USMC Member Kills Carjacker in Self Defense in Montgomery, AL

God must have a sense of humor to allow these sorts of things to happen.

You know this guy is explaining to someone right now in the afterlife that he got killed in a McDonald's drive through. :o
Quote by PsychoSword
"You know this guy is explaining to someone right now in the afterlife that he got killed in a McDonald's drive through."

And hopefully he is explaining it in a very hot location! :D
I'm X Navy

And am proud to have been in the same millitary with people like this.
And proud to live in a country where people like him, can protect them selves like he did, and walk away from the incounter.
Of corse Teddy, Braddy, and who ever that jerk that lost the last election was would probably want him in jail.
But ted you staying off bridges lately
"Expert Pistol"

Good shooting, Sarge. Score another one for the Marines.
Semper Fi, and Goodnight Chesty, wherever you are!
How is the Marine doing physically?, I saw a guy get shot through the upper jaw, on Life in the ER, and his teeth, and Hard palate were basically resting on his tongue, he was wide awake and could talk, but a lot of guys with concussions are like that, until bad things happen, lets just think good thoughts for this guy, and hope he is alright.
Hey Dan. The original post in this thread was 2 years ago, so my bet is the Sarge is probably chomping on some ribs about now with the best of them.

I hope so, I did not pay attention to dates, I figured the story was recent, you never know with an injury close to nerves, or involving bones, I had back surgery, and felt fine for about 3 1/2 years, went on with my life, and then disabled again, for the last almost 3 years and another surgery, nothing in life is certain, or should be taken for granted. Plan for the future, and live in the moment.
Thanks, I made my choice of professions and knew the risks, what is gonna happen is gonna happen, try to stay safe, and be polite, I got my first life insurance policy about 3 months after getting married, and another, when I was healthy again. I stopped worrying about what might happen, or how almost 20 years ago. More people where killed on my street before I was 10 than in most small towns in 20 years.

The only advice I can offer for people injured, or in the hospital, is always ask what medication they are giving you, it forces them to check, maybe preventing, a possible damaging mix of drugs. I have gotten ill from pain medication after sinus surgery, 2 people were sent to get medication so I got a double dose. I have gotten sick from sedation from routine tests, when they put an IV, or a port to inject meds, in your arm, it is a gamble. I can tell you it is worse than drinking too much, dry heaving for hours, or throwing up blood is not fun.

PS. Continued health for the sarge.
We were all waiting for you, I did not know that we had to research for you. I guess we did not know that this thread was making you unable to post, or read some relevant information.