UTAH TFL Gathering. Saturday April 13th.


New member
The next Utah TFL shoot will be on April 13th. Same place as last time. Just west of Utah lake. More detailed instructions will follow.

If you haven't been to one of these shoots, they are great informal range trips. Lots of good folks, lots of guns.

Anybody want to host the BBq this time?
The bowl?

Is the bowl the same place the TFL shoot will be held?:confused:
I'll be there if I can find it. Do I need a passport to visit Utah County??:cool:
Didn't someone take a GPS reading at one time?
We could post the GPS position... That could be a big help for those that have never been yet have access to a GPS device.
PvtPyle still needs to spill the beans in more detail about his more efficient way up the hill.

That way some of us non 4x4'ers don't have to beg for rides.


Where to meet?

A que horas?

I'm inviting a number of people (at least 4, we'll see how many show) to come so I need to know so I can pass along the info.

One is my cousin who has only touched a firearm once (with me a couple weeks ago) so bring yer' teaching caps, for those who like to spread the infection we all share.
PvtPyle is in the guard, and has been on duty for the last 5 weeks. He should be back this week, and I'll go bug him for directions. :)

Anybody want to have a Friday night BBq again? My place is tiny, so probably not the best place for one.
I'm planning on going. I'll probably bring 4 others as well. Heck, my whole Apartment complex has been begging me to take them shooting. Is it okay if I bring 40 people? LoL
I'll be there with my usual gang of holliganry.

I will bring my little BBq again. (its weak, but its portable) :)

I know there are a slew of folks who will want to come, but don't check into lock&load that often. I'll e-mail everybody I can think of.
I can't do it... I am scheduled to do the interior paintwork and flooring on my new house. Pretty much all of April is shot for me.

This sucks... I haven't been shooting in months.

Can't make it - for the children!

Seriously, I'll be at the YHEC (Youth Hunter Education Challenge) state meet in Logan. Helping keep the shooting and hunting interest up in 50-75 youth from all over the state. At least the kids will get in a bunch of shooting that day :D !

I keep checking this thread in the hopes of one day being able to make a shoot again. Hope springs eternal.

It, has, returned!

I am finally done with my new MOS school and I am back in SLC! Good Lord am I glad to be home! Dont bother calling for the next few days, I am catching up on some stuff around the house.

I learned alot, we covered everything from the 9mm to the M198 155mm howitzer. I know know enough to be officially dangerous, although the ATF and NSA already seem to consider me dangerous. They have no idea! Thanks to their little messenger boy, and the things I learned at school I have decided to put in for my class 02 and 07 SOT. I have a good friend in the Armory who will soon be the platoon commander who is very excited about getting to eval some of the newer weapons systems out there who said he will sign off my letters to get a few unussual dealers samples when the SOT comes thru. I will also begin building some of my own eval systems based upon ideas that I got when I was there. I know a better machine gun can be made other than the crap we are issued! Anyone with machinist skills please contact me!

I am ready for the shoot on the 13th, Meagen will kill me since I am gone the next weekend for the Guard, back in Idaho to check big guns for an Arty unit and PFT, and then the FTX the next weekend! I bought the big tents we used last season so I will have them, I just need volunteres to help put them up early.........

Anyway guys, I am back with a bug in my butt. Everyone get ready for a great FTX in April (the following weekend!). We have a few other people from my unit that have said they would like to come and do some classes on patrolling and land nav. We are going to try to get some radios from battalion and also do an on-going class on comms, and some PVS-7's for night patrolling.

Those interested, please let me know for sure in the next week or two. I need to draw up the fireteams and get an accurate count of participants. Alot of us are going to be using the AR, but run what ya brung! Everything is welcome and we are very interested in getting an AAR of what gear you chose to bring and how it worked/sucked for you. It will be over night on Friday night and in the hills on the south end of the valley, so bring some warm gear. There wont be a truck for the wussies to curl up in at night(yes Porter, this means YOU! Just kidding!!!!)

Anyway I look forward to hearing from you guys and if you get a chance next week, come on by and lets catch up! I will be trying to finish the basement before the new baby gets here, but I promise I wont put you to work!


BTW, the only way you get to find out the easy way up the hill is to come out and let me show you! (just a little more incentive to get people there) Actually, I am more than happy to show you guys and I will put up markers to guide you up the day of the shoot. The only down side to this route is that you come up very close to the impact area, so in addition to marking the route, I will also put my cellphone number on the posts so you can call us and ensure a safe passage up there. This does not pose any problem as it is good to take a break and reload. Dont forget your water!!!!!!!
@!#%^&*DAMN!!!!!!!You guys have ALL the FUN!!!!!

For the rest of us, please provide streamng video of the event;
someone better bring the right digital equipment, or we won't let you post 'til next YEAR!!!:eek:
Did they try to get to you too?:D It did not have the desired effect on me. Much to their dismay.

It should be a good time. The FTX should be really interesting too!
I have a compstock form my shotgun that I am experimenting with. So if any of you guys are interested to see if you want to get one of these for yourselves, bring plenty of slugs & buck. (no 3 inch, my riot barrel is 2 3/4 only).
What kind of things are making it important for you guys to go? Sounds like you had antis attackin' or something! Fill us in please.

Oh, and the 13th? Hmmm, checking, checking......