US Marines/Australia joint police action in East Timor?

It seems to be simple. Klintons buddies in Indonesia , the RYadies(SP), want East Timor back in the hands of the moslems. Klinton and his mercenary army will be used to make sure no Christians ever again rise up against the Indonesian regime. Klinton is owned by the Indonesians as much as the PLA in China own him and his whole stinking crew. Welcome to the Globel Plantation as another Christian group gets pounded(Forget Serbs already) by the NWO Banksters and their Big Lackey in DC. It is going to make even the dumb cattle in the US puke when US Marines and other western troops go in and are used to destroy Christians. Rabbit assasin, you are right on the money on this one. Good Show!
Details about US policy on East Timor :

To answer allanh, we are at the threshold of the 21st century, a global village, where the actions of one nation would affect another.

The US was involved in the East Timor invasion, now that they realised the folly of it, they should help undo the damage.

Don't rend your hair and proclaim indignance on human rights violation unless you are willing and able to undo human rights mistakes that you have created.

BTW, the US did have help from France, Germany and the local Native Americans when they fought for indepence.

Simul Justus Et Peccator
The US supplied arms to almost everyone in the 50's-70's...proves nothing. As well, lets not forget the US-Pacific Communism conflict. The Indonesians broke an agreement with the US to not use those arms against the East Timorians....sounds like an Indonesian moral failing.

The CIA is alleged to be behind everything that happens on this planet.....more allegations.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>East Timor has a resistance group known as FALINTIL that has been
opposing the Indonesian army for the last 25 years. They were made to
sign a truce agreement prior to the Referendum and has yet to be
officially remobilised as they fear it might complicate their efforts to gain
international peacekeepers to oversee the transition from Indonesian
colonisation to independence.[/quote] the resistence group who will be the military and security of independent East Timor we made to sign a truce prior to the Referendum and won't mobilize when their people are getting slaughtered because they fear it might complicate their efforts to gain
international peacekeepers to oversee the transition from Indonesian
colonisation to independence

What is wrong with this picture? Sounds like welfare to me. Perhaps East Timor isn't ready for independence if their own security force stands by and does nothing?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
PS :

The resistance group was the military of The Democratic Republic of East Timor before they were invaded by Indonesia.

Indonesia never fully succeeded in pacifying the region (about the size of Oahu in Hawaii) and most of the countryside was in Falintil's hands until the mid 90's.

Simul Justus Et Peccator
Just heard the Indonesian Consul on the radio, saying:

1. Australia's 48 hour ultimatum was a joke and would be ignored.

2. "It's not that bad -- there are worse conflicts in other parts of the world."

3. They will allow NO peacekeeping forces into the country until the Government has "accepted" the results of the referendum, which will be "some time later this year".

I can guarantee the SAS Regiment down at Campbell Barracks are making sure they've got plenty of ammo and air in the rubber duckies.

Left wing looney....

Do I empathize? Yes.
Do I believe that its the United State's duty or moral obligation? Nope

Your attempts at "guilting" strengthen my opposition.
I note you are in Malaysia ( there's an example of a perfectly working harmonious democracy) are a neighbor of both Timor and Indonesia...have you volunteered your body and/or finances?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Not trying to "guilt" you in :) .. just to express my opinion.

I agree that Malaysia is an "examplary" example of a vibrant democracy. Heck, my cracked cranium and aching joints from my lock up sessions prove that.

Re: East Timor .. yeah .. I was one of them they packed up in the cooler during APCET II together with about 100 more.

FYI APCET is Asia Pacific Coalition on East Timor. I was scheduled to represent my organisation to observe the referendum but my "esteemed" government refused to release my passport (which was suspended after my arrest during APCET II).

Simul Justus Et Peccator
Without foregin support your war of independence would have been lost(England could have really won if they focused all their forces and effort into it but of course the circumstances at the time didn't allow that), so telling others to win their own independence is just a bit hypocritical.
I hardly think the French's vested interest in seeing England loose the US can be compared to our "vested interest" in Indonesia.

Nor do I believe that we'd have necessarily lost our War for Independence, but for French help.

Nor does it follow that the French involvement in the colonies struggle some two hundred years ago obligates US citizens to go into harm's way each time there's an internal struggle in the world.

Fact is, we've repeatedly demonstrated our willingness to be a pretty good international neighbor to nations in jeopardy. I take exception to the concept that it is the world's birthright to demand that our children shed more each time there's a flareup.
We are not talking about shedding blood here - All Australia was asking for was a few hundred soldiers for a peacekeeping force. The US has got several thousand in and off Northen Australia in training exercises at the moment.
The US was willing to send hundreds of thousands to save Kuwait supposedly on moral grounds so why not East Timor where the deaths have been much higher.
Australia said it would commit 4500 soldiers to the force, Britain will send a ship and 200 troops, New Zealand has diverted a ship to Darwin and Canada has agreed to send troops as well.
The political weight that a small number of US forces taking part is huge.
The only reason your government is refusing is to placate Indonesia.
It has been confirmed 100 people and probably more were massacred at a church on Sunday - this is no theoretical debate here people are dying as we speak. The weight of the US behind this would really help.
The USA isn't making a lot of friends with its stance - We willingly helped out in Vietnam, Korea, Gulf War plus other small conflicts here and there you would think A major ally could spare a few hundred soldiers for a peacekeeping mission.
We are not talking about shedding blood here - All Australia was asking for was a few hundred soldiers for a peacekeeping force.

A "peacekeeping" force is all about shedding blood, and the threat thereof. The soldiers are placed in potentially deadly situations, and keep the peace by threatening to shed blood of those who do to others, and the soldiers risk their own blood in the process. Consider how many TFLers have publicly stated that they would use light-blue helmets as targets should they "invade" our country; why expect different of a mob that is slaughtering their own people in the name of country unity? If the current marauders are putting on poles the heads of those who support independence, who's to say they won't do the same to foreign troops if they are rumored (don't expect truth to rule there) to be present to enforce separation?

With respect for the job, the purpose of a soldier is to kill people and break things, and to risk their own lives in the process. Expecting soldiers to never die during a "peacekeeping" operation is absurd; the only reason so few US soldiers have died in recent operations is that they're so damn good at their jobs.

It's ok for Australia to ask for US long as those asking fully understand that they're asking 10,000-miles-from-home people to risk their lives for total strangers in a country that has virtually no relevance to life at home.