USPSA/IDPA 9mm Question

I want to ask this... I never see ANYONE say that they suggest a Sig P228,P229 or any other Sig for USPSA? I just bought a Sig P229 9mm and was thinking about going to a couple shoots here where I live, and I have been looking aroud, and no one ever says anything about the Sigs. Are they not good for IDPA/USPSA matches? Just curious, I alsohave a Glock 23 I was thinking about using.

My Sig p229 is a great shooting pistol, I cant miss even at 30-40 yards. My wife shoots a Sig P239, and I think that might even be a good USPSA gun for her to use at a match? Comments?
If you can't miss, then it is a good gun FOR YOU. Have at it, there is no rule against the P-guns.

Your wife will have to do some extra reloading but hers will do well enough, too.
So would it be in the best interest for her to purchase the 10 round mags for the P239? I just asked about the Sigs, cause I never see anyone saying anything about them in Comp shooting. I think the P229R is a awesome gun and it has a great trigger. Does anyone at all shoot or ever shot one in USPSA?
I don't know how far the 10 round P239 magazines protrude. IDPA and USPSA Production guns must fit in a box of specified dimensions.

I shot a P226 CPO with GGI tuneup for a while.
Yeah I would have to see what the Dims are with the 10 round. I have one more for you... The P239 mag is considered a 8 round single stack, would that mean that I could shot that pistol in the Single Stack Div? Or is that more 1911's and nothing else? Even the 10 round for the P239 is a single stack Mag.

Thank you very much Jim for all your time and information. It is tough for a person starting out to understand and know what I can and cant do. I have read the rule book, but a bunch of that is 'Greek' to me. Thanks
USPSA Single Stack = 1911
Other single stack magazine guns need not apply. The P239 is best shot in USPSA Production or IDPA SSP.
Thank you very much, that will clear that up for me.

I dont think that there is an IDPA organization out here locally, I have been trying to find information on places to shoot, but it is tough to find. I just recentlly found a place that shoots USPSA matches. I hear that IDPA is a little easier and less mags required and less ammo shot each time, wish I could find something local for IDPA.
I would never buy a M&P... I own a Sig P229R just bought about a week ago, and I own a Glock 23 I just bought a week ago. I have shot the M&P 9 and it shoots nothing like my P229R, if a person can afford the higher price for the Sig it shoots very smooth and the trigger pull is great.
Well most everyone has their favorite right? Well I have been shooting Sigs for a long time and really like them. I just recently decided to buy a Glock, and I must say that the 23 shoots very nice as well. I plan to shoot either one in USPSA, I dont know if I can shoot 2 different guns in the Production division or not.
I dont think that there is an IDPA organization out here locally, I have been trying to find information on places to shoot, but it is tough to find. I just recentlly found a place that shoots USPSA matches. I hear that IDPA is a little easier and less mags required and less ammo shot each time, wish I could find something local for IDPA.

I didn't read through this whole thread, but if you go to IDPA's website, you can punch in your zip code and find a club near you that holds matches. That's how I found the place I shoot at. Did the same thing over at USPSA's website also. In my case, for IDPA I got a 45 minute drive, and a 50 minute drive for USPSA. Now that I've shot both, I prefer IDPA.
Well I am glad that you brought that up, I didnt even think about going to the IDPA website. Stupid me... I found that there is a Local Fresno Club, and I have send the contact on the website an email asking for info and where and when. Thanks guys for all your help and I will end up going to BOTH matches and see which one will be for me. I have heard from several people that prefer shooting IDPA instead of USPSA due to less ammo required.
Well there is a IDPA shoot tonight at the range i am a member at, I was thinking about going to watch, but dont know if people can just watch. The range is very small on the side they do the IDPA and I have heard that they usually have like 40-50 shooters. Even if I go tonight, I would not even get to meet the Club leader as he will not be there due to a NRA dinner here in town tonight. I am thinking about it, but it would be just to get info on what equipment people are using, not really to watch the shooting (Dont want to get in the way and be THAT guy).
TAKE YOUR GEAR & AMMO with you to the match.
As long as you can be a safe shooter, folks will go way out of their way to help you with equipment, extra rounds, mag pouches, holsters, etc.
Well as of right now, I dont have anything but my 2 pistols. I have have not taken action on buying a holster or mag pouches yet. I wanted to go to my first IDPA and USPSA matches to talk to people and watch the shoots before I bought anything. I might take my stuff just to burn a box of 50 on the Range, and watch a few shooters and talk to a few people.
Well if it is equipment you are worried about, don't be. A lot of guys start out with cheap stuff like fobus and uncle mike's, then after they get into it a bit more, they drop some cash into some decent equipment. I started out with an uncle mike's paddle holster and a fobus double mag pouch for IDPA. Then after shooting in a few matches, and realizing that this was a fun sport/hobby that I wanted to do more often, I spent some money on a better set up. Now I use a Blade Tech standard belt holster and a G-Code double mag pouch with my all stock (except sights) Glock 34. I would go watch or shoot in the match. You would be surprized how nice and helpful people will be. Guys like to answer questions and talk about their gear. You got to start some where and every one was a new shooter at some time in their life.

I can't afford the points down in USPSA for shooting Minor, hence my new 1 year old G35. I can download Wimp rounds to minor for IDPA to be pretty good there in local matches.