US Infantry (Army and Marine) Side Arm Carry

Real Marines carry Colt M45A1s...

Parade-tasked Marines are just as important to the Corp as fighting Marines.

I know this was probably written tongue in cheek, but there are plenty of “Real Marines” who died since 2001 who carried M9s instead of M1911A1s, if they did carry a pistol. Many more are permanently disfigured, missing body parts and limbs. Many “Real Marines” have stared down death, called danger close on fire for effect, employed PICMDEEP, shot men, and have been shot... all after the M1911A1 was largely replaced with the M9.
Speaking of young and dumb, one guy didn't secure his M3 in its rack. It ended up caught between the turret and the hull so that when the TC traversed the turret the barrel on the M3 got bent 90°. I don't recall what happened to the guy who had signed it out of the arms room (Article 15?).

Possibly, though actual mistakes were usually forgiven with a lesser punishment, along with paying for the breakage. The usual process was that the damaged gun would be sent to my shop for a TI (technical inspection DD form 2404) and then an ECOD (Estimated Cost of Damages and I forget that form's number) would be made up, listing the cost of the needed repair (parts & labor), and a statement of charges prepared by the owner unit against the dumb guy, to have the money taken out of his pay.

On the other hand, a "problem child" who deliberately broke things because he could would usually face at least an article 15, if not actual Court Martial and fed jail time.

One time they brought me an M16 with the left side of the upper "peeled" back like a banana peel along with numerous internal damage. The story we were given was some dumb SOB emptied several blanks worth of powder into the rifle, plugged the barrel and fired a blank, and it "just blew up".

the gun was a write off, even the lower had been bulged. That guy was facing charges and jail time, once the medics let him loose...:rolleyes:

The Marines don't get ALL of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children! ;)