Ultrasonic Gun Cleaning Systems

  • Thread starter Thread starter JH
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Hi Skorzeny:
Good question. I don't want oil dripping all over the gun but, since the cleaning process srips all lubricant from all part, there is a danger of rust. I'm going to try immersing the frame in lubricant and run the machine for about 1 minute. I'll lube the slide by hand to keep the firing pin channel dry.


If you wanted to add a pump and filter
to your cleaner, I possibly could hook you
up with a pump. I don't know about a filter
but you could use a regular water filter
available from your local hardware store.
I would assume you have a ball valve for your
drain, all you would have to do is add a
Tee before the valve and run some plastic
tubing to the pump and through the filter.
let me know. jeffg
Hi Jeffg:
Thanks for the idea of a pump. I hav tried another idea that seems fairly simply and economical. I fill the ultrasonic tank with water and put the parts to be cleaned in a ziploc with a small amount of cleaning, or lubing solution. This simplifies cleanup and minimizes the quantity of solution used. The only downside I can think of is that the ultrasound waves might be filtered a bit by the plastic. What do you think?

I think your idea would work pretty good
except for what happens to all the residue.
I would think it might be better to use a
little more solution to get some space between it and the parts. One way to tell
how much the plastic it affecting the cavitation is to place a piece of aluminum
foil in the Zip lock with your solution
and run it for 45-60 seconds. Then put
another piece the same size directly in the
water and run it the same amount of time.
By comparing the two you can tell if the
plastic is hurting you. One of the standard
performance tests in the industry is a small
ceramic disk that you coat one side with
#2 pencil lead. After slowly agitating this
disk in the water for one minute you can
tell if the generator is properly tuned
and how well your solution/water is degased.
I hope your manual explained the importance
of degasing the water. If you send me your
address I will mail you a couple of the disks. Is your cleaner 40KHz, I would
think you could put your hand in the tank
without a lot of pain. They work pretty good
for cleaning your hands and its neat to
watch the ultrasonics pull the dirt right out from under your fingernails. take care Jeffg
Skorzeny: How much CLP did you use? I place a small drop on both slide/frame rails and on the sear engagement surface. Never had any CLP leak onto magazines or cartridges.