under 25 feet

You live in a state where you must carry concealed. What would you carry & why? My two concealed carries are Glock 43x & Ruger 327 LCR in magnum revolver.
The G43x has 10+1 & I use 9mm 125 grain ammo & the Ruger LCR 327 in magnum has 6 & I use Hornady 32 H&R 80 grain FTX ammo.
All replies are welcome.
LcS9 is small an easy to carry in a pocket or a Sig 229 if I’m carrying in an undershirt holster or IWB.
I'm not seeing the connection with the title "under 25 feet". Are you talking about preparing for encounters at <25 feet distance?
Must carry?

No different than now, Glock 19 works just fine.

Unless you mean it must be extra concealed? Then I'd probably go with a 26.
Not sure what the question is. That said I always carry OWB with a cover garmint when I carry. When I carry it is almost always a fighting sized handgun Glock 19 sized and it is concealed.

In your case I say the 43x as it allows for a good proper grip for shooting.

If you are asking SPECIFICALLY what my carry gun of choice is 99% of the time if I carry it is an HK P2000 in either 9mm or .40. The 9mm may very likely have a P30 15 round magazine loaded.

If for some reason I need to be sneakier so to speak the step downs are as follows....
Walther PPS (probably with the 6 rounder as I am apparently close to max sneaky need) :)
J-Frame in the pocket for secret squirrel sneaky needs. :)

Ankle carry when I want 100% sneaky.....and a cool pirate limp. :p
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Nobody has to live in a state where they must carry, no law keeping you there! Something I learned many years ago driving for a living is people are perfectly capabile of keeping themselves out of bad situation by no more than being aware of where they are at and staying out of bad area's. H ave driven in 49 states and most of Canada and never had much of a problem at all. Be aware of where you are and act accordingly! my impression of people that ask question's like this is that they are going where they want, devil be damned! They are more looking for trouble than preparing for it.
Why is the the word "concealed" being ignored? He wrote, "must carry concealed". Many states do not permit open carry.

Currently my carry piece is a Remington RM380 loaded with Fiocci Extrema XTP. I carry AIWB.
If EVERYONE is required to carry, then what’s the point of concealing it?

The OP says "You live in a state where you must carry concealed." In other words, you MUST carry, it's the law.

That's not the same as "If you carry, it must be concealed".

If I were to reach in to my gun safe, I’d pick my .38 3” LCRX and some wadcutters over a stout load of 231 because it’s light weight and accurate. It’s easier to conceal than a Ruger Blackhawk 5.5” custom in .44 magnum- but with the bigger gun I am safe from bears. City Bears, hopped up on goofballs and wacky tobackky! I feel a small revolver is more reliable than a very small semi auto because no one ever said “your fail to cycle problem is from improper grip on your revolver.”

If one of you is going to give me anything under a thousand dollars, gimme a CZ P10c as it’s said to be very accurate and have a decent trigger. It’s about Glock 19 sized so it has enough sight radius to actually function as a field gun, although the lcrx doesn’t litter brass.

If you are giving me my dream, it would be a Freedom Arms Model 97 Premier in .327 with a 32-20 optional cylinder, 5.5” barrel and if you run our of shots you can always show the bear the price tag and he’ll have a heart attack, but I have owned a FA and it was well worth the price- flawless.
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What you carry isn't as important as how well you can use it. Must carry concealed or not is irrelevant.
Like dyl says, what's under 25 feet got to do with it?
Doc Holliday 1950 said:
You live in a state where you must carry concealed. What would you carry & why?
I live in such a state. I usually carry a Colt Officers ACP (1911, 3-1/2" barrel) in an OWB holster with a cover garment. Other options are a 3" 1911 or a Commander-size 1911, also in an OWB holster.

[Edit to add]The second part of the question: Why?

My pistol of choice is a 1911 because that's what I own and that's what I shoot well.

I also don't understand what the 25-foot qualifier has to do with the question.
Carry must be concealed in my state. The firearms I have used in the last five years are a Springfield Armory XD Mod 2 subcompact in .40 S&W and more recently a Sig P365, 9mm. I carry OWB with clothing covering.

I too have to ask, what about the 25’??
I live in a state where carry must be concealed. I bought a G26 several years ago, before the slim single stacks became the rage, and stuck with it. It carried fine IWB as long as i can manage a cover garment such as a sport coat or an un-tucked shirt. On the occasions when a cover garment doesn't work, I have a Sig P238 for pocket carry. I am mindful that it takes me lower in both capacity and in power, but it still isn't anything to sneeze at, and it shoots very well for me.
I'm from Florida and only carry option here is concealed (with very few exceptions). I just went from the Glock 43 to Springfield Armory Hellcat. It comes with a 11 round mag and a 13 round mag. It is almost the same size as the Glock 43 but carries a lot more rounds. It comes with metal sights with the front being a night sight with a fluorescent yellow outline. Great carry gun.
I don't have to carry concealed, but I do. 99% of the time it's a Kahr CM9 or a Ruger LCP. Both of those semi-autos are 7+1 and I can conceal them easier than a 5-shot snub.
LCP in DeSantis Nemesis pocke holster. Strong side front pocket~always!
Sig P320 Carry Theis IWB Hybrid holster 3:30-4:00 strong side often.
Ruger LCR 38 Spcl. Winter, cold weather heavy coat pocket in DeSantis Memesis pocket Holster
Whether or not local law requires concealment, I feel that it makes good sense to conceal. From a tactical perspective, surprise can work in your favor for defensive encounters. From a civil perspective, some people are uncomfortable around guns. I find that life is just better for everyone when nobody knows who is carrying what in a public place.

As far as your choice, I'm actually carrying an LCR 327 right now. I sometimes carry larger firearms. It's just that doing so involves a little more prep. I've got to think about the right holster, the right belt, the right cover garment, etc. The LCR goes in a pocket holster that fits my usual pants. So that becomes my default for both warm weather and when I'm in a hurry or feeling lazy.

As far as 25 feet, were you wondering about accuracy? I've never shot the 43x but the LCR should be fine at that distance. What is your usual practice distance?
I own a Ruger LC9s, a G43, and a Sig 365. I like them all, shoot them about as well. The Glock is a tiny bit easier to carry but has the least capacity. The Sig has the most capacity and is surprisingly easy to conceal for a 10 or 12 round pistol depending on which magazine I have in it. It is also the most expensive. The Ruger splits the difference, but is the least expensive gun, really the value leader. The Ruger and Sig have a thumb safety which I like on this type of gun.

Considering how many rounds it holds and is still easily accessible the Sig is probably the winner. But depending on my whim at the moment I carry all 3 on occasion
I alternate between a LCR357 and a 3"LCRx357. Both have identical grips and handle the same. I carry my LCR in a Just Holster It IWB Kydex holster at 1 O'Clock. I carry my 3" LCRx in a leather Azula IWB in the same position. I move it closer to full appendix when sitting as I can feel its longer length when sitting. I equip both with ARX .38 Spcl 77 grain ammo. Have been contemplating moving up to ARX .357 86 grain. I practice at 7 and 15 yards.
Shield 9mm, appendix position all day long in any weather. Though occasionally, in colder months, something larger in a leather pancake on my hip and under a jacket.