US Korean war soldiers coffins draped with UN flag


New member

If my memory serves me correctly, The Korean War was fought by the UN - but we of course know that America was in the fore front in providing the Men.
SCR1, that's irrelevant. They were AMERICAN soldiers, wearing AMERICAN uniforms.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
I'm waiting for the day when the parents of a soldier go to the airport armed with an American flag and tear off the offending blue rag, toss it on the ground, and replace it with the proper banner under which their child died.

When that day comes, do you think you will see that event on the CBS Evening News? NBC? FOX? ABC?
I emailed the VFW's PR contact in Washington, asking for comment. When (if) it arrives, I'll post it here.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Coinneach, CO CAN Operator
Seeing this has angered me in a way nothing has angered me in a very long time.

This is the most shameful of all the shameful acts of the Clinton administration.
DAMN THEM! This is an abomination! It took me twenty minutes to stop shacking. I hope God will forgive them, I sure the hell won't!

Joe Portale
Formerly 101st Airborne

Oh by the way, to all the other VETs Happy Veterns Day, a day late. ;)
I served 20 years as a Naval officer. Eventually, I will be laid-to-rest at Arlington. If my family and friends wish to ensure that I will perpetually "turn in my grave", all they need to do is substitute the UN for the US Flag.

[This message has been edited by RWK (edited November 13, 1999).]
I have emailed all my reps and the president. I feel only slightly better.

The hallowed ground of Arlington is one place where it should probably be illegal to even think about speaking the words United Nations, or any variation thereof.
I'm with all of you on this...sending e-mail to my representative and both senators.

I also sent e-mail to David Hackworth to let him know what happened. Will let everyone know his take on this sickening display.

As the father of a son in uniform let me assure you I would not only rip that cloth off, I would throw it on the ground and piss on it.
My son has my admiration and respect for his service to our country.
This is beyond shameful.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
This process of the Un taking over our military is nearly a done deal unfortunately. This example doent surprise me at all and i personally am beyond outrage. Of coarse this isnt a conspiracy to take over our military isit? Outrage isnt good enough now. The people commenting on this travesty of the Un flag seemed to have just woke up. But boys, the cows are already out of the barn. The Us military as a independent and American run military has for all intents and purposes ceased to exist. That is why Big comrade can get away with the Un flag bit. You waste your time calling your lackey representative. They nearly all are long ago sellouts to the one system. The john Birch society talked about this years ago and were called crackpots by 95% of the people now complaining.Our fathers , grandfathers, and ourselves collectively fell asleep years ago when this subversion started at the end or even during WWII. Remember Ikes broadcast that UNITED NATIONS forces have landed in Europe? UN WASNT CREATED OFFICIALLY UNTIL 1945. sorry for the rant but SPec. 4 NEW was one man agaainst UN control of the US military. We needed a Army of millions. The only hope left to save our nation is for the Us military to arrest the subversives in the Executive and legislative branches and try them for treason. But I hate to say it but the bandit wont arrest his fellow bandit.I guess no one like s being taken for a fool and the Globalist have pulled a good one over all of us. THEY GOT OUR MILITARY. Our leadership in the three branches are all bought men. But this process took decades to complete. Big comrade just has been appointed to finish it. i dont see a turnaround at this late date.
My late father was a Korean War vet. I'm glad he never lived to see this.

I am writing letters to my congressional representatives.

I am just at a total loss here. It seems the administration just can't wait to slap me in the face every chance it gets for the 25 years I've served.

I have written to my senators and my representative and I have asked them to tell me who made this decision. I don't know if they will do anything. I expect the decision was Mde. Albright's.

Better days to be,

A greater insult is hard to imagine!

Fight back! Recommend to ALL that they not allow or suggest against ANY of our young people to join the military! Who, in their right mind, would serve under a UN flag? Let's further the slow bleeding of people in our armed forces as a protest. Show em' we wont fight and possibly die for this kind of crap! I was proud to serve at one time but I am now rethinking that foolish notion!
Be proud you served. Regret only what has happened behind our backs.

This is NOT the work of only one major party, folks. This is our combined Republican/Democrat effort at work.

It's time for a change.

Stick it to 'em. RKBA!