unloaded gun, okay for slide locked open?

I have a backup SD handgun in the safe with other guns. It is not loaded with slide closed. It is set weak side down. The 15 round mag to the left of the pistol only has 13 rounds and lays strong side down. Pistol is easy to see and can easily be held with strong hand while support hand grabs the magazine. Other pistols in the safe are in gun cases/rags or far enough from this gun.
In short, this backup pistol/magazine is separated enough from other pistols that it can easily be accessed without moving/checking other guns/magazines.

leaving pistol in slide lock open long term may or may not weaken the spring but why take the chance when not required.
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I keep one gun out and available for use if the need arises. This idea of keeping slides open on other guns in a safe sounds a bit bizarre to me. Even if I were to keep all my guns in a safe, I would always know which one I kept loaded. YMMV