United Nations worldwide gun ban

Biden (D-DE)
Clinton (D-NY) <--
Dodd (D-CT)
Obama (D-IL) <--
McCain (R-AZ) <--

I wasn't planning on voting for any of those clowns for Pres. anyway. Their "strategic" nonvote on a hot button issue can't convince me they have my best interests in mind.

At any rate, the UN can't do squat to stop undernourished 3rd worlders from slaughtering each other without the U.S. doing all the work. Conducting a gun grab in the U.S. just isn't feasible. The UN attempting to do so would be real ugly though.
Let the UN, or the US for that matter, pass all the gun laws they want. If people comply with such laws and don't use the Second Amendment for its intended purpose, then they don't deserve their gun rights anyway.

As an academic question, if the US were to agree with a UN gun ban, then it could be said to be Constitutional (if it didn't violate the Second Amendment, that is). This is because the Constitution, Art. VI, para. 2, makes treaties adopted by the U.S. part of the "law of the land."
I think we need to take a good hard look at the UN, it's history and who is running it now. Hillary and Bill are great supporters of the UN, and by the looks of it a much bigger supporter than she is of the Second Amendment, but then that is not a surprise. I am not a supporter of McCain, but this time he really threw a bucket of Bull wacky in all our faces.

The politicians have been trashing the Second Amendment on a daily basis, as well as the First, the Fifth the Fourteenth and others. Our founding fathers wrote the constitution, put in place the amendments, and our modern day "great leaders" use it for toilet paper. For the common good of course. But the truth is, the fault belongs to "We the people." We keep voting for these bandits. But NO one wants to blame the people. It's always the other guys "fault." But never the American people. For every one of us that gets "informed," ten others are busy smoking dope or taking out the trash. The Twin Towers have to fall down on top of our heads before we even know something might be wrong.
Congress, The president, The judicial can not alter it with out a amendment.

Amendment or not, I have no fear that the honest citizens of this country would relieve themselves of their arms. I certainly would not, would you?
ConfuseUs said:
At any rate, the UN can't do squat to stop undernourished 3rd worlders from slaughtering each other without the U.S. doing all the work.

And they do it quite well without firearms...

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