Uvalde Shooting Spotlights Daniel Defense

Keep putting your guns before people's lives... An ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN is needed! I say this as a gun owner and a conservative and not one of the ones that lies and twists crap aka a lot of the right these days. Some people do care about others lives and public safety over their guns.

I emphatically disagree with the need for an Assault Weapons Ban (or any other ban). I find your logic horribly, hugely flawed and incorrect.

Either you have not thought things through or you have blindly accepted and are parroting the gun banner advocate's talking points. Or you're just trolling for a response...

Give us a cogent, rational argument how ownership of an inanimate object by millions of people means we are all potential murders who value our guns over the lives of others?

Frankly, I am insulted by the concept. Many MILLIONS of "assault weapons" shot no one yesterday, or the day before, or EVER....
And millions will shoot no one, tomorrow, or ever.

This is one of my biggest issues with gun control/ban rhetoric, they're not interested in an actual discussion, and they don't want any compromise all they want is your agreement with their methods, and goals and if you don't
then you are a cold, heartless SOB who cares nothing for the lives of others,

That's the only choice they offer us. Literally, if you don't agree, you're evil incarnate, in their eyes.

The entire concept of the gun being at fault, being too easy to get, and all the rest is bovine excrement being trolled as a red herring.

Even their preferred phrase (now sadly entrenched in both the media and political use) "gun violence" is a misnomer. AKA "a lie" The entire problem is not guns, it is PEOPLE using guns criminally, And we have lots and lots of laws prohibiting that already and have had for generations.

when some member of an identifiable political, ethnic, or religious group commits a criminal act, we are constantly told not to blame everyone in that group. Why then are gun owners treated differently???

Do you actually believe the NRA and the Second Amendment condone murder?? If you do, I suggest a combination of proper education and professional help to free you of those delusions.

If you truly believe that guns, (or any inanimate object) is evil and capable of overcoming human free will, then I suggest you get together with some of the billionaire's who claim to also feel that way, pool your money and BUY the gun companies and shut them down.

Spend some more money and buy up the guns people already own and are willing to sell (buy-back is yet another misnomer). But don't expect everyone to give up their property for a pittance. No rational person will exchange something they paid hundreds or thousands of dollar for, to get a $50 gift card.....

In simple terms, guns are not evil, guns don't do evil, PEOPLE DO. Yes far too many people are shooting others because they feel like it. That needs to be stopped. Banning a particular style of gun, or even banning all guns will not stop people who want to harm others from doing so.

Go plant your cot in a prison. No inmates there have guns. Will you feel safe???

I wouldn't...
I emphatically disagree with the need for an Assault Weapons Ban (or any other ban). I find your logic horribly, hugely flawed and incorrect.

Either you have not thought things through or you have blindly accepted and are parroting the gun banner advocate's talking points. Or you're just trolling for a response...

Give us a cogent, rational argument how ownership of an inanimate object by millions of people means we are all potential murders who value our guns over the lives of others?

Frankly, I am insulted by the concept. Many MILLIONS of "assault weapons" shot no one yesterday, or the day before, or EVER....

And millions will shoot no one, tomorrow, or ever.

This is one of my biggest issues with gun control/ban rhetoric, they're not interested in an actual discussion, and they don't want any compromise all they want is your agreement with their methods, and goals and if you don't

then you are a cold, heartless SOB who cares nothing for the lives of others,

That's the only choice they offer us. Literally, if you don't agree, you're evil incarnate, in their eyes.

The entire concept of the gun being at fault, being too easy to get, and all the rest is bovine excrement being trolled as a red herring.

Even their preferred phrase (now sadly entrenched in both the media and political use) "gun violence" is a misnomer. AKA "a lie" The entire problem is not guns, it is PEOPLE using guns criminally, And we have lots and lots of laws prohibiting that already and have had for generations.

when some member of an identifiable political, ethnic, or religious group commits a criminal act, we are constantly told not to blame everyone in that group. Why then are gun owners treated differently???

Do you actually believe the NRA and the Second Amendment condone murder?? If you do, I suggest a combination of proper education and professional help to free you of those delusions.

If you truly believe that guns, (or any inanimate object) is evil and capable of overcoming human free will, then I suggest you get together with some of the billionaire's who claim to also feel that way, pool your money and BUY the gun companies and shut them down.

Spend some more money and buy up the guns people already own and are willing to sell (buy-back is yet another misnomer). But don't expect everyone to give up their property for a pittance. No rational person will exchange something they paid hundreds or thousands of dollar for, to get a $50 gift card.....

In simple terms, guns are not evil, guns don't do evil, PEOPLE DO. Yes far too many people are shooting others because they feel like it. That needs to be stopped. Banning a particular style of gun, or even banning all guns will not stop people who want to harm others from doing so.

Go plant your cot in a prison. No inmates there have guns. Will you feel safe???

I wouldn't...
Yeah no biggie just a school here and there for years to come.

For the record I think the ones that are unwilling to compromise in the firearms world are the truly scared ones.

At the very least some control on marketing would help.
If your kids were in there and they were now deceased hypothetically what would you do?
For the record I like my guns too but there needs to be a compromise here.
First thing I'd do is assess whether he had gone through all the hoops to get the weapons.
He had. Nothing showed up in the System that would have flagged him.
1st problem right there.

2nd -- the fact that "an AR" was used is a red herring.
Any modern 9mm would have been just as destructive in the end

3rd -- Toothpaste is out of the tube are far as firearms go. 20,000,000 'assault rifles'
in public hands. `400,000,000 firearms overall. No one is going to put a dent in that
which would affect the minuscule number of nut cases that make the headlines.
...Nor the street gangs/criminals who make a living by these weapons. Fool's errand.

4th -- We do have a socialization problem... wherein we are raising an increasingly
dangerous number of unstable young males.

Riddle me that as the problem to solve.

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First thing I'd do is assess whether he had gone through all the hoops to get the weapons.

He had. Nothing showed up in the System that would have flagged him.

1st problem right there.

2nd -- the fact that "an AR" was used is a red herring.

Any modern 9mm would have been just as destructive in the end

3rd -- Toothpaste is out of the tube are far as firearms go. 20,000,000 'assault rifles'

in public hands. `400,000,000 firearms overall. No one is going to put a dent in that

which would affect the minuscule number of nut cases that make the headlines.

...Nor the street gangs/criminals who make a living by these weapons. Fool's errand.

4th -- We do have a socialization problem... wherein we are raising an increasingly

dangerous number of unstable young males.

Riddle me that as the problem to solve.

Yeah I tell my wife all the time the boomers on up are absolutely atrocious when it comes to parenting not all of them but the majority.
... If your kids were in there and they were now deceased hypothetically what would you do?...

Hmmm... maybe we should be asking why we protect our government and court houses and banks with guns, but not our children. How and why is this ok?
Big Eight said:
If your kids were in there and they were now deceased hypothetically what would you do?
Roughly half the parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting are NOT in favor of more gun control. They recognize that guns are not the problem.
Big Eight said:
For the record I think the ones that are unwilling to compromise in the firearms world are the truly scared ones.
Gun owners have been compromising (allowing Second Amendment rights to be gradually eroded) since the National Firearms Act of 1934. I think we have already compromised too much.
There’s no wording about compromise in the second amendment. There are methods in place for changing the constitution, that’s the only proper recourse. But as mentioned, we’ve already stepped beyond the bounds of the Bill of Rights with the gun laws that are on the books now.
What other constitutional rights are we willing to give up? Free speech, freedom of religion, allow unwarranted searches, seizure of property.
Murder is illegal, buying a gun with intent to commit murder is illegal. What new gun law is going to stop a murderer? This murderer already violated several gun laws.
There’s no wording about compromise in the second amendment. There are methods in place for changing the constitution, that’s the only proper recourse. But as mentioned, we’ve already stepped beyond the bounds of the Bill of Rights with the gun laws that are on the books now.

What other constitutional rights are we willing to give up? Free speech, freedom of religion, allow unwarranted searches, seizure of property.

Murder is illegal, buying a gun with intent to commit murder is illegal. What new gun law is going to stop a murderer? This murderer already violated several gun laws.
I guess we should make RPGs and grenade launchers legal then. It's for self defense right? Let the people do what they will with them. Hell let's drop the age to 12 to purchase too.
Let the people do what they will with them
This level of misunderstanding is the root of our differences..

Rpgs and grenade launchers should (and technically ARE) be legal to own. read Tench Coxe for the ideas of our Founders, and don't fall into the trap that allowing ownership means we allow people to do what they will, with them.

Read the actual laws, not sound bites and click bait. Even rockets bombs and grenades are legal to own with the Federal licenses. They are registered destructive devices and regulated by the ATF. You can own a tank and its ammo if you have the $ and follow the govt rules, licenses, etc.

what you cannot legally do is "what you will" with them. Same as regular firearms. Lawful ownership and use is NOT illegal.

No matter how many talking heads in the media or even in Congress or the executive branch tell you otherwise, lawful ownership and use is not the cause of illegal ownership, or illegal use. Free will is.

Ban that, if you can. They seem to be trying....
@Big Eight…..can we try your idea?

Let’s ban the forming of any armed security forces. They can have security forces, just no guns at all. It is especially important that this apply to all private security and vip protection teams. Whether government hired or private. Let’s try that for like 10 years.

No change to gun ownership among private citizens, criminals, etc yet. We first have to see how this works.

I guess we have a limited trial going on right now in gun free zones. How is that trial working in your opinion?
Big Eight said:
I guess we should make RPGs and grenade launchers legal then. It's for self defense right? Let the people do what they will with them. Hell let's drop the age to 12 to purchase too.

I’m ok with that, but I still like 18. No doubt I could of made use of an rpg at 12, but I still like 18 as the age. It lines up well with the military service age and graduation from high school.
The sheer number of sporting, assault, scary, or whatever you want to call them guns out there and advances in 3D printing make any type of ban pointless.

That having been said the tactical obsession that's been promoted by the industry has consequences. There was a good guy with a gun at Buffalo, he's dead.

And twenty years ago we were terrified of terrorists doing what pathetic 18 year olds are doing and we gave local police departments tons of new equipment to deal with that threat. Then there's the post-Columbine training. Yet the police in Uvalde reacted as if they'd gone back in time to 1980.

We are in an arms race with a bunch of little narcissistic losers, and I have no idea how to fix that.
The schools need to be secure, the cops have no duty to protect, no matter their level of training. There was plenty of advanced warning on this shooting.
We are being monitored for political opinions but an actual threat of violence against a school goes undetected.
It’s all just crazy. We are being surveilled through social media, it’s a well known fact these days and not just a conspiracy theory.
We fund other countries billions upon billions but nothing for school security.
Two questions and I'll admit I'm not an expert in either area.

1. Are all juvenile crimes included in the background check when buying a gun? Are some of these sealed, so they do not prohibit them from buying a gun even if they might prevent an adult charged of the same crime.

2. Should we pass legislation eliminating the ability for criminals to plead guilty to lesser charges in exchange for dropping gun charges. In other words, if they commit crimes with a gun even if no one is injured should mandatory felony charges by required?

I know there are privacy issues and mandatory charges have their own negative side, but many of the preparators have a history of bad behavior and repeat offenses.
We fund other countries billions upon billions but nothing for school security.

We have invested in school security, but it means nothing if the protocols aren't followed. And even if we managed to turn every single school in the country into Fort Knox these pathetic losers would find soft targets.

It’s all just crazy. We are being surveilled through social media, it’s a well known fact these days and not just a conspiracy theory.

There's tracking going on, but personally the thought of a government that could do so effectively scares me way more than what we have now.
There was plenty of advanced warning on this shooting.

Stuff like this gets said a lot,, but it really isn't useful. For every event, there are thousands upon thousands of paper tiger threats for which there is nothing actionable or where people don't perceive the threat is credible...and usually they aren't.
Whenever I see/hear someone use that phrase "weapon of war" and claim civilians should not have them, I laugh to myself, and sometimes even laugh in their face. And I tell them to go read Tench Coxe...

Tench Coxe has been dead for 200 years. Times have changed since his era of muskets and sabres.

“Let me state unequivocally — For all intents and purposes, the AR-15 and rifles like it are weapons of war,” retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, June 2, 2022. This guy is not just some random civilian. He knows what he is talking about. And he is still alive.