UZI or MP5

Where I live:

UZI is about 4000$
MP5 is about 2000$

I wanted to know which is more reliable. I see no one using UZI except Isreal. Whereas MP5 is all over the place.

I've shot a fair amount of ammo through both (full-auto). They really reflect two different philosophies on subgun design (550rpm, open-bolt, mag in pistol grip vs. 800rpm, closed-bolt, magwell).

Both are classic firearms. The Uzi is probably the winner from a maintenance and reliability standpoint; but in every other point I like the MP5 better (ergos, accuracy, controllability). As long as nothing on the MP5 requires it being sent back to H&K or getting a part from H&K, it runs just fine. Both are more than adequate for the role they are designed to fufill.
The Uzi is slightly less likely to break and easier to get parts/fix yourself if it does. I love the MP5 but H&K customer service was less than spectacular - at first I attributed this to being non-military/LEO; but in talking with those guys they had similar problems trying to get stuff from H&K. In any case, I haven't fired a full-auto version of either in about a decade.

I am guessing you won't be relying on HK-USA for your maintenance issues, so probably less of a problem for you.
I own an MP5, and have fired many an Uzi. I pretty much agree with what Batholomew said. Uzi is darn near indestructible. MP5 is very reliable, but you'd have to give the Uzi a slight edge there. The MP5 is much more accurate and comfortable shooting.

If I were by myself and engaging targets only in CQB, I'd take the Uzi. If I were shooting longer distance, especially if I were not alone, I'd take the MP5. Reliability is not quite as much of a concern if you have partner(s) to help if your primary weapon goes down.
I had an mp5 and wanted to pair it up with another smg.

Instead of another mp5, today, i bought an uzi.

Thank you for your responses. I will post pictures once it delivered. :)
MP5's are more accurate, since they fire from a closed bolt. Also you have a greater selection of accessories.
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I've never been impressed with UZIs. Trained with a State Dept. issued one when I was undergoing training for embassy duty during my days in the USMC.
Have any of you guys shot a MAC-10 with a rate reducer in it? They are winning the subgun matches in my neck of the woods.
I've had both i was a class 3 dealer for 15 yrs. Mp5 is better overall for handling and fast shooting and more accurate. BUT do not count the UZI out i've seen some very accurate for a slam bolt shooter. 1,000 or police depts around the world still use it as do many countries. Very Reliable. I do have a Pre May Dealer sample I'm thinking of selling. But you have to be a dealer or police dept to buy it.
Mainly simplicity; an open-bolt SMG is probably the simplest firearm to manufacture in the world. That also makes maintenance and parts replacement easier.

The normal drawbacks are considered to be:

a lack of accuracy (as the bolt jumps forward, it moves the gun off the point of aim, but at close range, that doesn't really matter)

more safety issues (earlier open-bolt guns were known to be susceptible to accidental firing if the gun was dropped or struck on the butt hard enough to cause the bolt to move to the rear, pick up a round, and then fire it as it's chambered. The UZI was designed with a grip safety to block the movement of the bolt unless that grip safety was held in)

the open bolt itself is more likely to let all sorts of foreign matter into the receiver, unless it's carried with the bolt closed and a loaded mag inserted (which is where the grip safety comes in)
The sheer simplicity of the Uzi is it's advantage. I can break my Uzi into it's component parts in under a minute with no tools. I can change a broken part or a bulged/shot out/squibbed barrel in seconds.

The Uzi is like the 4x4 truck of the subgun world whereas the MP5 is like the German luxury car.

I would take my Uzi places where I would leave a borrowed MP behind.
I've got a fair amount of experience with MP5's and a Micro-Uzi FA.

I see the Uzi as an extreme CQB weapon. The open bolt can be, confusing, if you're not used to it and you aren't paying attention. It does keep the weapon coller however, and allows for a higher rate of fire.

MP5's are more versatile in my opinion, and easier to fire accurately.

If you're handing them out to your guards I would give it to whoever your most safety conscious/fire disciplined is. They're VERY easy to empty before you know it.