I can see how the wording of the document could lead to national registration of personally owned weapons. Let's say, just for fun, that in the future too many weapons are getting across the border into Mexico illegally. (Sound familiar?) We are required by the treaty to investigate, disclose and terminate such illegal trade. Well, says our government, we can't know the true scope of the illicit trade unless we have a record of all firearms in the country. Only then can we truly see just what is happening. Granted the idea seems far fetched to the common man with common sense, but we are dealing with a government that has apparently abandoned logical thought processes in order to pander to special interest groups and their own twisted mode of thinking. Also, never forget that just because the treaty sits unadopted by our Senate at the present time, it can be ratified at any time in the future. May I also remind you, regardless of how ludicrous the idea sounds, past administrations and particularly the one now in power, have had no qualms whatsoever trampling on the Constitution and our rights in order to further their political goals.