Undergunned with a revolver??


New member
Ladies and Gents:

Thank you for all your responses to my previous post about "Just ONE auto." But I have one more question:

In the news all you ever hear is that "Conflicts of the future are likely to be high-intensity, low volume/duration skirmishes." Hence why the Special Forces are so very important.

But with that in mind, the phrase "high-intensity" to me translates to "lotsa rounds fired". With a revolver, I know you have to keep a cool head and really carefully wait for your shot. Do you ever feel undergunned with your "pet" revolver? How would you (tactically) combat a BG who is using the spray and pray method of trying to off you?

Now, I have no delusions of who I am or my place in life. I know that I am not a Spec. Ops operator and I never will be. I am not any sort of L.E.O. I am NOT even CCW licensed. Also, I don't make a habit of picking fights with biker gangs. Practically speaking, I really don't NEED an auto. Nonetheless, I want one. BUT.....

I LOVE my Ruger KGP-141 .357, but I am looking very hard at a Ruger KP-95 to add to my collection. Is this smart? Or should I just plunk my $$$ down on another revolver? When the SHTF I don't wanna get caught unprepared.

Please help me with constructive advice....

To me the main facter in carring an auto is not the amount of rds in the gun but the speed of reload.My sig 220 holds 7 in the mag so you can get wheel guns that have that capability.But I can reload the sig must faster then (MOST )people can reload the wheel gun.
Well, if you're really trying to prepare for when the SHTF, spend your extra $$$ on an autoloading rifle - a Ruger mini-14 comes to mind. No army goes into combat with handguns; they are strictly a last resort.
Rule 2 of gunfighting:

Bring a bigger gun. If your opponent brings a handgun, bring a rifle or shotgun.

Learn to shoot well with the revolver and practice speedloading without looking at the gun. This includes one hand emptying of the cylinder while the other hand reaches for the speedloader. Further, count your shots and make your shots count!
True enough about "the handgun is a last resort." You'll get no arguements from me there.

But, I am just curious whether I should spend my hard-earned $$$ on a Ruger KP-95 or another .357 Magnum revolver (probably another Ruger)???

I KNOW that the .357 has a better "stopping record" on the street. I KNOW the .357 will do the job on humans or animals. I also KNOW that the .357 is loud as hell, but when it comes down to my life or some BG...I'll deal with the hearing issue at a later date! I already have a 4" .357 Magnum which I love dearly and I am highly proficient with.

As much as I hate to admit it, I don't have a legitamate NEED for a 9mm...but I *think* that IF the SHTF a 9mm would be a better choice than a .357 six-gun. Am I wrong?? 9mm is more plentiful round in the known world. 9mm is an easy round to shoot well/accurately. Pistols chambered for the 9mm hold more ammo than a six-gun.

All that being the case, *if* I pick up the KP-95 it would pretty much only see "range work". So what's your advice?? Ruger P-95 or another Ruger .357?

Different tack altogether

Get your CCW, and then get a 2.25inch SP101 in .357. I had one, but foolishly sold it. I used to refer to it by the name a character in "Lonesome Dove" gave his horse, the He!! B!tch. Shoot it with the Fed 125gr JHP, and you'll know why.

Seriously, the poop is more likely to hit the fan in a purely local manner (you PERSONALLY are faced with a threat) than a TEOTWAWKI scenario. Believe me, I used to have cold sweats in the run-up to Y2K (yep, I was one of those). I still have a safe full of firearms, but a S&W J-frame 38 is my "always" gun, and I keep a Glock 17 in the bedside table drawer.

You just proved my point! You said you keep a Glock 17 in your night-table.

I totally agree that "the poop is more likely to hit the fan in a purely local manner rather than TEOTWAWKI." Something tells me Osama Bin Ladin isn't too terribly concerned with taking over Columbia, SC.

BUT, if something akin to the L.A Riots were to occur with enraged gang-bangers roving my area OR a total sociatal (sp?) breakdown with uniformed (potentially corrupt) "peace-keepers" swarming the streets... In either case, *I think* and easy-to-shoot-fast-and-accurately 9mm might serve me better than my "giant killer" .357 Magnum. Am I correct or not?

Other than the two aforementioned scenarios, the proposed Ruger KP-95 would go with me on trips to the range and that is all. I *like* 9mm...but for general purpose and my current everyday life .357 Magnum seems a bit more logical.

So, my question remains: Ruger KP-95 or another Ruger .357 Magnum?????


P.S. Although I don't currently own a real rifle, I DO have a Remmington 870 12 gauge shotgun. 5 rounds of 00 buckshot will ruin ANYBODY's day!


Against 1 or 2 perps, a 6 shot revolver is plenty. But against 3 or more perps you want a semi-auto. A fast reload is a must when going against multiple BG's.

Rifles (as one poster mentioned):
BTW, the mini 14 only holds 5 shots (if you live in Kalifornia). We can no longer get hi-caps. My mini 14 rifle is basically no longer a good defense rifle because of the 5 round capacity. I wish Ruger came out with 10 round mags for the mini-14......
First find cover

Then just like you trained, front sight squeeze. Against a single BG a revolver is as good as you are. Practice reloads from a speedloader and if you can, have an older LEO who actually carried a revolver show you how to reload from a speedloader and two at a time. Revolvers can be recharged fairly fast, but a 15-17 rnd magazine is hard to beat. Practice, practice.

Personally, I like the 870 and 00 Buck idea.

[Edited by riverdog on 01-09-2001 at 09:14 PM]
Mntneer357; Seems to me your're a bit concerned that some sort of large scale civil unrest might happen (ie LA riots, etc). I'd get the Ruger P-95 with some factory or Mec-Gar hi-caps. I think if there's some sort of large scale civil unrest it's better to have alot of firepower than just more power per shot (357 maggie). The Ruger P-95 is THE best value on the market today. It's one sweet pistol. Good Luck, J. Parker
J Parker,

I am definitely a devotee of the phrase "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."

I'm not so sure "firepower" is the correct term to use because that (to me) denotes someone just throwing a lot of bullets in the general direction of the target without any real accuracy (read: spray and pray). Nevertheless, I understand where you are coming from.

I am going thru several changes in my life and I will be forced to be extremely self-reliant. As I said, for general every-day life, the .357 Magnum is the ticket as it will drop anything animal, mineral or (soon to be) vegetable. BUT, just incase some unforseen terrible circumstance comes to light, I want to be able to defend myself. I know any form of serious civil unrest is HIGHLY unlikely...but it's much better to be prepared.

I think very highly of the Ruger KP-95 AND of my pet Ruger KGP-141. At present, I don't have the $$$$ to put into a .308 rifle or an AK...maybe someday. My two candidates are the 9mm or another .357.

The .357 would probably be more practical (with the unlikeliness of serious civil unrest), it would give me ammo reciprocity with it's bigger sister (the KGP-141), it would share all the same "care and feeding" supplies, and it would in all likelyhood fit nicely into my car somewhere.

The 9mm would be a bit less powerful, but it would be easier to shoot accurately. Same supplies to care for the 9mm as .357. BUT, as I am not licensed to CCW, I would not carry it!

Sorry to be so long-winded, but when it comes to big outlays of my hard-earned cash, I want to be as smart about things as I can be! And the kind, astute ladies and gents here on TFL are a great resource.

My thoughts on the auto vs revolver subject: Against one or two opponents, a revolver should do just fine, assuming you do your part. Against three or more opponents, neither a revolver nor auto would probably do.

My rationale for that statement is this: to use deadly force (gun), you must be in fear for your life or serious bodily harm (in most of the U.S., anyway). Three or more people, intent to do me harm, especially if they are armed, would probably succeed, even if I had an MP5. Of course, they may turn and run after the first one goes down, in which case a revolver would once again suffice.

If you anticipate trouble, 1)avoid the place, 2)take a long-gun, or, if all else fails, 3)take a full size handgun.
Worried about riots?

Then save your money until you have enough to purchase a good rifle. You don't really need (I know the difference between need vs. want) another handgun, especially a 9mm. Your 4" Ruger with 125 gr. JHPs will do everything you need it to do. Its easy to get infected with "New Gun Fever" (I am recovering slowly). Its easy to pile up a bunch of guns that have redundant purposes. You are starting out ahead of the game with your just your GP100. An even better use of your money would be to get some high quality training from one of the masters.
It doesn't sound like you need as much as greed another handgun... but that's ok... We all understand... Why not just buy another GP100! since you don't have ccw.. The shotgun will certainly be every bit as effective in your stated concerns as any handgun at 25 yds. and in all likelihood neither the handgun or shotgun will malfunction when needed.
I feel fine with a revolver day-to-day. However, I have always looked at the handgun as the way to fight my way back to the shotgun or rifle.
Modern day autos give me more confidence than the ones that were around when I was a kid.
So, with a G29/33 I feel fine also.
I've tried to collect a practical selection of weapons; .38 spcl, 9mm pistol, Mossberg 12 gauge, and a Bushmaster pre-ban CAR 15 .223! If I need more, I'm in trouble.
Sounds like just about everyone out there has (at least) one "pet" revolver and also (at least) one "pet" auto. So is that to advocate the addition of the P95 to my collection???

We all know that either the P95 or (another) GP-100 would serve me very well. The only remaining question is: Since CCW is not a factor, which one should come home with me???


P.S. Both feel great, both are easy to care for, both are accurate.
G17 in the nightstand

Mtneer, I keep a Glock in the bedside table drawer for a coupla reasons. It has night sights, and I keep it in Condition 3 (full mag, empty chamber) because of the possibility of having a niece or nephew wander into the bedroom unsupervised (for a bit). My kids all know the 4 rules, but I can't completely control access, so I employ that compromise.

I have 5 Glock 9mm's, and 4 1911 pattern .45's. I agree that they are superior WEAPONS. I just like revos better. Better a J-frame in my pocket than a bulky service auto back in the car or in the safe.