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Up to your old tricks, Rich?


New member
I've noticed a couple things about the board that are new.

When replying to a topic, I no longer get the complete thread on the reply page from which to reference. Is that coming back? I neeeed it!

And really long threads are now coming up with a second, 'continued' page to click on.

You mentioned a software upgrade. More to come?


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 10, 1999).]
Very observant. You're correct. We have set the software so that, when replying, the entire thread does not load below the reply window. This speeds load time. If you need to reference something in the thread you can hit the "Back" button, read the thread, and hit the "Forward" button to be returned to your unfinished reply.

Like you, I prefer the entire thread be available in the reply screen. However, I'd like to get more member input on this before I make a final decision.

As concerns the multipage replies, I think its a waste of time. I thought I had eliminated that feature immediately after I had noticed threads coming out in multi pages. Please provide me an example so that I can correct this.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited July 10, 1999).]
Like boing, almost without fail I have to check something in the current thread while writing a response. But, (picture me hitting my forehead with my palm) I hadn't thought of the Backward/Forward routine. That works fine and the load time is short. I had been opening a new window. I vote for keeping it as it is now.
Well, with some threads being rather long...
I guess for folks with slower connections than T3 <snicker - grin> This is good...

I say keep it like it is...
Official Internetworking Consultant Opinion.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


An example of a long, two page thread is "Famous Firearms Follies" in the Handguns forum.

For me, the problem with using the "Back/Foward" buttons for replies is that my computer is soooo slow, that any page takes a fair amount of time to load. For me, I'll put up with the extra load time on a reply page, as long I only have to do it the one time.

Other folks may be out of the Computer Stone Age, though.

Rich...Us IE users...we see an IFRAME for the thread there. An iframe is a little window of a page (in case you, or others, didnt know)
I was just writting a lengthy reply to a post and after using the "back" "foreward" trick my reply was erased.
I vote for going back to the old way of leaving the entire thread visible while posting a reply.

P.S. I should, however, mention that I am one of those cursed with using AOL so that may possibly explain why this happened and it may not be the case with other members.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Remember that you can only go back and forward. If you go "Back" and then open a new page, you will loose your work as the Browser will not know where to go "Forward" to.

Think of it like a maze. If you go down a tunnel and write part of a message on the wall, you can use the "Back" and "Forward" buttons all day long to return to the entrance and "forward" to the message. Once you go "Back" to the entrance and start down a new tunnel, there is no "Forward" command to return you to the message.
Rich if it helps to clarify I did just go back, foreward. It worked the first time. When I tried it again it erased.



We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I'll cast my vote for going back to having the entire thread load on the reply page.
We strive here for quality posts, and many is the time that I have been saved from a mistake by simply scrolling down to see exactly what was said and who said it....

Composing a reply 'offline' helps - we got really slow connections here and pretty high rates; others may have the same problem. The only trouble is that as the brain-cells grind out an answer ever so slowly, then doing it again so's to think twice and post once - some young whippersnapeer out there has stuck in a reply in the meanwhile... ah well, the young shall inherit the Earth (and Y2K Plus) :)
Anyway, helps to have the whole thread handy or at least the last part of it.

Hasta pronto - from the Third World er..."On the Road to Development..."
Thank you Rich.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.