Usefulness of empty steel cases?

They make good targets for my 10-22. Set them up in a row and shoot at them from 20-25 yards. How good a shot are you really? :D
Fired steel cases go in the scrap metal lugger. Period.

I don't shoot steel cased ammo. Won't reload it on a bet (did it once with .45acp back in the early 70s). Not even remotely interested.

You can do it, but why? The whole point to steel cased ammo is that it is cheap.
The way I saw to pop Berdan primers out was to fill the case with water,

Sit the case on a block with a primer hole drilled in it,

Then push a tight fitting punch into the case neck,
Smack it with a hammer.

The hydraulic pressure pops the primer right out of the case.

Messy, time consuming, but a standard primer will plug right back into the case when you are done.

Drill a straight flash hole in the case and you can punch them with a standard die next time.

Time consuming, Messy, but worked for an old, strange caliber Sharps I got one time with brass, All Berdan primed.

I just pass on Berdan primed cases now, steel or not.
Just too much trouble to get them running.
*This post is written tongue in cheek*

You can scatter them all over your property making it harder for metal detectors to find anything else. After a few thousand rounds its like the old foil strips called "window" they dropped to confuse enemy radar.