"Ultimate Self-Defense Revolver"?


New member
After having my S&W 627 PC (short barrel for a while, I must say, that I can't think of any better wheelgun for overall self-defense use....357 mag...8 rounds...short barrel...and it looks darn good too...wow!

Am I wrong?

In fact, the only negative I can think of is its size/weight.

Does any TFL member agree with me that the S&W 627 PC short barrel is the "ultimate self-defense revolver"?

If you don't agree...what's your choice for this "ultimate" title?

Thanks for your opinions.
Good firearm but to me too large for a CCW gun.Rather go with a M 19 2 1/2 inch in a wheelgun.I carry an auto most of the time but do carry a old 36 at times.
I'm with Beem on this.

For me, part of the "ultimate" title requires that it be easily carried concealed.

To that end, the Model 19 2.5" or 4" is the ultimate.
Very Cool. I just bought an 1989 vintage M19 2 1/2" bbl. As soon as I saw it and worked the action I knew I had to have it. I had been looking for a snubby Python for many years but I think now I will stop :) I will vote for the M66 though, as I could not bear to see the bluing go bad on a nice M19 from carry.
Ultimate Self Defense Revolver?

My untimate self defense revolver is my 3 inch model 657. Yes, a 3 inch .41 Magnum. Put a good personal defense load with it and you have something that will STOP ACTIONs.
All great guns but in the real world you have to ask yourself, "what do I need it for?" Thwarting a bank robbery perhaps...not me, I don't risk life and limb (mine and others)for insured money. Running to the aid of someone in need? Possibly. More likely it will be something like this. A cop friend of mine was held up in NYC at gunpoint. If this guy found his badge it would have been all over. All the giant revolvers in nice pancake holsters would have done him no good as he stared down that barrel. What a surprise it must have been when that hole blew out of his trench coat pocket from his airweight 38. and the bad guy tumbled to the sidewalk. It all boils down to what you need. Most people, if they ever have to use a gun will be in this type of situation...I'll give up size anyday for something I can have my hand on while walking to my car late at night.
Model 36 pocket holster .38spl, sp101 2.25" .357 mag pocket holster.
I think the element of surprise in close quartersself defense can't be overestimated, you want my wallet??? Here you go, BLAM,BLAM.
4" Ruger Speed Six. Fixed sights and as near to indestructable as a double action revolver is going to get. It's roughly K frame size so easy to conceal, accurate, reliable and durable.
3" round butt bead-blasted S&W 686 "Plus" with Hogue Bantam grip. Bought it at a gunshow the last weekend before they announced the big sellout. A fantastic piece but probably the last new Smith I ever own. -- Kernel
I like the mdl 65's with a barrel at 3".....or just a mdl 66 the same way.....I prefer it over the 686 for concealability.......just me...fubsy.
There are as many "ultimates" as there are members of this forum, and then some. The ultimate handgun for any individual is what feels and works best for them, even if it is only in his or her mind. I switch back and forth between several handguns, and can make a case for any and/or all to be the "ultimate" in a given situation, from my lowly mouse gun to my .357magnums. Gun choice for defense is not a popularity contest, it a matter of preference based on knowledge and experience.
S&W Model 625 Mountain Gun in 45 ACP. Using moon clips, there's no other revolver that can be reloaded as fast.
Back in the 80's I did something smart, something stupid, and something really smart. S&W made a 2500 gun run of Model 66's with a 3 inch barrel and round butt. Smartly I bought one, stupidly I traded it, and really smartly I bought it back when the shop went out of business.

This is about perfect: the 3 inch gives me full extraction, lessened muzzle blast, and better 'feel'. But, still conceals like a '66 2 1/2". I replaced the red front sight insert with a black insert, then cut a shallow, oval shaped hole in the insert and filled it with white paint. This gives a nice white dot sight.

I'm SOLD on 3" 'K frames.
Right now I'm torn between my .357 model 60 with a 2 1/8 inch barrel due to it's excellent round, and my .38 model 342ti due to it's light weight. I think the perfect revolver (for now, anyway) will be the new Scandium Smith which will probably replace both of them. It has the .357 capability and the light weight.