(TX) Waco police officers carrying higher caliber pistols

With all due respect Civilian, that's BS. (This is not directed to you but to any and all who subscribes to such crupp!)

P.S. During a qualification class today I failed two students for missing the target. One complained that his sigle miss was due to the firearm malfunctioning. Yeah right, come back tommorow buddy.
"With all due respect Civilian, that's BS."

Maybe it is BS, but I have heard at least a 1/2 dozen LEO's state the disadvantages of too high a shooting score. Then again, I am not in law enforcement and I have never personally seen any of the LEO's shoot.

I do have a question for you since you have first hand qualifying experience:

Are police officers more accurate with the revolver or the semi? Or is there very little difference?

Reason for the question:
A lot of Troopers in my state switched from the 686 to the beretta (92 I think) - and none of them seem very happy with the new pistol.
If the criminals are really that sophisticated in Waco, they must also be using tactical body armor and gas masks and such. I mean, no self-respecting professional would pull a bank job without full-auto assault rifles with at least 600 rounds of grean tip .556 or 450 rounds of steel core 7.62x39 for each man, tactical body armor, and tactical gas masks with communications, right? They would probably also have smoke and tear gas grenades to launch back at the police. I know I would(if I were a scumbag perp--it's actually all in the planning and equipment).

Yeah, so those .40's are really gonna' make the difference. Good luck, gents, and let's hope you don't run into any really serious bad guys with a modicum of intelligence and diligence in planning an operation.
Oh, and one more thing--what if the bad guys are really well-equipped and have 40mm m203's and a LAW or two. Or even worse, what if they have one of those revolving 40 mm launchers like a Mechem or Penn Arms? You see, all of these things can be gotten on the black market, or off of army depots. Better have more than a .40 for those really sophisticated criminals.
Civilian, the departments that I've worked for simply ignored the "score" block on the qualification sheet.

The qualification officer would count holes on your target, and when he/she got to the minimum passing score, he/she would stop counting and write "pass" on your qualification sheet.

If you didn't put enough holes in the right area, they'd write "fail" on the sheet and you'd re-try in a week.

I beg to differ

I'd rather they spent the extra money on intensified studies of the US Constitution.

Hey. Wait a second. The last thing any officer in Waco needs is a bigger gun.

How soon we forget.
sopwith21, if you are referring to what I think you are, Waco PD had pretty much nothing to do with that. The location is actually well outside Waco.
sins of omission

>>>>>Waco PD had pretty much nothing to do with that.

Excellent point. Which, of course, begs the question... which is worse, the one who commits the act or the one who stands by and does nothing while it happens?