UPS Store Won't Ship Any "Gun" Parts

Gee wizz! Easy to fix!
Get box,
Package item,
Go online,
Pay and print label at
Attach label to box
Drop box into a UPS drop box
UPS Stores are franchises and not corporate owned. BTW, why would you send gun parts via UPS? Regular UPS ground is generally quite a bit more than USPS Priority boxes.
Onward Allusion said:
BTW, why would you send gun parts via UPS? Regular UPS ground is generally quite a bit more than USPS Priority boxes.
You beat me to it. :) Most gun stuff other than long-gun barrels and stocks will fit in the less-expensive Small or Medium boxes. They're generally my first choice of shipping methods.

There's no significant restriction on shipping gun parts via USPS so long as there is no frame or receiver nor any live ammunition or primers in the package.

Another plus is that they don't charge outrageous premiums to and from AK and HI, so the rates are more predictable for online sales.
My local UPS store owner is a gun guy, he wouldn't have any problems shipping the items you listed. But, I would imagine there are those that are not, and make up there own rules.
I pack the any items I want to ship myself complete with labels etc. I never tell the ups man whats in any of them. I pack it with materials obtained from my work shipping dept and tender it to ups through our company shipping dept. I know not everyone has that option. We are talking "parts" not firearms so I am not obligated to disclose the contents as long as its not a DG or considered a HAZMAT item they dont need to know and your not required to tell um.

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Gee wizz! Easy to fix!
Get box,
Package item,
Go online,
Pay and print label at
Attach label to box
Drop box into a UPS drop box
Show me a drop box that a packaged rifle stock will fit inside. :rolleyes:
I went to USPS first but the scope would not fit inside a standard priority box (too long). I also dislike having to disarm while in place. I shipped some DVDs to a fellow through UPS and he received them soaking wet with a beat up box (I let them package at the store)

Looks like I'll be going USPS for shipping from now on, wherever possible
UPS stores are different than UPS. They won't ship guns, but regular UPS service centers will. Though I haven't expereince scrutiny of small stuff. I went in with a rifle, before I knew the difference. The long box got their attention.
Handloader101 mentioned in his post #21 about packaging it yourself, buying postage online and dropping it in a UPS drop box. This should save you some money over what the UPS Store would charge. If no drop box is nearby and/or
you have something big like a rifle stock, you could drop it off at a Staples office supply store. No charge if it has the paid shipping label on it, cheaper than what they charge too. I think UPS stores may take packages with prepaid shipping labels as well.
Doesn't get around the issue, junglebob.
They are not supposed to accept a package without asking what's in it.
At that point, the two options are:
1. Lie or bend the truth.
2. Walk out and go elsewhere.
Counter attendant: What are you shipping today sir?

Gun enthusiast: "100 precision double Ogives, 12 small metal parts, 2 castings, a hand carved camera mount and 4 springs." (most parts of a handgun except 'the gun" and 100 brass projectiles)

Counter attendant: "What's a double Ogive?"

Gun enthusiast: "It is an arch shaped precision part a machinist makes that can help determine the results of an unexpected transient resulting in a very high pressure impulse in a pipe for a few thousandths of a second, where the results are monitored and recorded locally and from afar, followed by appropriate corrections to the overall system."

Counter attendant: <Puzzled look> < Another Puzzled look> "Of course. How bout them Cowboys?"
So, take the scope to a UPS center. Why precisely did you have to tell the UPS store that you were shipping a scope? The problem is with that UPS store.
There's no reason to lie when they ask you what's in the box....The usual answer is "finished machine parts".......which is exactly what many gun related items are.
The one by my home only asks if anything inside is hazardous or fragile. Anything I ship is boxed and labeled at home.
Why precisely did you have to tell the UPS store that you were shipping a scope?

I don't have my own packing materials at home and just wanted to drop it by at lunch and have them pack it and ship it. Saves me some hassle and allows me to state that it was packed at the shipping location instead of by me. So I brought it by in the original box, taped up all around, to be packed. Didn't realize having a scope would cause such a commotion.
Must be FFL to use USPS . . . .

As I understand the law you must be an FFL to mail guns via the US postal service.

On the other hand our local UPS is via a hardware store and I've shipped guns out of there on three occasions with no problems at all.

Life is Good
Prof Young