Update--life is very good....

Congrats and cheers to you and your bride!
Sounds like the only thing left is to win a million round lottery pay-off.

Congradulations Gwinny! Sometimes everything comes together. The trick is to stay together when everything starts coming apart.

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
Sounds like a perfect start. Congrats!


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
Congratulations to you both! All the best! :D

Marriage is like a pair of scissors.
Sometimes the parts work in opposite directions,
but they will cut to shreds anything that comes between them.
Congratulations to you both, Don and Melissa. Blessings and good health to both of you...oh yeah, and a lot of guns and ammo too.
