VA Gov requests $4.8 million for "Gun Confiscation Team"

The “too soon” morally window passed a decade or more ago, despite my protestations to the contrary at that time as evidenced here.

Now I feel like we are just guessing on when the “too soon” practically window is; while still hoping I’m wrong about the whole thing but no longer believing I am.

When I was younger, it was difficult for me to conceive that someone would sacrifice their own country for their personal advancement. That just didn’t happen where I grew up because people would know and talk and you’d be out of a job.

Now after more political experience, not only do I believe there are a lot of those people at the national level (especially in the unelected straphanger category); but I believe that many of them lack the sense to understand they are issuing a “Kneel or destroy us!” challenge that will certainly result in their destruction. The people leading this country aren’t any better, smarter, or brighter than the guy selling you milk. They just have experience in a narrow specialty that most of us lack and a good network that is concerned with self-preservation first.

But they do have determination, and they mean to push the issue until they are hanging by their heels from a lamppost. When they are being pulled up on the lamppost by the rope, they’ll still be thinking “How dare these dirty peasants touch me!”

That’s my 20 year evolution here. Make of it what you will.
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Well, historically, the time is when they ask for your weapons.

The Spartans died refusing that request. The citizens of Gonzales survived but the troops at the Alamo and Goliad didn’t.

We’re in a “green men” soft war phase with the oligarchs that have massive sway over our government now where they try to militarily submit us while pretending no war is going on.

The Virginia thing is just the first step. We’ve already seen obscene gun laws in many states that were passed but the actual enforcement continued to look the other way and so we all continued to pretend this was the result of representative government. Now, Virginia is going to take this to the next level and attempt only token enforcement of these laws - and if they get no pushback, the next step is targeted enforcement - and the targets won’t be the people involved in what we conceive as traditional gun crime. It is going to be the members of this forum.

That’s my current impression. On the plus side, I’ve argued for the past 15+ something years here that the statement of the guy above was crazy. I sure hope younger me is right.
we often read the slogan "if you go outside with your rifle and you're the only one, its not time yet". that is just a way of saying that you're not willing to be the first to stand up. as I've said before, I don't think anyone in Virginia is going to openly disobey their new laws. the ones that have them are going to feel grateful if they get grandfathered in and talk about changing things next go around...
Based on what I am seeing online at all these VA town halls, you may run outside with your rifle and not see anyone else; but you won’t be alone by a long shot.

I’m not even in Virginia. Tell me the day and I’ll run outside with my rifle. I’ll even put on pants if it helps sell myself as a serious person.
This stuff scares the hell out of me. I am a history buff and we have seen this stuff before under different guises.

We are very close to one side or another loosing a round and creating a modern Crispus Attucks and this didn’t start with the VA’s been boiling for some time across the country. Frankly that scares the bejezus out of me.

....may you live in interesting times and all that.
I was referring to the many debates of succession and splitting of Army officers who had been graduates from the same academies and who were in Northern VA at the time. Way before the firing of shots at FT. Sumner.
I grew up a few miles from Federal Hill in Baltimore. When MD went Left of Stalin, I moved to NM, which these days is not much better.
This stuff scares the hell out of me. I am a history buff and we have seen this stuff before under different guises.

We are very close to one side or another loosing a round and creating a modern Crispus Attucks and this didn’t start with the VA’s been boiling for some time across the country. Frankly that scares the bejezus out of me.

....may you live in interesting times and all that.
no Crispus Attucks will be made in Virginia. there will be some bravado but eventually it will turn into talk of trying to fix their situation next election.....
I’m telling you right now, if Virginia relies on the normal electoral process to address this, they are never going to regain their 2A rights short of some fantasy SCOTUS win 50+ years in the future, maybe,

You’ve got 90% of VA counties that oppose gun control and yet the gun control people control every level of government.

Here in Texas, deep in pro-2A and conservative territory, we are no better. Our Lt. Gov., Dan Patrick, who was elected on the entire premise that the rest of the the Texas GOP were compromising moderates, is now willing to sell us out on UBCs. And he controls the entire legislative agenda of the Texas legislature.

In my view, we are seeing a very cynical but accurate representation of what can be achieved if you have Bloomberg cash and goals. And by the way, Bloomberg is now tied with Warren for third position behind Sanders and Biden in the Dem primaries.

The only reason to hold off a fight is because you think your position will improve. Go back and read what I’ve written here over 20 years and tell me our position will improve. I want to believe you so it won’t be a hard sell.

The people pushing these laws believe you’ll lie down and show your belly; but they don’t have the means to back it up,. And if you do lie down, then you deserve what is coming next - and it isn’t enhanced enforcement against long time violent criminals.

I’m arguing on the same side as the ironically named AntiFa (which is the most fascist organization I’ve seen). If that isn’t a sign of the Apocalypse, I don’t know what is.
Our Lt. Gov., Dan Patrick, who was elected on the entire premise that the rest of the the Texas GOP were compromising moderates, is now willing to sell us out on UBCs. And he controls the entire legislative agenda of the Texas legislature.
Not trying to argue, I'm not in Texas but how does a LIEUTENANT Governor 'control the entire legislative agenda'?
And by the way, Bloomberg is now tied with Warren for third position behind Sanders and Biden in the Dem primaries.

Not trying to be the Dem poll editor but Bloomberg is sometimes 5th or lower in yesterdays polls. Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg, Warren..on more than a few, he isn't in the top 7-8.
Bloomberg is in 3rd place as of today, but I don't buy the money angle. money did not vote for anyone, people did.
money did not vote for anyone, people did.

True. But money buys ads, and airtime and people telling lies over and over to people who don't know any different. And the people vote based on what they THINK is what the law says, or what they're told that the candidate stands for.

When you have the money to tell your version of the truth 10 20, or a hundred times more often than the other side does, people only get your version of the message, and vote accordingly.

In that way, money "buys" elections. Not by buying the actual votes but by controlling the information voters get so they vote the way you want them to.

Now, this does rely on the laziness of people, far too many only go on what they are told, and do not determine for themselves what the actual situation is.

Unfortunately, this approach works often, and all too well.

its a variant of the "Big Lie" and money lets you tell your lie more often than the other side can tell theirs. Even more effective when the other side has only the truth to tell.
Money always influences the outcome of elections, hence the myriad of campaign finance laws that are selectively enforced.
Bloomberg is in 3rd place as of today, but I don't buy the money angle. money did not vote for anyone, people did.
Certainly not trying to argue 'polls' but the 5 I looked at just now has Bloomberg 5 to 8th..

Most put his % at around 6-8%..

BUT, I'm sure there's one that puts him 3rd..
Certainly not trying to argue 'polls' but the 5 I looked at just now has Bloomberg 5 to 8th..

And next week they will be different. Hell, TOMORROW they will be different.

The only poll that really matters will be in NOV 2020.

Everything between now and then is just made up crap.

Something for people to talk about and argue over. Tis all "smoke and mirrors" my man, ALL of it.
ok, I should have been more clear. yes, money to buy Ads. can influence stupid people into voting like the lemmings they are.
lemmings aren't ignorant, they're just under-informed! :rolleyes:

By the time the ones on the edge see the drop, they're still pushed off by the ones behind, who don't see it....yet...

What makes us different (mostly) is we have some lemmings who aren't running with the pack, but are off to the side and yelling at the top of their lungs (and wallets) RUN RUN THERE IS NO CLIFF THE SEA IS PARADISE!!

or so it seems to me...:D
The VA election outcome was the result of several issues, according to this article from the New York Times (if you believe what they print).

First, at least 4 Democratic wins resulted from uncontested elections - i.e. no Republicans ran against them.

Letting Democrats run unopposed is not a winning strategy.

Second, and probably more telling, the article noted that Democrats had "a significant fund-raising advantage" in the election, indicating that substantial amounts of money were raised from sources that perhaps included Bloomfield, Soros, or other sources of funding external to the counties and small towns in rural Virginia.
