Used Brass Liability

Short of having a recording of someone saying "Tee hee, I have brass so bad I know it will fail if fired" I don't see how it's even remotely possible to find someone liable for bad brass. And even if it was bad brass, you would still have to eliminate all the other variables involved in hand-loading that are opportunities for "operator error" as 44 would say and prove the failure load for the brass in question.
Yes, anyone can sue anyone. I see no problem and would sell, trade and never give it a second thought. If something did happen how would you know if numb-nuts didn't double charge that catastrophic round.
Simply put, not a chance in the world. Plenty of other things can happen, like 45 grains of 2400 in an .06 case. Sure glad I complied with the first rule, if something does not look or feel right, stop.
Anyone can sue anyone else for anything, however it is not that simple, and far from free of charge.
If you sell someone used brass, And the buyer doesnt inspect the case and has a catastrophic failure. Are you the seller liable for anything?

NO. Why is this even a question??

Even if the buyer does inspect it, and has a catastrophic failure, the seller is not liable.

The buyer made ammunition of his own free will. The buyer was the manufacturer of the ammunition by assembling the components. The buyer was the sole quality control of both the ammo and the firearm used.

Used brass is like used anything, unless the seller decides to offer one, there is no warranty, expressed or implied. It is sold "as is" and it is entirely on the buyer to determine what, if anything it is safe to be used for.
Yep. Personally, I'd still put a label on that said: "Not Inspected. As-is; no warranty express or implied" not so much for concern over lawsuits as a warning to tyros not to skip the inspection step. Also, if I regularly sold the stuff, I'd expect that sooner or later, some nitpicker would come back with one case with a separated head, expecting me to give him a replacement when I didn't have any left. So it's just a counter-nuisance move.