US General apologizes for using Koran for target practice

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Our military should not be in the a.. kissing, food handing out, peacekeeping, hippie B.S. The military has Guns, Tanks, Bombs, Planes, and ships; all designed for one reason: TO KILL.

Any, yes ANY, use of our military for other purposes is an offense to the founders.

I have no problem with the Afghanistan & Iraq Wars as well as the War on Terror as a whole, if I was younger I would have re-enlisted. But, if you are trying to win friends at the point of a gun - you lose and so do your friends.

Kill as many as required of the bad guys to say 'Uncle', and do it in the quickest, deadliest, expiedent fashion. WWII, did we worry about winning friends, NO. We kicked the hell out of them until they said 'Uncle' THEN, AND ONLY THEN, we helped them.

Rebuilding while bombs are still going off is STUPID.

The Quran(Koran), once home he can do what he wants. Purposely aggrevating the locals is a no-no. When I went the Phillipines (PI/RP), we had a required orientation down to what hand guestures are acceptable. Should the Commanders have sucked up......see above.

A word for our Active and Past Military - YOU HAVE DONE US PROUD & DONE YOUR DUTY.
It appears we can't have any discussions about the middle east, without a few folk using the broad brush to paint all of Islam as extremists/fanatics.

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