VA Gov requests $4.8 million for "Gun Confiscation Team"


New member
"Virginia’s pop-up gun sanctuary movement has turned its attention to fighting the governor’s call for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed “assault weapons” ban. Two key groups issued an alert this week to push gun owners to four budget hearings Thursday around the state, asking them to quiz state legislators if they will vote to ban or confiscate weapons.

“We understand that this is short notice. But it would have a significant impact if many of our members could show up and make a 3-minute statement and ask questions of the legislators in attendance,” said the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

“We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America senior vice president."

Wonder how many doors they'll knock on before getting shot in the face?

You know it has to be new positions after threatening the police about doing their jobs. Why anyone would work for that POS taking away someone's rights is beyond me.

Hopefully everyone that gets asked or interviews for the position turns him down! Got no sympathy for someone that would take that job and something happens to them.
I'm shocked at what I've been seeing in VA. I know that 1/20/20 is a rally day at the capitol, and I hope that goes well. Watch closely, everyone. Watch closely.
Like I said before, Northam is going to try and be the hero of the left, in order to deflect from his KKK blackface scandal, by attempting to put the final nail in the coffin of a once, not too long ago Red State's 2A rights. He's not acting on his own... this is Bloomberg, the DNC and Soros all moving fast to manufacture a horrific incident cause they think it will hurt Trump, whether it actually does or not. I know people don't want to mix politics in the forum, but what else is driving this?... gun safety? Is gun violence unbearable in Fairfax County? They have these laws all printed out for each state in hard drives at the Center for American Progress and other far left think tank operations... ready to print after just changing names, locations, dates, etc... how else can you account for how fast they are moving on a state that just became a blue majority? This is their war against America and the Constitution that some people have been lulled into thinking doesn't really exist.

I would love to be wrong.
We’re moving into that awkward stage where the anti-2A forces* have decided to up the provocation and hope we respond in a way that allows them to tighten the wrench even further. And we’re in that place where responding that way would be morally justified decades ago; but wasn’t a smart way to achieve policy then and isn’t now.

Sadly, we are reaching that stage the original Virginians had to face - protesting injustice without triggering more of it backed by popular support.

*I’d started to say “the left” but even AntiFa and the other hard-line commies are protesting against this because they oppose the level of state control behind this, albeit for different reasons.
lets not forget one very important thing; the founding fathers did not have the right to vote for their representation, current Virginians did.
Give him a break, Jerry, NM wasn't even a state back then.

I can't resist the urge to plug a great book that describes the NM Civil War era (and includes plenty of good gun stuff); "Blood and Thunder" by Hampton Sides.
I don’t know the answer, Jerry. On the surface, it does seem improbable that the recent state election results and the 2A sanctuary county results can contain the same electorate. But look at the members here who talk about how they support gun rights but vote for a party that has extermination of the 2A as a major platform element. They either don’t believe the people they are voting for mean to restrict the 2A or they don’t care.

I’d guess Virginia has a few people who are shocked to find out that the people they voted for really meant to do the things they said they’d do.
I'd guess the request for additional funding for enforcement is to help get these draconian anti-gun laws passed in the first place and it might help slightly with voluntary compliance. I'd also wager that the governor will play some sort of financial schenanagins especially with the law enforcement of those areas claiming non-enforcement of these gun laws. And if all else fails, then some high profile gun busts with the new assault weapons squad might help in regards to voluntary compliance. I'm sure the media will paint those gun owners who die in shootouts or sent to prison as unstable lunatics.
they say it can't happen here.... but it is unfolding before our eyes. I hear Texans say this too but you can see how Houston and Austin are changing things there....
I wonder what Washington, Jefferson, and Henry might say to the governor about the current and proposed actions?

personally, I don't know if Patrick Henry would have to be physically restrained from kicking his ass, but I suspect he would seriously think about it...:rolleyes:

Do consider that there are still choices between "Zum befehl, Herr Obergruppenfuehrer!" and "give me liberty or give me death!"

Though the options appear to be shrinking almost daily.

Somewhere around a half century ago, one of the more anti-establishment writers said "America is at that awkward stage, too late to work within the system and too soon to start shooting the bastards..."

Seems things are even more awkward today...