Unlicensed CC carry question

Has there been an issue, in states that don't require a permit to carry, with unjustified use of a CCW by people who can legally carry?

I'm not sure what you're trying to ask, but am willing to bet that cops are far more likely to be arrested committing crimes then your average ccw'er-permit or not ( in free states like AZ/VT/AK that do not require ccw)
I'm in AZ. As the constitutional carry measure was debated I studied what happened to Alaska's crime stats before and after their 2003 conversion to "Vermont carry" (the other common name for it).

It was interesting. Most crime stats stayed flat before and after. No upward spikes afterwards, which is to be expected - most murders are after all various types of "crook on crook" crimes...drug deals gone bad, mostly. Those aren't affected by carry laws.

There was however a drop in one category of crime: rapes. It turns out Alaska has an insanely high rape rate and has for a long time...never knew that before. No idea why - may have something to do with the long winters, may be cultural. Whatever - point is, there was a detectable drop.

It was either coincidence, or possibly more women were strapped because before, they didn't want to come "out of the gun closet" and spend the time or money for the permit and/or training. Possibly reasons of cost, of time spent, or of not wanting to be that much "out and on paper" as a gunnie ("un-feminine" maybe?).

In any case, examining the Alaska data left me with no fears at all as to fallout from the AZ conversion.

Like Alaska, AZ has kept the permit system in place as a voluntary thing. Weirdly, it's still useful in-state - a permitholder like me can go into a bar or eatery that serves drinks as long as it's concealed, I don't drink and I have the permit. It's also useful for reciprocity - I can drive from my house straight through to Virginia, Florida or Penn. as long as I veer south of Illinois.

The various AZ proposals for "college campus carry" include linking that to permitholding.
I prefer the shall issue position in many ways since there is a responsibility attached to carry that does go above and beyond what is knowable any other way than attending a CCW class. I have CCWs in three states already and I plan to take a refresher course this summer once again just to see if there are any changes. I spend a good deal of time in Idaho so it won't change things for me there since I already have a permit and reciprocity issues are important as well.

On the other hand, it is refreshing that these states can put forth pro-gun measures and pass them. But for myself, for documentation purposes, I will maintain my permits should the terrible event of actually needing to use them arise which I hope and pray it never does. So, I'm a little ambivalent about the constitutional carry from a pragmatic standpoint, but love it as a constitutional provision.
It doesn’t matter what the law says may it be in the constitution or in the bible, at the end of the day an individual will make his decisions base on the things they value. That’s why we have criminals. Comparisons are made to prove that there is no written law whether in the bible or in the great constitution of this country which is perfect.

As far as passing judgment I have no personal knowledge of any of you therefore I cannot accuse any of having ulterior motives, may it be a gun control advocate, Democrat or Republican, the Devil or God. A question was asked and I was responding to it. Since not all minds are alike our opinions may differ. Just because you disagree with me doesn't make me err, unless one is claiming to be omniscient. But I respect your inputs because only through your contributions can we provide adequate answers to the questionnaire.

So while I have the right to keep and bear arms, I will enjoy and protect this right whole hardly but the decision is always mine to make and it doesn’t matter who says what I can or can't.

Than you