"Ultimate Self-Defense Revolver"?

I'm with Az F

Three inch round butt K-frame, either my (wife's) 65, bobbed hammer purse gun, or my nickle (prefer blue) 13. If I could snap up a 3" 66 or 19, I'd do it in a heartbeat for a handy field gun. The fixed sight models are my choice for personal protection.
Concealment wise, I'd go with a Ruger Sp101. Or a Taurus 85CH. If not concealment, I'd say the "hi" cap wheelguns from Taurus or a Ruger GP100. Good wheelguns are hard to come by in my opinion.
I don't know about "ultimate", but I consider the Model 19 hard to beat as a defensive sidearm. Mine has the 4" tube and the round butt...it carries great and shoots like a dream. The longer barrel actually makes it more secure for IWB carry than my 2" Taurus, and the round butt makes the whole package very concealable. One could do worse than packing a 4" K- or L-frame.