Utah: Another Quick draw Mc'Taser, or...

I'm all for law and order, but this situation was plainly handled in the wrong fashion. That officer tasered that speeder mighty fast for my taste. Yes, the officer did tell him to put his hands behind his back and yes the fellow started walking back towards his car, but come on. I think there needed to be a little more hostility on the speeder's part before getting tasered like that.

Tasers do have their place and time, for they have saved lives and helped law enforcement to get unruly suspects under control. Unless warranted otherwise, an officr should use the more basic methods first before applying the taser.
i agree that the officer involved didn't use sound judgement. neither one of them did for that matter. in my opinion, the officer was to eager to use his taser....i think he actually cleared leather as he was instructing the driver to place his hands behind his head....instead of placing his hand on the grip as a visual statement that he means business. but before i say any more, i am not a qualified instructor, i'm just opinioned.

i also agree that a busy roadside is not the place to argue with an officer....i don't care how bad a day its been for you.

remember that movie "meet the fokkers" when they all go to florida and somewhere around the end of the film, the fathers get tasered? thats what this seems like.
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Sorry, but I disagree. If this ahole just followed instructions, took his ticket and fought it in court like he should have, nothing would have happened and the whole ordeal would have been over in 5 minutes. But no, he took it upon himself to be defiant, disrrespectful and uncooperative with a person that is trying to uphold and enforce the law. Where does this guy come off getting the attitude that he can do what ever the hell he wants to whoever he wants. You don't give cops orders, its the other way around.
Right. We lowly serfs should know our place and never dare to ask questions of our betters or argue with them. Respect is entirely a one-way street. It's not as if police are fallible human beings like the rest of us. All the citizen has to do is eat sh_t on command and grovel on the ground in abject submission, and the Glorious Enforcers of the Law might have mercy on him.

Yes indeed, as lowly serfs, our rights mean NOTHING if trampling on them can make an officer's job just a little easier, safer, or less boring that day. And if the officer should decide to harm us just so he can have a good story to tell his buddies later on at the station, who are we to complain? They work a hard job and need a little entertainment in their lives.

Thus, we'll obey every order with a smile and a hearty "Yes, Sir!" if we know what's good for us. We mustn't ask questions of our exalted superiors! We're not here to ask questions; we're here to obey orders like trained dogs.

Remember, folks: the police officer is NOT just our fellow citizen doing a job. He is NOT our equal under the law. He is a member of a specially-protected class with special privileges, and we must treat him with the highest respect, even if he spits on us. :rolleyes:
That is what I am talking about when I say that some people on this board engage in universal cop bashing. Taking a look at each individual case, and deciding what happened based on the facts takes too much effort.
I'm not bashing all cops, divemedic. No sir. There are many decent cops out there, and my negative comments do not apply to them. In fact, I've been pulled over more than a few times due to my lead foot, and I've never had a cop be rude to me. Even when I got a ticket instead of a warning, the exchange was mutually polite.

On the other hand, I do know of people who have been treated extremely rudely without cause. And there are plenty of police brutality videos on YouTube and other such sites. One can only imagine how many incidents occur off-camera. So I definitely think abuse of citizens' and suspects' rights is rampant, and there seems to be almost no real accountability.

Now, what I was objecting to in my last post is the attitude held by many cops and their sycophants (I'm not saying you're one of them) that anyone who wears a badge is literally incapable of doing anything wrong. If a video surfaced showed ten cops beating a handcuffed 80-year-old, the Fraternal Order of Police would defend the cops' actions or at least say, "let's not rush to judgment before we know all the facts...."

Regarding this particular Taser incident, it's far, far from the worst I've seen. My opinion on it is that the Taser use was unjustified, but the motorist used poor judgment. He could have continued to argue without getting so antsy and escalating things.