Utah TFL shoot: July 27th


New member
Let's get this one up on the board. Also, please note PvtPyle's post below which gives more details on later shoots and FTXs.

Same place as usual: the bowl. Seems we have a conflict with the gun show.

Who's going?

Anyone planning on camping out there the night before?
I didn't know we had decided on the 27th. :p Shows how much attention I've been paying.

I don't know if I will be able to make it, which would kind of suck since I've made it to every single Utah TFL gathering we have had.
Don't sweat it. We haven't decided on a FIRM date. But, someone has to. So, let's just go off the dates as posted on Pyle's site.

Does anyone have problems with the 27th or should we bump it till August?
Can someone repost the link to Pyle's site, please?


Looking pretty good for the September TFL shoot right now.
Schedule's impossible for me now - maybe the September shoot.

Glad I got to shoot with some of ya informally earlier...
Re-did schedule. I'll be there now.

Went out there last night. We have found a better spot to set up. We are still in the gathering bowl, but just a little farther North. Still gives up great backstops, but the odds of Morons driving into the backstops is greatly reduced. Shots out to about 600 yards from where we were looking at.
I would camp out, but have already commited to a deal on the eve of the 26th. If you want to camp out, I can come out that afternoon and get the big tents set up and staked down for ya..... With the wind and Corriea not there to catch them, they will have to be staked down :p

I need a semi-firm accounting of who will be coming to the FTX in August. I have some litterature to send you that could save your life. Army manual entitled Operation in a desert environment, or something like that. It will be August, there will not be a resupply of water, and I dont want anyone getting a splinter, let alone anything worse. I will also email you the other important info about it, if you have not seen it yet.
That big tent is my mortal enemy. If it even looks at me funny this time, it's going down...

I think all of us should e-mail any other Utah TFLers we have on our list. It can be a challenge to get folks out to the summer gatherings, so lets spread the word.
I'd love to come, but might have to wait til the next one. . . I'm getting down to crunch time on my new house. I know, I know, my priorities are out of whack.


I won't make it as I'll be on my way back from a week on Powell with 46 Scouts and 35 Adult leaders. I wouldn't be worth much, anyway. My life needs to settle down a bit in order to make contact with you folks!

I'll be there. I'll see if I can bring some other folks too.

If your a TFL Member or Lurker - come on out. We always have a good time. We've had a bunch of these gatherings. Never had any problems. If you have little one and wives - bring them. Unless the little ones are too little to keep a set of muffs on... But if they are old enough to stop when told to stop - then bring them. I have an old .22 rifle that I'm teaching my boys to shoot and your little guys or gals can try it too.
I'm bringing out a couple little charcoal grills and maybe some brats or just some dogs. If you bring some meat - you can throw it on there too.
Folding chairs, shade, lot's of cold water... that's all important. There is no natural shade - but the view is worth it once you get there. Rifles - plenty of range to test your skills. No limits. If you have a bofors that you don't get to shoot very often - bring it.
You hold a class 3 and have some neat toys to show off... bring them. You have a couple ATVs or dirt bikes... Bring them. (We need them to warn other off roaders that may want to go running around in our down range area)
I'm bringing 1 or 2 ice chests full of drinks too. Mostly water.

Seriously, come on out, meet the folks, shakes some hands, pop a few rounds. If you don't have much time... that's fine. You don't have to hang all day and there is never any money changing hands... not for food or drink or trying a few rounds out of that weird gun. (unless it's the cat with the machine gun - you gotta drop a few bucks for him because they roll through a lot of ammo real fast!)

Pyle, I can't make the FTX in August because I have my little brothers flying out. I'd bring them but they will be just getting out of the field already. They are in an Artillery unit and will have had their fill of field work. They are wanting to do some shooting, and hanging out to watch some movies and eat pizza and have a mini vacation before they go back to start school... at VMI! I'm proud of them - so they get whatever they want. :D
Whats the off road like. My truck is down untell I can get someone to help me fix it and all i have is my little car. I didnt think I was going to be able to make it but I just might beable to now.
Riz, what we have done in the past is this. We will put somebodies Cell phone # on a sign at the bottom of the hill. So if you can't make it up the hill, just call the number and somebody with a 4x4 will come done and pick you and your gear up.

We usually end up with a pretty large number of cars parked on the bottom. I got my '87 Chevy Caprice up to the top once, and a friend of mine got his AeroStar minvan. :) But I will never try it again. You need a bit of clearance.
If you don't have four wheel(or at least good traction), you'll need to hitch a ride up. I arrived at Saturday's FALFiles shoot, Pyle told me about Correa's ascent in the Caprice, and I thought "hell, I can do it". My S10 2X4 has the clearance, but I could not get traction up the last part of the ascent. The trail is really rocky, and what may have been hard packed trail is now soft, and silty.

Gonna be a great time had by all. If I can get a sitter, I will be there for sure. Maybe we can coerce larphred from the FALfiles to come up-class III goodies....
Bumping this back up.

Any of you guys have a PACT timer you could bring? Maybe we should play some new gun games. How about timed rifle shooting out to 500 yards? Anybody got some good steel? I've got some little ones that I can drive into the ground, but they only last for a couple of shots before they get knocked out.

Anybody have an old (empty of course) car's gas tank? They make great long range rifle targets, since they echo when they are hit.

And don't forget to bring some trash bags. I hate that some folks leave such a mess out there. Bunch of jerks, make us all look bad.
If I can make it, I'll bring a rake and shovel for cleanup. It makes cleaning up brass/shotgun shells much easier..
Ok...hmmmm? Where the H*LL is the bowl? Can someone PM me to its top secret location :D Ill be there for sure...Its about time I got to annoy....er meet some of you people in person. :eek:
Please let me know if I can bring anything. Im into helping where ever I can...and I have a twuck and a cell too.
Shoot well
Go west through Lehi till you hit the 4 corners. (where if you turn right it will take you to Camp Williams) Turn left and head south and stay heading south for about 7 or 8 minutes... you'll pass a rock quarry and it's around the bend from that. You'll see a dirt road run off to the right heading up hill. The bowl is at the top of that hill. If you don't have a 4X4, but have a truck or a car with good tires and little bit of clearance, you can make it up. Not straight up - some 4X4s can't even make it up. It's a lot harder than it looks. I broke my Transfer case climbing it! Being stuck in "2-High" the track you take is to the right of the circle at the bottom. You will see where som tracks pull off and go up hill via a longer path up and around. That's the way to go. My Jeep only has the 2.5 4 banger and it scrambles up it with no problem. I can go down the hard way with no problem. Spectre's Samurai went up and down with absolutely zero difficulty. Going the long way around, Correia was able to work his low riding Caprice Classic up to the top and another fellow had a MINI-VAN up there. So it is doable. I think one fellow got stuck trying the longer path, but he had baldish tires. It's loose small rocks, so good tread is important.