there are many additives that a gun does not need. And then there is cleaning, there was a time I had no reservation about adding a vapor injection system for cleaning the top of pistons. I had a friend at love field that threw a chain around the jugs of a P47 engine and then secured the jugs with a binder. I thought it should have been repaired, he said the plane had a vapor/alcohol injection system during war conditions the horse powder could be increase by 400HP and that is what I wanted ‘WAR CONDITIONS’.

And there is Vaseline, and cosmoline and bag bomb. There was a time when instead of scraping the top of pistons during repair I would soak them in carburetor cleaner. That had to be healthier because there was no dust.

I have used Rislone and marvel Mystery oil; I used Rislone because they promised if it did not help it would not hurt. My opinion, Rislone helps clean engines that used oil that that needed a lot of help.

And then there is the barrel, back in the old days the cleaning rods screwed together and there was no promise the joints aligned so we ground them to fit or taped them. There was a belief the muzzle tapered because of the cleaning rod. Anyway I put together a cleaning system for barrels, it is impossible to lock up or obstruct the barrel. It works for me.

F. Guffey
the way I see it is gun oil is for guns and motor oil is for auto's.

Well, yea, but Mobile One will keep a 10,000 RPM Indy car engine running, or a 12,000 RPM Road Racing motorcycle engine going. If anything, Mobile One is "over qualified" for firearms. :)

I use Mobile One each spring to change the oil in my push mower. It holds 24 ounces. That leaves me 8 ounces of gun oil for the year.
Army Marksmanship Unit went over to Mobile 1 synthetic oil for all
their bore cleaning and general maintenance lubrication.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^

Mobil-1 Synthetic* is superb as a lube/preservative, and "not bad" for smokeless solvent if only 1 solvent is carried.

Still,I use KG-1/12 to clean carbon/copper before following with an *AMSOIL-Synthetic 0-30W patch to protect the bore.
Yes, I want to be buried with bottles of KG1 and KG 12... throw in some Witches brew and denatured alcohol.

Well I sort of think use gun oil for guns and motor oil for engines ,,,,,,But I do like ATF (automatic transmission fluid ) as a lube and a cleaner and protection from rust.
I understand that sentiment, but the motor oil company R&D budgets are way higher than they are for any company specializing in gun oil, so it should not be a surprise that they have a few tricks up their sleeve that gun lube makers don't. Indeed, quite a number of the latter have been developed by trial and error in somebody's basement until they thought they had something good enough to market. What the oil companies can afford to do is actually run the stuff in dozens of engines with carefully measured carbon deposition rates and confirm that it's not their imagination or wishful thinking that a new additive is actually doing something positive. Most small guys just can't do statistically satisfactory testing.

As was said earlier, Mobil 1 may be overqualified as a gun lubricant in most instances, but its the carbon cleaning properties that got Hummer70's attention. One of the problems with carbon is it hardens as it cools, then hardens more over time. That's the reason an M14/M1A gas piston is hard to get carbon out of. But motor oil is designed for a hot environment and doesn't mind going straight into a warm barrel that would evaporate a water-based solvent. The heat makes the additives work faster and attack the carbon before it takes a set. And at 6 or 7 bucks a quart, it's a fraction of the cost of most gun cleaners.

As for copper, that's still a separate cleaning chore.
.. said the Army Marksmanship Unit went over to Mobile 1 synthetic oil for all their bore cleaning and general maintenance lubrication.

Typical day yesterday, came home with the cheapest (6) guns I could find while visiting (3) pawn shops.
The best was a Rem 798 300WM with Copper fouling... boring
The worst was a 410 bolt action on the "as is" rack... Another 410 with a broken stock!

I was using 10-40 Mobile 1, a tooth brush, a stiffer brush, a dental hygienist pic, and 0.012" brass coated wire wheels spinning slowly... could have been 5-20 Mobil 1 I poured into that squeeze bottle.

The guys at a pawn shop asked me what I was going to do with the 410. I told them I was going to rebuild it, with my own tape. They thought that was funny, but when I glued the cracked stock, I found that no clamps or surgical tubing worked. What closed the gap for gluing was short pieces of duct tape.

Getting Mobil 1 off the hands is not easy. The heavy orange hand cleaners leave a greasy feeling. The final polish is Ivory soap with Bon Ami.


  • Pioneer 28 410 $50 Savage stevens 59 OEM 5-6-2016.jpg
    Pioneer 28 410 $50 Savage stevens 59 OEM 5-6-2016.jpg
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  • Pioneer 28 410 $50 Savage stevens 59 OEM  after 24 hours of rubbing Mobil 1 5-6-2016.jpg
    Pioneer 28 410 $50 Savage stevens 59 OEM after 24 hours of rubbing Mobil 1 5-6-2016.jpg
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I fixed the split stock on that shotgun I bought yesterday.
I refinished the stock with mineral oil and beeswax.
I made a temporary action screw.


  • pioneer 28 410 Savage Stevens 59 refinished repaired 5-7-2016.jpg
    pioneer 28 410 Savage Stevens 59 refinished repaired 5-7-2016.jpg
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