Use of firearm: maimed animal on side of the road.

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Think about it !!!

Supposedly the game warden or local cops can put it down.
They can and do but a more important point to review is LEO's giving a private citizen permission, over the phone, to dispatch an animal. It may happen but foolish on your part to assume so. .... :mad:

Be Safe !!!
I am not likely to discharge a powerful weapon on the side of the road unless it is to preserve human life. I would call the sheriff dept, advise them of the situation and go on my way. I am not going through life seeking some opportunity to "do something" or be "that guy". I will leave that to other people and my personal mission each day is to carry out activities that are expressly essential to completion of the mission. Messing around on the side of the road with an injured animal is not part of that. I would make a call and leave it at that. An injured animal could easily become a traffic hazard.

Always leave it up to the other person Hey? Sorry not me. Or maybe you do not believe animals have feeling as well? Just dumb, stupid animals.
There are occasions where a deer for instance might get hit etc. And there are places to pull over as many times these take place in remote areas etc where a Warden or Policeman can not be easily dispatched or get there for a long time. And yes, the Game Warder or police may give permission to put the Animal out of it's misery. And I know this for a fact. I know one Game Warden personally where I hunt. He may ask you to field dress the deer and give the location where he can pick it up and deliver to local charities etc. Or may ask you to bring it to a location.

Do not be so quick too leave. We all have a civic duty to do the most we can, even for a Deer for example. Deer, Dog etc. makes no difference they do have feeling and they do hurt and they have fear just like YOU
. Do every thing you can and not just Take off and leave it for the other guy, unless absolutely positively cannot do it for safety. Have a little compassion.
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What difference does that make? If dispatching an injured animal is illegal at the location, the absence of witnesses doesn't make it any less illegal.
True but I'm a lot more likely not to let the animal suffer needlessly if no one is going to report me. There's "legal" and there's right.
1. Know your local laws. We don't advocate illegal activity on TFL. Period.

2. Be safe. Shooting things at close range with a firearm can be dangerous and discharging a firearm without a good backstop of some kind is dangerous. Be sure there's nothing behind what you're shooting at that could cause a ricochet or fragmentation and result in injury.

3. If you can safely and legally do something to end an animal's suffering, do it. A gun isn't the solution to every problem encountered. In some cases notifying the authorities may be the only option given the circumstance of the situation. In some cases it might be legal and safe to shoot the animal yourself. In some cases, there might be other ways to humanely deal with the problem.

And I think that covers it. We're not going to play: "Who's the kindest person to animals and therefore the best person here." If you know you are, you can feel good about it without having to publicly make the point, and more importantly, without having to denigrate others who can't possibly measure up.
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