UNarmed, billards, darts, onion rings and...

Weeg, the chuck norris link is great, that is some funny crap.

As for the bar, I'd do whatever seemed best to keep my hide in it's best condition.
Been there, done that.

First, if he's "on" you, resist enough to free yourself. Then get the hell OUT and don't come back soon.

Anybody who'd attack you in a public place is either drunk/drugged or nuts to start with. So keep your comments to a minimum as well.

Oh, and a really good place to go directly after leaving the bar is to the police station to report an assault. Nobody's likely to be arrested, but you got paper in case the attacker later remembers you.
I am not sure some of you are reading this right...the guy is FIRING his weapon wildly in a bar! I sure as hell am not gonna ask him if I can buy him a drink! I am not gonna ask him anything or be able to ask him anything...because I ain't gonna be anywhere near the nutcase .000001 seconds after he pulls out his weapon and starts shooting!!
Oops! My bad. I guess when I see all caps I find it hard to read so my mind skips it.

In that case, unless you are in some sort of special position, like behind him and he isn't aware of you, you must concentrate on finding enough cover to GET OUT and get as FAR AWAY from the bar as you can as quick as you can.

Once you are out of his earshot, make a ruckus or call 911.

If you happen to be in a safe and good position, grab the hardest, heaviest object nearby (forget it if that's an umbrella, better if it's like a bowling pin) and come down on the top of his head as hard as you can possibly muster.

Then go change your underwear.
One more reason that I think a responsible person should not be worried about carrying ina bar. Its not illegal in my state, and though some are high and mighty about alcohol and guns not mixing, I carry. No one knows, no one will.

Well, I guess you all know, but that doesnt count :p
If you can get a drop on him, pull out that pocket knife you better always have and plunge it into the side of his neck, saw quickly and cut his throat or break his neck, remember 55 ft-lbs is the magic number. If you can't get the drop on him get the bloody hell out of Dodge.
The person who asked "back door, where do you want one?", reminded me of a bar in South Texas in the '50's, a drunk fell over backwards and wound up with his head out in the parking lot and his body still in the bar, really do not need much of a building where the average temperature in January is 65'.
umm...improvised weapons.....only if there are more than one and if not, if he's armed with something less than a gun...my course of action: Possibly talk some sense into said attackers, but if i can't get the words out in time.....Bar Stool, Pool Cue, Beer Bottle, Pocket Knife, another Bar Stool and possibly a pool cue in that order. But most likely the Bar Stool, a nice hefty blunt object which causes sufficient force to persuade the attacker(s) to rethink their next choice. Which is why you should always frequent a bar with non-bolted down bar stools. And mentioned before, if all else fails, just go drinking with Chuck Norris. Because as we all know, The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain. -BamaXD