Update & THANKS!!!

Just got back from the hospital, things are going very well. Marci moved out of the ICU to the Neuro ward, they're doing a great job of pain management, tomorrow she goes for a walk. The Dr said she could go home as early as this weekend! (I think that's rushing it, but the progress has been amazing!). Haven't gotten the full report yet, but my understanding is that the tumor was benign, a highly calcified meningioma, 95-99% was removed and the likelyhood of recurrence is very remote.

Again, I thank you all for your continued support, all the prayers and good thoughts have created so much positive energy, we truly are in the hands of the Lord. Thanks, again & God bless! M2
From the spouce of a cancer survivor to another, you both have a long road in front of you. I have sat and waited on the surgery and have seen what 6 monthes of chemo can do to a person. All I can tell you is to be strong and patient. Email me if you want.

Best, Johnboy
Johnboy - Small point(& one to be greatful for) the tumor was a meningioma (2/3 of the victims are women), benign and highly calcified, with no vascularization (no blood feeding it). While it was life threatening, the surgeon is of the opinion that it shouldn't be a problem again in her lifetime. While we dodged the cancer thing, there is a bunch of rehab/therapy in the next few months, but this is light work in the grand scheme of things (dang, I gots to work out with my wife-).

Thanks again for all your prayers and support, all I can say is Yeeeeeee-Haaaaaaaaa!M2

Oh,I fergot, she's now on soft food and can get to the potty on her own two feed (assisted), Real walking tomorrow

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited September 01, 1999).]
Mike, I just now found time to get back online for the first time since I read that your wife was gonna have the surgery. I'm so happy that she made it thru OK, and will continue to be thinkin and prayin for you and yours! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Who says God's not real?? We'll keep praying!

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"