VA law: open carry multiple firearms?

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According to VA law it appears that I can open carry a firearm as long as it holds 20 or less rounds of ammunition. Does that mean I can open carry say a Glock 17 with 19 round magazines, and also open carry 2 additional 19 round magazines?

Taking this further can I also carry in addition to my pistol an AR-15 that has vietnam era 20 round magazines? In essense carrying two firearms which in total carry more than 20 rounds without reloading but individually carry less than 20? And can I open carry my cold steel knife all at the same time?

If I can't then can I conceal (having a CHP) a pistol but open carry my AR-15 with 20 round magazines?

I was originally going to ask this question since I hike in state parks but VA seems to ban firearms in parks unless you have it concealed and you have a permit to conceal.

So this question is more about can I walk around in my blackhawk gear fully armed (as long as my magazines are 20 rounds or less) with an AR-15, pistol, and knife? Is that within the law? yes we all know this is not advisable regardless of the law... this is more of a "theory" question.
I could be completely wrong, but my past research has led me to believe I can carry as many weapons and as much ammo on my person as I choose, as a Virginia resident.
Better check local ordinances also...

Here in Nevada, open carry is perfectly legal, but not within most city limits (they don't want us scarin' away the tourists...:) )

So this question is more about can I walk around in my blackhawk gear fully armed (as long as my magazines are 20 rounds or less) with an AR-15, pistol, and knife?


Why would you?? Regardless of whether it's legal, walking around in public like that on any day but halloween is likely to get you nothing but a load of grief from the police.
No, I'm not going to answer your question because I can't, but I want to know why anyone would ever want to carry open. It just scares people. I even know that when I see people trying to carry concealed (but I can tell because I actually often find myself looking for that sort of thing) then I try to stay the heck away from them. I don't know what they are doing with the gun. People tend to freak out. I carry all the time. I make certain that it stays concealed though so I won't "freak anyone out." So why do you want to carry opened? Not trying to be cruel or anything, but is it so you can look cool? Wear the guns as decoration?
Remember to take your Captain Midnight Secret Decoder:


Just incase Mall Ninja HQ needs to contact you in the field ;)


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I agree. I don't understand why someone would want to open carry, though I don't see why it scares people so much. Besides, I don't think the poster wants pick through the cantalopes at Winn-Dixie with an AR slung over his shoulder- sounds like he's just curious.

I even know that when I see people trying to carry concealed (but I can tell because I actually often find myself looking for that sort of thing) then I try to stay the heck away from them.

A.C., why would it bother you that other people carry?
So why do you want to carry opened? Not trying to be cruel or anything, but is it so you can look cool? Wear the guns as decoration?

A persons defensive mechanism should be of no concern to you. Unless of course it puts you in danger.

And to the original post... Blackhawk gear? you will get one of three responses.

1) laughed at for your mall ninja tactics.
2) Get attention that you probably don't want.
3) Some half blind redneck will draw on you for being in AL's Kayduh, Tall Banana or something.
I would ask why?
I belive that the 30 rd mags are legal to carry around after july 1 with a chp. The rest is for somebody else.

A hundred years ago, carrying concealed was considered sneaky and underhanded - a man who was not visibly armed was assumed to be unarmed.

That's why we have many states, such as Ohio and New Hampshire, where open carry is legal but you need government permission to carry concealed.
No, I'm not going to answer your question because I can't, but I want to know why anyone would ever want to carry open. It just scares people.
I open carried recently all across Arizona. No one was scared, no one looked at me funny. I don't think anyone even noticed.
avidconcealer said:
It just scares people. I even know that when I see people trying to carry concealed (but I can tell because I actually often find myself looking for that sort of thing) then I try to stay the heck away from them. I don't know what they are doing with the gun.

Am I correct that you are saying that anyone carrying a gun concealed is someone you should "stay the heck away from"?

That's bizarre. Does that mean that everyone else should be "staying the heck away from" YOU?

Or are you just special -- the only CCWer in the country who should be universally trusted to be carrying a gun?

I think it's really hypocritical to carry concealed, but then pre-judge anyone else who seems to also be concealing a handgun as someone worthy of "staying the heck away from."

You don't know what they're doing with the gun. Do they know what you are doing with yours?

Unless they are acting suspiciously or menacingly, why is it fair or sensible for you to assume the worst? When you're driving down the street, do you automatically assume that the guy in the oncoming lane is just going to go nuts and swerve deliberately into you head-on? Likewise, if you "make" someone carrying a CCW, do you assume that he is just moments from whipping it out and blasting away at random people -- and you just luckily noticed the gun in time to "get the heck away from him"?

Maybe other CCWers are just like you. :rolleyes: A guy carrying a concealed handgun for protection, legally and with a permit.

The attitude that "anyone but me carrying" is cause for alarm or suspicion disgusts me.

How does it sit with you, knowing that even among those whose guns you have not been able to detect, there were people carrying? Does that freak you out?

Or are you just edgy around people in general? I mean, simply being aware that some percentage of the population carries should freak you out, if you simply distrust anyone when you find out they have a gun on them.

Too bad the sheeple in most places (maybe not Western states and some places in the South) are so "freaked out" by weapons. It sure would be a lot easier if we could all just open carry everywhere and no one paid any attention to it. No CCW permits, no worrying about whether I am printing, ... wouldn't that be great? And it used to be that way. A country sure can go downhill in 100 years or so. :(
Y'all mean if you spot someone else carrying you would'nt alert? Why the heck do you carry if not to defend yourself from other (bad) people with guns? I am supposed to just assume that you are a solid citizen? That doesnt sound like much of a winning mindset to me :confused:

Wandering around with an AR15 duded up in your battle kit is bound to cause a stir. Just because something may be legal to do doesnt mean that it is smart
I'm taking my carry class on Saturday in Tennessee. Open carry is legal here if you have a permit, although it isn't encouraged. The explanation I've heard is that open carry was made legal so CCWers couldn't be charged with breaking the law if they inadvertently revealed their weapon while picking something up, reaching for their wallet, etc.

That said, I can see myself carrying open if I'm just going from my parent's house in the city out to the farm, but that would just be going from one piece of our private property to another. I'd likely either cover it up or leave it in the truck if I stopped to go in somewhere. Just because its legal doesn't mean its advisable... I certainly wouldn't stroll into a convenience store with one of my rifles or my tactical shotgun :eek:
Y'all mean if you spot someone else carrying you would'nt alert? Why the heck do you carry if not to defend yourself from other (bad) people with guns? I am supposed to just assume that you are a solid citizen? That doesnt sound like much of a winning mindset to me
Most violent crooks don't walk around with a Glock or Colt in a $50 Bianchi leather belt holster. I'd alert, perhaps, in order to strike up a friendly conversation about his choice of pistol.

Maybe you should think about your level of paranoia and fear being such that the mere sight of a holstered gun throws you into a tizzy.
Why is it every single time someone asks a question about legal open carry, the sheeple chorus starts bleating about "buy why would you do that, you'll scare people, what's wrong with you, open carry is ba-a-a-a-d..." ad nauseam. Exactly like the antis say about guns in general.

Either stick to the point of the thread or start your own about how eeeeevil open carry is.

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