Urban riots possibly increase demand for guns?

The issue is we won't be seeing the folks that buy guns here, or on any other site where they might gain useful knowledge of their new purchase.

There is no issue. What you suggest isn't even the norm for gun owners. There are 10s of millions of gun owners in the US, and only a tiny fraction are involved with gun forums and the like, such that we would be seeing them (joined members).

Being worried or expressing some sort of lament that folks won't be on the internet to learn more about their guns is sort of silly when you think about it. Gun owners did just fine for hundreds of years without being on the internet. The internet is nice and is full of information, but it is also full of a bunch of garbage about guns as well.

Personally, I would be more concerned about new gun owners not taking the time to get competent with their firearms on a gun range or remote shooting location than about them not being on the internet. However, it is not atypical for people to buy guns for home defense and either not shoot them, or not put more than a box or two down range and not shoot them ever again or to shoot it so rarely as to be largely unfamiliar with them. People often treat guns like fire extinguishers, and unless they have a fire/immediate threat, may never use them.
Yeh, I agree ???

Personally, I would be more concerned about new gun owners not taking the time to get competent with their firearms on a gun range or remote shooting location than about them not being on the internet.
This has been a concern of mine as well and came up with a list of "required" training or exposure that I am sure some folks would appreciate, especially the ladies. Not only is there an interest but they make great students. …. :)

The key world and show-stopper, is "required". I now feel that this effort, has to be voluntary. ……. :)

Be Safe !!!
There's a story dated June 1st about the rise in gun buying, attributing the Covid-19 pandemic and, at least in part, to the riots. This is based on research by an organization called Small Arms Analytical and Forecasting (never heard of them before):
Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting reported that handgun sales likely clocked in at about 1 million in May, a 94% increase from last year, and the 535,000 long gun sales marked an increase of about 66%.
Shoot em in the legs, shoot em the legs! - Joe Biden

Back in the late sixties even with all the unrest and riots going on my father didn't decide he needed to own a gun until late one night a giant dude high on unknown substances stood beating on our front door demanding his "shingles back."

Police dispatcher asked my father if he (my father) had a baseball bat or similar for self-defense. We didn't but instead resorted to sitting in our living room with a couple of steak knives while we waited 45 minutes for the police to arrive.

He picked up a High Standard 12 gauge pump shortly after that incident.
I don't know if the current situation will drive a new increase in demand from the old crowd, but I see that here in Colorado, despite the extended legislative session time, the Democrats have pulled their slate of proposed anti-gun legislation.
Don't want to look insensitive, I guess.
Maybe the local Republicans should stoke that conversation and try to get the mag limit reversed while Denver is still sweeping up...
I'm not attempting to be cavalier. The Covid-19 lock-down and resulting economic down turn along with the protests and ensuing looting has been one of the best things to bring more gun owners into the fold. It's been a disaster for the gun control crowd.
The gun control politicians in the Iowa legislature are doubling down, fighting Constitutional Carry and proposing a semiautomatic rifle/ high cap magazine ban. Even though not a soul has been shot in our riots. I saw they are charging a pawn shop owner who shot a looter in Minneapolis with murder. A man was on the news who's business was looted and burned. He was watching them from home on his computer. When they broke in he called the police who told him no one would be there till morning. When they started a fire, he called the fire department who told him no one would be there till morning. I bet if he told them he just shot 3 looters they would have been there in minutes.
I posted this elsewhere. Last week I was in my LGS/range to shoot, and the place was d-e-a-d.

I was there again on June 4th, and it was standing room only for gun buyers.
Amazing how many co workers call me, " hey, you're the gun guy so..." and it goes down the rabbit hole from there. I always answer - you're late, shoulda done this six months ago when guns were plentiful and cheap, ARs were $350 from PSA...now it seems even black powder revolvers are hard to find. Heck, I was looking at Kult of Athena, and battle ready maces and warhammers are backordered...who is buying these up? :)
Until the current employment and the economy situation stabilizes, I believe the more desirable firearms are going to be expensive and few and far between for quite a while.

And sadly, cops are going to keep crackin heads.
I think when the pandemic calms down and the "peaceful protesters" run out of stores to loot and burn.
There will be more guns on the second hand market then you could imagine. People will need money more then a AR 15 they haven't figured how to work. Same with handguns. I am saving my pennies just in case this comes true.
Urban Riots

I see little difference between these riots and the Rodney King Riots. The only thing I haven't seen this time around were people protecting their property like the Koreans did in LA during the Rodney King Riots.

I will never forget a comment from a person I knew briefly and who lived in Oakland. He told me that criminals in the urban areas look at guns as a means to control others..People like us look at guns as a tool for recreation and if necessary, use it to protect ourselves and maybe others.
Have you ever had a physical fight, as an adult? Only my Wifes youngest and I answered yes. He was born in the West Indies, me in the UK. All the rest born in the USA.
Don't people play hockey anymore????
Went to Academy last Saturday. Long gun shelves were nearly, bare. Not one semi-auto rifle of any kind. Shelves were emptied of most common center fire rifle ammunition. All the less expensive .22 LR ammo was gone. No powder or primers on the shelves. All popular caliber bullets were gone.

Friend thinks folks are stocking up in anticipation of a possible regime change in November.
It's about time some people pulled their head out of the ground to be nice . The police comes after things happen . You have to be able to protect yourself and loved ones untill they arrive.