Under what condition would you give up a gun?


Member In Memoriam
I've postulatd this on AFN. I would give up a gun if:

1. the buy-back program netted me more $ than I had in the shooter


2. the gov't was sniffing up the chute & I had to to blend & flow with the tide.

OK, before all the flames start, I've some shooters I wouldn't really miss so the "throw-aways" wouldn't really matter. There's always the "real ones." & too, would you blend in with the rest of the sheeple (even though you wouldn't be) or would you stand on principles & get shot down for not turning in your guns?

Stand on prinicple in every aspect or blend with junk throw aways?

Ever consider it? With the advent of newer developments, this may be _the_ topic de jour.
Some responses to this could call the cattle cars up sooner than later.

Who says anything about waiting for the bg's to come to us? You know what they say about the best defence? The tricky part is that you have to know when its 4th and long, with 15 seconds left.

With reguard to sales to our good natured leaders if you sell junk and reinvest in the companies that produce this "junk" and make a profit I dont see it as that bad as the makers are the one benefiting with more sales. They need all the help they can get, seeing how they can't sue the government as they are being sued.

During the LA buyback progaram I wish I had a bunch of dangerous 25 auto frames to turn in to keep the streets safer. What better way to keep everybody safe than to invest in quality arms for our collective protection. "Hey I'm doing it for the childern and our village"
The only guns that you could make money on would be junk. Dont give up any serious guns because the govt is making them more difficult to acquire.

Better days to be,

What sort of topic is this for law abiding gun owners to even consider? Give up your guns? Maybe you should consider giving up your first born as well, or maybe your spouse. While you're at it, why don't you just turn in all of your assets? For what? What could you possibly gain by being so cowardly submissive.

The answer is, you gain NOTHING. You lose everything. Never even consider giving up your personal property for a second. Never give up your freedom.

The 2nd and 4th Amendments protect you from the very things that captivate your imagination on this subject. We give up nothing to no one. If they want your guns, let them come and try to take them. Guns are for the protection of your family, property, and freedom anyway, aren't they?
I would not could not give up my gun. Sam I Am.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Under what condition would you give up a gun?

When I'm dead.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Labgrade, I can see your point about blending in, in essence it's the same point that the counter-culture radicals used when the 60's turned into the 70's, join the system, and hide in plain sight.
That being said, however, there are going to be some people who will have to stand up at the first overt sign and make them take the guns away either by force or by court. That is the first fight that will be waged.
God forbid that it should ever come to pass, but if it does, both these styles of resisting the tide of government control will be used.

Oberkommando, since it's always third and short, and were always playing defence, please let me know when we get the ball.

NEVER!! No how, no way! "When they pry 'em from my cold, dead hands."
Our guns stand for freedom, law-abiding gun owners stand for freedom.
Besides, I couldn't imagine facing my forefathers when the time comes, and having to explain to them why I would give up the very freedom they fought for, and died for me to have!

Happiness is a tight group!
Someone has to be Nathan Hale, don't they?


[This message has been edited by jones (edited December 16, 1999).]
anyone else notice that the Feds are warning specifically against violence started by Militia groups in the Y2K change over?

Not Radical Terrorists
Not Religious Zealots
Not Crazied Extremists
Not even Wacko Survivalists

but Militias

the very group mentioned in the Bill of Rights

it is called Meme transference
call a good thing bad, enough times and no one objects when it is removed.

IMHO the militia groups need a better PR
They should educate the people through benevolent acts and resist this mutation of public attitude

Or else we will be giving up our red headed step children from our "arsenals"

As far as giving up a gun if it nets more money then it is currently "worth"...

Guns will get you though times of no money better
than money will get you though times of no guns


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
I agree with Paul Revere. This thread reminds me of the "Which gun will they ban next?" thread.

It's one thing to be prepared, it's another to start thinking in defeatist terms, no flame intended.

I too am a great believer of pretending to "go with the flow" (as in my memory gets trickey when I have to give my SSN for anything). However, I've mutated into a hard-a$$ regarding guns. I've been through 30 years of "compromising" and have noticed the accelerated trend.

Trying not to sound melodramatic, I've drawn my line in the sand.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Our only hope is that when enough of us die in defending OUR CONSTITUTION then maybe the rest of the sheeple will realize how deep in do do they are and respond in strength--then again, maybe not?????????

From my cold dead hands.
I'd give them up to..

let's see my Nephew (or any kids I have)....

maybe my brother... or give one to a Wife..

But gee that's about it, unless the S was hitting the F and I tossed one to a friend and said COVER ME.

We are starting the phase of civil disobediance over our 2nd amendment rights in california.. until the supreme court decides to hear a significant case on the 2nd.. the legislators/bearucrats who are anti gun will keep trying to take/restrict our rights. But be aware.. if a case ever DOES get to the court.. we could lose there too.

Stay alert, stay informed, vote and write your representatives, convert your friends, join the nra and similar organizations.

We can't hope to win this fight if we each crawl into our collective bomb shelters and wait for judgement day.. then each shelter gets called a compound/militia hide out etc and can be dealt with quietly.. violently.

But if we ALL stick together.. publicly (and I am not talking about sedition or armed insurrection,though the 2nd essentially guarantees this RIGHT) they will find very quickly that they cannot win. You can kill us.. you cannot kill our ideas.

Spread the good word, be informative, be courteous, be reasonable when talking to those in the middle. We aren't going to convert the antis and they aren't gonna convert us... its the people in between who need our support, understanding and education to see things our way (for lack of a better way of saying it).

They have propoganda, we have propoganda. Our propoganda NEEDS to sound more reasonable than thiers (without mentioning the Un the trilateral commision, black helicoters or who is doing who at the white house). Read up on your federalist papers, your poor richard's almanac, your history. You'll sound a lot smarter than the latest anti spouting the latest rhetoric.

I will say this however.. at one time I considered the idea of banning all handguns in the US (BEAR WITH ME) but my thinking at the time was that wars/revolutiuons/insurrections are fought with RIFLES. I got on the bandwagon when the antis started taking our LONG GUNS. They don't want us to own anything, defend ourselves or hunt anything. Well then I'm NOT giving up ANYTHING. Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns. take em if you CAN.. I'll be as civily disobediant as Ghandi and King. Push me and I might even get militant. AS IS MY RIGHT. Freedom has a price. An unarmed man CAN stop a tank.. i've seen it happen. Talk about GUTS, talk about commitment, THAT is the kind of resolve we need to show.

The next revolution is NOT going to be fought with pistols, but It may be fought with shotguns and pipe bombs IF we don't start fighting it RIGHT now in our own homes, communities and nieghborhoods, though our words and deeds.

This is a fight we can win with words. If we choose the right words. Constitutaional ideals don't hold up well when compared to the image of a dead child. We need to learn to fight the picture the anti's paint of us, that we are irresponsible militia kooks who are begging for the chance to shoot somebody.

We (gunowners) are EVERYONE. We are doctors, lawyer, preists, rabbis, mullahs, laborers skilled and unskilled , secretaries, professionals, and activists. We are artists, programmers, engineers, politicians, craftsmen and midwives. We are healers and spiritualists and of overy race creed and religion. We are fathers and brothers and sons and mothers and daughters. We are THE PEOPLE.

We cannot let the anti's forget THAT.

Off my soapbox,

Dr.Rob....According to the following story..."Lawmen monitoring fringe groups for Y2K violence" http://www.searchcolorado.com/glenwood/stories/121599/reg_1215990009.shtml

Your statement "Spread the good word, be informative".....could get you into deep "doodoo"....last two paragraphs read

"In addition to tracking groups with the potential for violence, the center urges members of the public to watch their neighbors "for signs of unusual things going on."

"Usually people who believe in these philosophies will tell other people -- they like to talk about it," Eaton said. "People in these movements are exceptionally committed to them and usually like to convince other people of their beliefs."

Yeah I know Land of the Free and all that stuff.....this stuff is straight out of the "Communist Handbook"...and they have badges and guns
Robby (Noel), it sounds to me like you're advocating hiding; burying the guns and looking innocent when the JBTs come, not talking to your neighbors, etc.

I'm sorry, but I can't do that. If I'm being monitored, great. They already know what they'll have to deal with: one SERIOUSLY pissed-off mick with a bunch of guns and the attitude to back them up.

But know this: I will NOT hide my guns. I will NOT submit to executive orders or confiscation. I will NOT surrender. I will NOT passively resist. I WILL fight. To the death, if that's what it takes.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
LOL....it sounds to me like you're advocating hiding; burying the guns and looking innocent when the JBTs come, not talking to your neighbors, etc.

Yeah sure ...:-) thats why I'am on the air for 3 hours everyday calling these guys what they are.....Nazi's.....even had the pleasure of 3 of them at our "right-wing" station a few weeks back...no my friend I come from a place that we did run and hide....and lost everything to communism...don't intend repeating that mistake again....the above post was more to inform that speaking out will get labled by the PC crowd as a "fringe nut".....once that happens if someone takes you out....it's OK....same ploy was used at Waco
WOW Doc! I swear to you I read that and pictured you standing on a stage with a HUGE american flag as the backdrop!.hehe
Seriously now, I think you summed it up entirely. Our system of governement is US , and the people in Washington are there to REPRESENT us! Not the other way around! WE are the ones who are supposed to say whats law and what isnt, what gives someone else the right to say what is good for me?, or what is to my benefit? I personally feel that this isnt just about guns, its about our freedoms to choose, our freedom to say, our freedom to do, its about our FREEDOM.Thanks to all on this board, just reading some of your posts let me know that i am not alone on my feelings...Cuz
I saw Patton standing there!

Following not aimed at anyone in particular ... & is more a question than anything. Please, no flames towards me. Writing this helps me more than trying to convince anyone of anything. Introspection.

If the JBTs come to your door & you die, you will surely be painted as a wack-o & it's OK to kill wack-os these days & will be moreso in the times to come. What would your death serve? Your own principals would be upheld & some would know the real reason of your death. Is this the way we will eventually win? By the constant stream of "wack-o deaths" till finally the rest of the country catches on & says enough is enough?

Sending one less JBT home for every raid could have a psycholgical impact eventually but I do think that there would be many in line to take their place. An unending stream. I know full well that there are many more of us than them but they come in the dead of night against us singly.

One doesn't win wars by fighting the troops, it's best over quickly by engaing command & control. & that can sometimes be done by propoganda as actions. Something we seem to be pretty poor at.

Again, thinking out loud & not advocating anything at all. Not one bit.
I saw Patton standing there!

Following's more of an introspection than anything & not directed at anyone. Musing out loud.

If the JBTs come to your door & that ends in your death, you will be called a wack-o & it's OK to kill wack-os these days & getting to be moreso. What would your death serve other than to inflame the situation? Sure, some would know that "Old Joe" wasn't a wack-o & question the outcome. Is that what it will take? An unending stream of dead wack-os till the country decides it has finally had enough?

& during the constant wack-o deaths there would be such a hue & cry about see, we need more & more controls over the people to prevent such madness.

Too, sending one less JBT come after every raid ... I do think that there would be an unending stream of new JBTs to replace any lost.

One doesn't win wars by fighting the troops. Wars are best over quickly by engaging the command & control.

Again, thinking out loud & not advocating anything at all.